NATA relies on the knowledge, experience and professional inputs of its more than 3000 volunteer Technical Assessors. The contributions made by this technical community support our success in maintaining our international recognition and International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) and Asia Pacific Accreditation Cooperation (APAC) signatory statuses.
Technical Assessor role
NATA assessments are, first and foremost, a peer review process. Because of this, NATA uses the specialised knowledge and experience of its volunteer Technical Assessors.
The volunteer work they offer to NATA is well recognised within the scientific and technical community and the organisations that make these staff available to NATA are gratefully acknowledged.
Many of our volunteer Technical Assessors already work in NATA accredited organisations or are well recognised in their field of expertise.
Technical Assessors are individuals who display the following qualities:
- Professional expertise and experience
- Knowledge of testing, calibration, inspection or related activities which NATA accredits
- Understanding of management systems
- Analytical approach and an ability to critically evaluate
- Ability to work as a team member
- Communication skills and commitment to the accreditation process
Once accepting an invitation to become a Technical Assessor, individuals participate in a training course delivered by NATA.
Under the direction of a NATA Lead Assessor, Technical Assessors review activities performed by the organisation seeking accreditation. As well as participating in on-site assessments, technical assessors also provide follow up advice and guidance to NATA on post assessment activities including reviewing an organisation’s response to assessment findings.
Technical Assessors information and guidance
Request information about becoming a Technical Assessor here
If you are a new Technical Assessor, you will automatically be subscribed to the NATA Portal including a subscription to all relevant publications required for your specific area of accreditation expertise. If you need information immediately, download the Assessor Information and Guidance plus the relevant NATA Accreditation Criteria (NAC) from this website.