Boral Asphalt


Enfield Asphalt Laboratory

Accreditation No.


Site No.


Date of Accreditation

11 Oct 1991


1-5 Norfolk Road
Greenacre, NSW 2190


Mr Brian Cini P: +61 (02) 97421191


Services conditionally available to external clients

Scope of Accreditation

Enfield Asphalt Laboratory

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)

Infrastructure and Asset Integrity

Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure Limitations
Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Aggregate properties Aggregates Particle size distribution Sieve analysis

AS 1141.11.1

Particle size distribution Sieve analysis of material finer than 75 µm

AS 1141.12

Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Aggregate soundness Aggregates Soundness Methylene blue value AS 1141.66, RMS (NSW) Method T659

TfNSW TS 02806.36

Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Asphalt extraction and grading Asphalts Bitumen content and aggregate grading Reflux

AS/NZS 2891.3.1, RMS (NSW) Method T607

TfNSW TS 02806.08

Moisture content Not applicable

AS/NZS 2891.10,

RMS (NSW) Method T660,

TfNSW TS 02806.37

Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Asphalt field density Asphalts Density ratio and air voids Not applicable

Australian Airports Association Method MT002

Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Asphalt filler Asphalts Voids in dry compacted filler Not applicable AS/NZS 1141.17
Apparent particle density of filler Not applicable AS/NZS 1141.7
Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Asphalt mechanical properties Asphalts Marshall stability and flow Not applicable

AS/NZS 2891.5, Australian Airports Association Method MT001

Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Asphalt performance Asphalts Stripping potential Tensile strength ratio

Austroads ATM 232, RMS (NSW) MethodT640

Resilient modulus Indirect tensile AS/NZS 2891.13.1
Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Asphalt specimen manufacture Asphalts Specimen compaction Gyratory compaction

AS/NZS 2891.2.2, RMS (NSW) Method T662

TfNSW TS 02806.39

Specimen conditioning Handling and conditioning

RMS (NSW) Method T661

TfNSW TS 02806.38

Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Asphalt volumetric properties Asphalts Maximum density Methylated spirits displacement

AS/NZS 2891.7.3, RMS (NSW) Method T605

TfNSW TS 02806.06

Bulk density Mensuration; Presaturation; Waxing

AS/NZS 2891.9.1, AS/NZS 2891.9.2, AS/NZS 2891.9.3

Voids and density relationship Not applicable

AS/NZS 2891.8, RMS (NSW) Method T606

TfNSW TS 02806.07

Binder film index Not applicable

Austroads Method AGPT/T237

Sample collection Aggregates Not applicable Aggregate from a conveyor belt; Aggregate from a stockpile; Aggregate from a truck

AS 1141.3.1

AS 1141.3.1 Appendix A4.1 (conveyor belt)
Asphalts Not applicable Uncompacted asphalt

AS/NZS 2891.1.1

Not applicable Extraction of an asphalt core - Dry technique; Extraction of an asphalt core - Wet technique

AS 2891.1.2

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)


Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure Limitations
Analysis of bituminous materials - Properties Bituminous materials Sample handling and conditioning Not applicable

Austroads Method AGPT/T102

Sample collection Bituminous materials Not applicable Polymer modified bitumens from tanks, tankers and drums

Austroads Method AGPT/T101

The only data displayed is that deemed relevant and necessary for the clear description of the activities and services covered by the scope of accreditation.

Grey text appearing in a SoA is additional freetext providing further refinement or information on the data in the preceding line entry.