Applications Closes
31 July 2024
The Calibration Accreditation Advisory Committee (AAC) advises NATA on technical issues related to calibration and the principles of metrological traceability accreditation.
The Calibration AAC is currently seeking expressions of interest from individuals with technical expertise in some or all of the following areas:
- Dimensional metrology
- Flow metrology
- Temperature metrology
- Force Metrology
- Pressure metrology
Preference will be given to individuals who can cover more than one area.
Committee members are appointed for their knowledge and technical expertise. The duties of a committee member include:
- review of NATA’s Accreditation Criteria;
- review of assessment reports for applicant and accredited facilities, where required;
- provision of advice on technical issues arising from assessment activities;
- review and approval of the appointment of technical assessors.
Further information about the role and structure of NATA’s technical committees is available on the NATA website at www.nata.com.au at About Us > Governance > Accreditation Advisory Committees (AAC).
Positions are honorary with the initial term of appointment being five years. Reappointment for three years may be possible following the initial term. Current AAC members may submit an EoI for a vacant or soon to be vacant position, subject to not already having served more than three terms and they satisfy the criteria for the position.
The Committee convenes at 12 to 24 month intervals and NATA covers all travel and accommodation costs relating to attending AAC meetings.
Applicants must:
- hold suitable qualifications and have between 5 and 10 years practical experience in their area(s) of expertise;
- be committed to accreditation and familiar with NATA’s accreditation requirements, for example, through practical experience in an accredited facility, experience as a NATA technical assessor, etc;
- be committed to abide by NATA’s policies, including the need to maintain confidentiality, be objective, act impartially, and to declare any conflicts of interest;
- prepare for, attend and actively participate in AAC meetings.
EoIs should include a current resume along with a cover letter addressing the requirements and attributes detailed above and also why you wish to join the Committee.
Applications can be provided to: Judy Smart, Deputy Sector Manager, Calibration.
Applications will close on 31 July 2024 and will be considered by the current members of the AAC.
Final approval of AAC membership rests with the NATA Board.
NATA recognises the value of and supports equal employment opportunities, including equal opportunity for appointment to its technical committees. All AAC appointments are based on merit and the strength of the EoI submitted regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation or any other discriminatory attribute. NATA encourages EoIs from any person who meets the specified criteria to ensure access to the diverse range of talents necessary for the AAC to fulfil its role.