Complete Calibration Services Pty Ltd


Brisbane Calibration Laboratory

Accreditation No.


Site No.


Date of Accreditation

10 Oct 2023


2 / 627 Boundary Road
Archerfield, QLD 4108


Mr Thomas Tilley P: +61 (07) 35209080


Services available to external clients

Scope of Accreditation

Brisbane Calibration Laboratory

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)


Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure Limitations
Dimensional metrology - Engineering equipment and precision instruments Electronic calipers; Vernier calipers Length measurements Comparison with a reference standard According to ISO 13385-1 and JIS B7507


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of
0.019 mm from 5 mm to 200 mm
0.033 mm from over 200 mm to 300 mm

Dimensional metrology - Engineering equipment and precision instrumentsIncluding on site calibrations Extensometers Length measurements Comparison with a reference standard AS 1545
ISO 9513


Including on site calibrations
With Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
(0.25 + 4L) µm where L is the extension in mm from 0.01 mm to 50 mm
Force metrology - Force measuring and testing equipmentIncluding on site calibrations Compression and universal machines in compression; Hydraulic rams and jacks; Load cells; Tension and universal machines in tension Force in compression; Force in tension Comparison measurement with reference load cell Including compliance with AS 2193, ISO 7500-1


including on-site calibrations
with Calibration and Measurement Capability of-
0.25% of reading from 3.0 kN to 3000 kN
0.25% reading from 3.0 kN to 500 kN
Force metrology - Hardness standards and equipmentIncluding on-site calibrations Charpy impact machines Charpy impact Comparison with a reference standard Including compliance with AS 1544 and ASTM E23


Including on site calibrations
With Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
1.4 J up to 450 J

The only data displayed is that deemed relevant and necessary for the clear description of the activities and services covered by the scope of accreditation.

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