Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency


Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency

Accreditation No.


Site No.


Date of Accreditation

03 Apr 2002


619 Lower Plenty Road
Yallambie, VIC 3085



Services available to external clients

Scope of Accreditation

Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)


  • The uncertainty of measurement is reported as an expanded uncertainty having a level of confidence of 95% unless stated otherwise
Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure Limitations
High frequency electrical metrology - Communications, electromagnetic field strength and EMC test equipment E&H field probes and meters; Electromagnetic field hazard meters and warning indicators; Power measuring equipment Power Comparison with a reference standard


Calibration of Radiofrequency E-field, H-field probes and meters up to 50 W/m2 for frequencies up to 40 GHz and up to
100 W/m2 at 2.45 GHz
with a Calibration and Measurement Capability of –
1.0 dB from 100 kHz to 200 MHz
0.61 dB at 750 MHz and 900 MHz (probe lateral dimension not exceeding 5.5 cm)
1.2 dB from 900 MHz to 1.8 GHz (larger E field probes)
1.0 dB above 1.8 GHz to 40 GHz

Ionising radiation - Ionising radiation standards and equipment Dosimeters Gamma activity; Personal dose equivalent and cumulative effective dose; X-ray radiation Direct measurement against a reference standard


Irradiation on a phantom to a known Hp(10) (mSv) calculated from the air kerma rate using the standard method published in ISO 4037

with a Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
4.0% of reading for Co-60 gamma rays, source activity from 10 TBq, to 100 TBq personal dose equivalent rates in the range 0.5 mSv/s to 150 mSv/s, distances in the range 3 m to 4 m
5.0% of reading for Cs-137 gamma rays, source activity in the range 10 TBq to 150 TBq, air kerma rates in the range 0.5 mSv/s to 150 mSv/s, distance 4 m
5.0% of reading for Co-60 gamma rays, source activity from 10 TBq, to 100 TBq, personal dose equivalent rates in the range 0.01 mSv/h to 0.5 mSv/h, distances in the range 3 m to 4 m
5.5% of reading for Cs-137 gamma rays, source activity in the range 0.3 GBq to 30 GBq, personal dose equivalent rates in the range 0.01 mSv/h to 2 mSv/h, distances in the range 3 m to 4 m
8.0% of reading for Am-241 X-rays, source activity around 170 GBq, personal dose equivalent rates in the range 0.04 mSv/h to 0.4 mSv/h, distances in the range 1 m to 3 m
4.0% of reading for kilovoltage X-rays: ISO 4037 Narrow Spectrum X-ray Series, personal dose equivalent rates in the range 10 μSv/h to 500 μSv/h, distances in the range 2 m to 4 m

Irradiation on a phantom to a known Hp(10) (mSv) calculated from the neutron fluence rate using the standard method published in ISO 8529.

with a Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
12.0% of reading for Am/Be neutron source of activity 110 GBq or 370 GBq, uncollimated beam in a large room, distance of 75 cm, personal dose equivalent rates in the range 0.01 mSv/h to 0.5 mSv/h

Ionising radiation survey instruments Air kerma rate (mGy/h); Ambient dose equivalent (H*(10) rate (mSv/h)); Gamma activity; X-ray radiation Direct measurement against a reference standard


Calibration free in air in a reference field, with ambient dose equivalent calculated from the air kerma rate using the standard method published in ISO 4037

with a Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
4.0% of reading for kilovoltage X-rays: ISO 4037 Narrow Spectrum X-ray Series, personal dose equivalent rates in the range 10 μSv/h to 500 μSv/h, distances in the range 1 m to 4 m

On-site measurement with a calibrated ionisation chamber

with a Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
2.0% of reading for Cs-137 sources in the approximate activity range 0.1 GBq to 100 GBq, at distance from 1 m to 6 m
3.0% of  reading for Co-60 sources for 1250 keV γ-rays in the air kerma rate range of
10 µGy/h to 0.5 mGy/h source in the range 3 MBq to 30 GBq

