The Trustee for AK - Trust Australian Food Microbiology


Australian Food Microbiology

Accreditation No.


Site No.


Date of Accreditation

13 Nov 2014


Suite 6, 261 Old Northern Road
Castle Hill, NSW 2154


Mr Craig Andrew P: +61 (02) 96344116


Services available to external clients

Scope of Accreditation

Australian Food Microbiology

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)


Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure
Analysis for microorganisms Potable waters Heterotrophic colony count Spread plate - Petrifilm in-house method 33WHA
Escherichia coli​​​​; Coliforms Qualitative selective enrichment US EPA 141.852 (in-house method 33WCER)
Surfaces Plate count Spread plate - Petrifilm In-house Method 33SSP
Listeria monocytogenes; Listeria spp. Selective enrichment AFNOR AES 10/03-09/00 (in-house method 32DAC)
Listeria monocytogenes Qualitative selective enrichment AFNOR UNI 03/04-04/05 (in-house method 32DPC)
Sample collection Potable waters Not applicable Grab in-house method 27C
Surfaces Not applicable Grab in-house method 27B

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)

Food and Beverage

Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure
Analysis for microorganisms Beverages; Crustaceans; Dairy products; Eggs and egg products; Fish; Fruit and fruit products; Meat and meat products; Mixed foods; Molluscs (including shell); Vegetables and vegetable products Listeria monocytogenes Visual immunoassay (VIA)

AOAC RI 051304 (in-house method 32DV)

Plate count Pour plate

GB 4789.2 (in-house method 32AC)

Salmonella spp. Enrichment

AFNOR UNI 03/06-12/07 (in-house method 32CP)

Aerobes Spread plate - Petrifilm

AOAC 990.12 (in-house method 32AP)

Yeasts and moulds Spread plate - Petrifilm AOAC 997.02 (in-house method 32F)
Listeria monocytogenes; Listeria spp. Spread plate

AFNOR UNI 03/05-09/06 (in-house method 32DPB)

Escherichia coli​​​​; Coliforms Spread plate - Petrifilm

AFNOR 3M-01/7-03/99 (in-house method 32LP)

Listeria monocytogenes; Listeria spp. Enrichment; Qualitative selective enrichment

AFNOR UNI 03/04-04/05 (in-house method 32DPA)

Staphylococcus aureus Spread plate - Petrifilm

AOAC 2003.07 (in-house method 32EP)

Yeasts and moulds Spread plate - Petrifilm AOAC 2014.05 (in-house method 32FR)
Staphylococcus aureus Spread plate - Aerobic and anaerobic

GB 4789.10 (in-house method 32EC)

Salmonella spp. Visual immunoassay (VIA)

AOAC RI 011404 (in-house method 32CV)

Listeria monocytogenes; Listeria spp. Enrichment AFNOR AES 10/03-09/00 (in-house method 32DAA and in-house method 32DAB)
Staphylococcus aureus Spread plate - Aerobic and anaerobic

AOAC RI Certificate 081001 (in-house method 32ED)

Beverages; Crustaceans; Dairy products; Eggs and egg products; Fish; Fruit and fruit products; Meat and meat products; Molluscs (including shell); Vegetables and vegetable products Escherichia coli​​​​ O157 H7 Visual immunoassay (VIA)

AOAC RI 121401 (in-house method 32BV)

Beverages; Crustaceans; Eggs and egg products; Fish; Fruit and fruit products; Meat and meat products; Mixed foods; Molluscs (including shell); Vegetables and vegetable products Escherichia coli​​​​; Coliforms - Total Spread plate - Petrifilm

AOAC 991.14; AOAC 998.08 (in-house method 32BP)

Liquid milk Campylobacter spp. Visual immunoassay (VIA)

in-house method 32JV

Analysis of physical and nutritional characteristics Beverages; Crustacean products; Dairy products; Eggs and egg products; Fish; Fruit and fruit products; Meat and meat products; Mixed foods; Molluscs (including shell); Vegetable products; Vegetables pH Electrometric
Sample collection Beverages; Crustaceans; Dairy products; Eggs and egg products; Fish; Fruit and fruit products; Meat and meat products; Mixed foods; Molluscs (including shell); Vegetables and vegetable products Not applicable Grab; Not applicable

in-house method 27A

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