2020-2021 Strategic focus

Our strategic focus aims to deliver best practice and cost-effective accreditation and complementary services that best serve our members, stakeholders and, of course, the national interest.

Our Strategic Plan image

Social license obligation

We will continue to meet the expectations and requirements of our stakeholders. This often involves effort that is not highly visible but yields strong results. This includes:

  1. Investing: Engaging in activities and programs that benefit stakeholders and members but may not return a profit
  2. Activity: Actively participating in and leading national and international committees
  3. Government: Support in maintaining our international trade obligations.

NATA is widely considered a key influencer and has earned a sound reputation with industry, government and our international partners as being collaborative, collegiate, and a leader in accreditation services.


We will continue to develop new capabilities and increased capacity to match our members and stakeholders’ needs. This has become more evident and relevant in a changing marketplace.

  1. Technology: Innovation that includes investment in the Accreditation Information Management System (AIMS) – NATA’s new member portal
  2. Technical Assessor project: On going attraction, retention, education and recognition
  3. Growing accreditations: Collaboration with members and stakeholders to develop strategies and approaches that add real client value.

Genuine growth builds sustainability and enables NATA to add real value and increase our contribution to our members and the community

Organisational transformation

We will continue to be nimble, agile and member focused to meet technology changes, competitive challenges and market demand.

  1. NATA as a learning organisation
    • Leverage and share our collective skill and knowledge to improve how we operate through Competency Group Meetings and other forums
    • Partner with the Australian Graduate School of Management and the University of New South Wales to develop targeted capability in leadership and management. The end goal to engage high calibre people that will add genuine value to our process.
  2. Heighten awareness and build profile
  3. Bring the Accreditation Management Information System (AIMS) and portal online to transform interaction with stakeholders.

Focus on building capability, leveraging and using knowledge to better engage with members to understand what they need and what their values are.

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Benefits of being a NATA accredited organisation

NATA accredits organisations to perform testing and inspection activities for their products and services. This gives consumers the assurance they need to make safe, healthy and reliable choices. When you choose to become NATA accredited, you can be sure of a number of competitive advantages for your business.
NATA members receive a globally-recognised, peer-reviewed and government endorsed accreditation that provides a unique level of assurance to members, their clients and the community.
Our accreditation provides an independent benchmark for technical competence. Receiving NATA accreditation demonstrates to customers your organisation’s commitment to quality, safety and reliability of products and services.
NATA accreditation is both nationally and internationally recognised. This provides a competitive advantage when compared to non-accredited organisations and ensures you are market-ready to capitalise on trade opportunities.
NATA has been training individuals and teams both nationally and internationally for over 20 years and enjoys a global reputation for the quality of its courses and programs. Our active role in international accreditation education has seen us conduct training in over 20 countries.
NATA’s long standing and active involvement with international groups enables our members to gain international recognition for their accreditation and minimises the need for multiple assessments from different suppliers.
NATA provides innovative and timely business solutions that meet the needs of our members and fulfil the expectations of the community. We have the experience and resources to ensure your accreditation provides you and your organisation with unique advantages.