AWTA Product Testing


AWTA Product Testing

Accreditation No.


Site No.


Date of Accreditation

23 Mar 1972


1st Floor, 191 Racecourse Road
Flemington, VIC 3031


Mr Sean Bassett P: +61 (03) 93712421


Services available to external clients

Scope of Accreditation

AWTA Product Testing

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)

Manufactured Goods

Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure Limitations
Material performance evaluation of leather, textiles and related products Floor coverings Durability Not applicable

TWC 282

Staining propensity
Electrical resistance Not applicable

AS 2834 Appendix D

Total pile mass per unit area Not applicable


Floor coverings; Textile and clothing fabrics Colour fastness to rubbing Not applicable


AATCC 116,

AS 2001.4.3,

AS 2111.19.1,

BS EN ISO 105-X12,

DEF(AUST) 5037 Method C9,

ISO 105-X12,

TWC 165, TWC 232

Textile and clothing fabrics Colour fastness to weathering Not applicable

BS EN ISO 105.B04

Colour fastness to chlorinated water (swimming pool water) Not applicable AS/NZS 2001.4.5,
BS EN ISO 105-E03,
ISO 105-E03
Water vapour transmission Not applicable


Colour fastness to washing Not applicable

AS 2001.4.15,

ISO 105-C10,

ISO 105-C06

Colour fastness to water spotting Not applicable AS/NZS 2001.4.4,
Laundry practice Not applicable

AS/NZS 4146 Appendices D, E, F, G and H

Hydrolysis Classical


Age of dyed cotton threads Not applicable

DEF(AUST) 5037 Method D9

Colour fastness to perspiration Not applicable

AS 2001.4.17-1980,

AS 2001.4.E04,

BS EN ISO 105-E04,

DEF(AUST) 5037 Method C5,

ISO 105-E04,

TWC 174

Surface resistivity Not applicable BS 6524
Colour fastness to seawater Not applicable

AS 2001.4.E02,

BS EN ISO 105-E02,

DEF(AUST) 5037 method C6,

ISO 105-E02
Free formaldehyde (methanal) content Classical

AATCC 112,

ISO 14184.1

Colour fastness to shampoo Not applicable

AS 2111.19.2

TWC 233

Colour fastness to artificial light MBTF lamp; Xenon-arc



AS 2001.4.21,

AS 2001.4.B02,

BS EN ISO 105.B02,

DEF(AUST) 5037 Method C3,

ISO 105-B02,

SAE J1885 -2005,

SAE J2412,

TWC 5,TWC 133

Colour fastness to dry cleaning solvents Not applicable

AS 2001.4.16,

BS EN ISO 105-D01,

DEF(AUST) 5037 Method C7,

ISO 105-D01

Colour - Qualitative Not applicable

AATCC 173,

AS 1580.601,

AS/NZS 4146 Appendix C,

AS/NZS 1906.4,

BS EN 471,

BS 6923

Quantitative analyses of mixtures and blends Not applicable

AS 2001.7


ASTM D629,

AWTA 54,

BS 4407:1998,

ISO 5088, 

IWTO 19 Appendix F,

TWC 155

Chromaticity Measurement using a spectrophotometer and software integration

ISO 105-J05

Colour fastness to bleaching agents; Colour fastness to chemical reagents Not applicable

AS 2001.4.9-1981,

AS 2001.4.11,

AS 2001.4.12

Identification of fibres Not applicable


ASTM D276,

ISO 3146,
Textile fibres - Textile Institute,

TWC 155

Colour fastness to water Not applicable

AATCC 107,

AS 2001.4.E01,

DEF(AUST) 5037 Method.C4, 

ISO 105-E01,

TWC 6, TWC 256, TWC 257
Oil repellency Not applicable

AATCC 118,

DEF(AUST) 5037 Method D5,

TWC 258

Wool pH Classical

AS 2001.3.1,

DEF(AUST) 5037 Method B2,

ISO 3071,


Cuprammonium fluidity of cotton and cellulosic man-made fibres Classical

AS 2001.3.6,

AS/NZS 4146 Appendix F

Scourable branding substances for greasy wool Classical

AS 4054

Extractable matter - Oil content Not applicable

AS 2001.3.4,

IWTO 10,

TWC 136

Alkali insoluble matter Classical

AS 2001.3.2: 1977

Alkali solubility Classical

AS 2001.3.3,

The only data displayed is that deemed relevant and necessary for the clear description of the activities and services covered by the scope of accreditation.

Grey text appearing in a SoA is additional freetext providing further refinement or information on the data in the preceding line entry.