ExcelPlas Pty Ltd


ExcelPlas Pty Ltd

Accreditation No.


Site No.


Date of Accreditation

26 Mar 2010


274 Wickham Road
Highett, VIC 3190



Mr Ray Huang P: +61 (03) 95322207


Services available to external clients

Scope of Accreditation

ExcelPlas Pty Ltd

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)

Manufactured Goods

Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure Limitations
Material performance evaluation of elastomers, plastics and composite products Bituminous geomembranes (BGM) Tensile properties Not applicable ASTM D7275 50 N to 5000 N
Fibre reinforced composite materials; Geonets and geocomposites; Moulding and extrusion plastics; Plastic film and sheeting; Prepared test specimens Tensile properties Tensile tests with load stress and cross-head control

ASTM D6693

ISO 527-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, AS 1145-1, -2, -3 (2001), -4, -5

Including polyethylene and nonreinforced flexible polyethylene geomembranes

50 N to 50000 N

Geonets and geocomposites Shear strength Not applicable

ASTM D7056

Including pre-fabricated bituminous geomembrane seams
Asperity height Not applicable

ASTM D7466

Integrity; Tensile properties Not applicable; Tensile tests with load stress and cross-head control

ASTM D6392,

ASTM D4437,

ISO 6259

Including field seams used in joining flexible polymeric sheet geomembranes; nonreinforced geomembrane seams produced using thermo-fusion methods
Dispersion of carbon black Microscopic examination; Not applicable

ASTM D5596

Including polyolefin geosynthetics
Peel strength Not applicable

ASTM D6496

Including average bonding peel strength between the top and bottom layers of GCLs
Core thickness Not applicable

ASTM D5994

Including textured geomembranes
Bond strength Not applicable

ASTM D7005

Stress crack resistance Not applicable

 ASTM D5397

AS/NZS 1462.25
Including notched constant tensile load
Pipe material and related products Stiffness Not applicable

AS/NZS 1462.22

Dispersion of carbon black Not applicable

AS/NZS 1462.28

Integrity Not applicable

PIP PNSC0036 clause 4.6.1

Including pipe butt fusion
Ring flexibility Not applicable

AS/NZS 1462.23

Dimensions Not applicable

AS/NZS 1462.1

Reversion Not applicable

AS/NZS 1462.4

ISO 2505
Plastic film and sheeting Peel strength; Tear resistance Not applicable

ASTM D1004, ISO 13954

Prepared test specimens Bending properties; Flexing Not applicable


ISO 178
Including unreinforced and reinforced plastics and electrical insulating materials
Hardness Barcol; Durometer

ASTM D2240

ASTM D 2583
Shore scales A, D
Carbon black content Muffle furnace

ASTM D1603, ASTM D4218

Melt-mass flow rate (MFR); Melt-volume flow rate (MVR) Not applicable

ASTM D1238 Procedure A, ISO 1133-1

Including extrusion plastometer

Including thermoplastics

190ºC and 230ºC

Ash content Muffle furnace

ASTM D5630, ASTM D2584

Oxidation induction temperature; Oxidation induction time (OIT); Transition temperature Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)

ASTM D3895, ASTM D8117, ASTM D5885, ASTM D3418, ISO 11357-6

Including polyolefins, polyolefin geosynthetics; polymers
Specific gravity Displacement


Failure mode; Tensile properties Tensile tests with load stress and cross-head control

ISO 13953;

500 N to 20 kN

Material performance evaluation of leather, textiles and related products Geosynthetic clay liners Methylene blue index of clay Not applicable ASTM C837
Geosynthetic clay liners; Geotextiles Tensile properties Wide strip tensile

AS 3706.2, ASTM D6768/D6768M 

50N to 5000N

Geotextiles Mass per unit area Not applicable AS 2001.2.13, ASTM D5993
Peel strength Not applicable

ASTM D751 Sections 50-53

Sampling and conditioning Not applicable

AS 3706.1

Including sample preparation
Thickness Not applicable

AS 2001.2.15; ASTM D5199

Seam strength Not applicable

AS 3706.6

Tear resistance Tearing trapezoidal

AS 3706.3; ASTM D751 section 32; ASTM D4533

Breaking load Not applicable

ASTM D7179

Including geonets
Puncture resistance Drop cone; Index value

AS 3706.5, ASTM D4833, ASTM D6241

Maximum force Grab tensile

AS 2001.2.3.2

ASTM D7004

50N to 5000N

California bearing ratio (CBR) burst strength California bearing ratio plunger (CBR)

AS 3706.4

Material performance evaluation of paint and related products Industrial coatings Continuity - Holiday High voltage (brush) AS 3894.1
Gloss Measurement using a reference meter AS 1580.602.2
Adhesion Pull-off test AS 1580.408.5

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)


Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure Limitations
Metallic corrosion evaluation Plating Coating thickness Magnetic induction - Low frequency AS 2331.1.4

The only data displayed is that deemed relevant and necessary for the clear description of the activities and services covered by the scope of accreditation.

Grey text appearing in a SoA is additional freetext providing further refinement or information on the data in the preceding line entry.