2.0% of reading for X-ray sources in the range 40 kVp to 300 kVp, tube currents from 1 to 20 mA, at distances of 0.5 m to 1 m
 3.0% of reading for X-ray sources in the range 10 kVp to 100 kVp, tube currents from 1 to 20 mA, at distances of 0.2 m to 0.5 m

Calibration free in air in a reference field with air kerma measurements traceable to the air kerma primary standards

with a Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
2.8% of reading for 662 keV γ-rays in the air kerma rate range of 6 nGy/h to 2 mGy/h using a Cs-137 source in the range 3 MBq to 30 GBq
3.0% of reading for 1250 keV γ-rays in the air kerma rate range of 10 μGy/h to 0.5 mGy/h using a Co-60 source of 13 GBq
7.2% of reading for 59.54 keV γ-rays in the air kerma rate range of 0.1 mGy/h to 0.4 mGy/h using an Am-241 source of 170 GBq

Neutron survey instruments Ambient dose equivalent (H*(10) rate (mSv/h)) Direct measurement against a reference standard


ISO 8529-2 Shadow cone technique using a known Am/Be neutron source
(UK primary standard reference beam)

with a Calibration and Measurement Capability of -

12.0% of reading in the rate range 20 μSv/h to 200 μSv/h
Therapy dosemeters Air kerma rate (mGy/h); Gamma activity; X-ray radiation Direct measurement against a reference standard


Calibration against reference standard thimble chamber calibrated in Co-60, in water phantom in a linac electron beam, using correction factors from IAEA TRS-398

with a Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
2.7% of reading for high energy linac MV electrons in the range 15 MeV to 20 MeV for absorbed dose to water rates of order 2 Gy/min to 10 Gy/min at source-surface distance of 100 cm and reference depth calculated following IAEA TRS-398 with a 10 cm x 10 cm applicator

Calibration against the primary standards of air kerma and absorbed dose

with a Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
0.8% of reading for 1.2 MeV γ-rays in the absorbed dose to water rate range of 1 mGy/s to 20 mGy/s using a Co-60 source in the range 10 TBq to 150 TBq
1.0% of reading for 1.2 MeV γ-rays in the air kerma rate range of 0.1 mGy/s to 20 mGy/s using a Co-60 source in the range 10 TBq to 150  TBq

1.4% of reading for 662 keV γ-rays in the air kerma rate range of 0.1 mGy/s to 20 mGy/s using a Cs-137 source in the range 10 TBq to 150  TBq

1.3% of reading for kilovoltage X-rays in the air kerma rate range of 0.1 mGy/s to 10 mGy/s, for accelerating potentials of 20 kVp to 300 kVp and half-value layers of 0.1 mm to 20 mm of Al, using a tungsten-target continuous X-ray tube

1.4% of  reading for kV X-rays in the range 20 kV to 100 kV at short source-detector distances

0.3% of reading for electrometers of electrical charge greater than

0.1 nC using currents in the range 10 pA to 1000 pA

Calibration against the primary standard of air kerma

with a Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
2.0% of reading for Co-60 and Cs-137 gamma rays for source activity in the range 10 TBq to 150 TBq and air kerma rates in the range 0.5 mGy/s to 150 mGy/s at distances in the range 1 m to 4 m

Calibration against reference standard thimble chamber, calibrated against the primary standard graphite calorimeter, in water phantom in a linac photon beam

with a Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
0.8% of reading for high energy MV linac MV photons at 6 MV, 10 MV and 18 MV for absorbed dose to water rates of order 2 Gy/min to 10 Gy/min with a source-surface distance of 100 cm and depth of 10 cm and 10 cm x 10 cm field

Calibration against decay-corrected absorbed dose to water rate, as calibrated against the primary standard graphite calorimeter, in a water phantom in a Co-60 beam

with a Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
0.8% of reading for Co-60 gamma rays for absorbed dose to water rates of order 1 mGy/s to 20 mGy/s
with a source-surface distance of 100 cm and depth of 5 cm and 10 cm x 10 cm field

The only data displayed is that deemed relevant and necessary for the clear description of the activities and services covered by the scope of accreditation.

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