Hallett Laboratory


Hallett Laboratory

Accreditation No.


Site No.


Date of Accreditation

07 Jan 2016


126 Churchill Road North
Dry Creek, SA 5094



Mr Simon Gardner P: +61 0484782578


Services available to external clients

Scope of Accreditation

Hallett Laboratory

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)

Infrastructure and Asset Integrity

Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure Limitations
Establishment of annex facilities Materials defined by all or some for which the site is accredited Determinations defined by all or some for which the site is accredited Techniques defined by all or some for which the site is accredited
Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Aggregate abrasion Aggregates Abrasion resistance Los Angeles machine value AS 1141.23
Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Aggregate contaminants Aggregates Light particles contaminants; Sugar Fehlings solution; Segregation by density AS 1141.31
AS 1141.35
Organic impurities Colour test

AS 1141.34

Coarse aggregate quality Visual comparison

AS 1141.30.1

Weak particles contaminants Sieve analysis

AS 1141.32

Clay and fine silt Settling

AS 1141.33

Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Aggregate properties Aggregates Particle size distribution Sieve analysis; Sieve analysis of material finer than 75 µm

AS 1141.11.1

AS 1141.12

Bulk density Compacted; Uncompacted

AS 1141.4

Shape Angularity; Average least dimension; Elongation; Flakiness; Flat particles; Proportional calliper

AS 1141.14

AS 1141.15

AS 1141.16

AS 1141.20.1

AS 1141.20.2

AS 1141.20.3




Particle density of coarse aggregate; Particle density of fine aggregate; Water absorption of coarse aggregate; Water absorption of fine aggregate Weighing-in-water

AS 1141.5

AS 1141.6.1

Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Aggregate soundness Aggregates Soundness Exposure to sodium sulfate solution AS 1141.24
Soundness Methylene blue value AS 1141.66
Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Aggregate strength Aggregates Aggregate crushing value; Wet/dry strength variation Not applicable AS 1141.21
Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Concrete, grout and mortar chemical tests Concrete, grout and mortar Chloride level in hardened concrete; Sulfate level in hardened concrete Nitric acid AS 1012.20.1 (except clause 6.2)
Chloride penetration resistance Nordtest method NT Build Method 443
Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Concrete, grout and mortar consistence in situ Concrete, grout and mortar Slump flow Cone; J-ring; T500

AS 1012.3.1

AS 1012.3.5

Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Concrete, grout and mortar deformation Concrete, grout and mortar Modulus of elasticity Poisson's ratio; Static chord modulus AS 1012.17
Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Concrete, grout and mortar performance Concrete, grout and mortar Flexural tensile strength Limit of proportionality EN 14651, ASTM C1609
Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Concrete, grout and mortar permeability Concrete, grout and mortar Permeability Volume change with water absorption - Permeable voids AS 1012.21
Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Concrete, grout and mortar properties Concrete, grout and mortar Flexural strength Modulus of rupture AS 1012.11
Bleeding In situ analysis - Freshly mixed concrete AS 1012.6
Air content of freshly mixed concrete Increased air pressure AS 1012.4.1
Compressive strength Core; Cube; Cylinder

AS 1012.9

AS 1012.14
Mass per unit volume - Fresh concrete

AS 1012.5

Mass per unit volume - Hardened concrete Dimensions

AS 1012.12.1

Setting time - In situ; Setting time - Laboratory Not applicable AS 1012.18
Mass per unit volume - Hardened concrete Water displacement AS 1012.12.2
Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Concrete, grout and mortar shrinkage Concrete, grout and mortar Drying shrinkage specimen measurement Not applicable AS 1012.13
Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Concrete, grout and mortar specimen manufacture and curing Concrete, grout and mortar Specimen manufacture and curing Curing cylinder specimens in the laboratory; In situ manufacture and curing of cylindrical specimens; In situ manufacture and curing of drying shrinkage specimens; In situ manufacture and curing of flexural strength specimens; In situ manufacture and curing of grout and mortar cubes; Manufacture and curing of cylindrical specimens in the laboratory; Manufacture and curing of drying shrinkage specimens in the laboratory; Manufacture and curing of flexural strength specimens in the laboratory; Manufacture and curing of grout and mortar cubes in the laboratory

AS 1012.8.1

AS 1012.8.2
AS 1012.8.3
AS 1012.8.4
Specimen conditioning Wet conditioning of hardened concrete core specimens AS 1012.14
Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Soil classification Soils Liquid limit; Plastic limit; Plasticity index Casagrande four point; Casagrande one point

AS 1289.3.1.1

AS 1289.3.1.2

AS 1289.3.2.1

AS 1289.3.3.1

Sieve analysis Not applicable

AS 1289.3.6.1


Moisture content Drying oven

AS 1289.2.1.1

Linear shrinkage Not applicable

AS 1289.3.4.1

Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Soil compaction characteristics Soils Assignment of optimum moisture content/maximum dry density (OMC/MDD) Not applicable

AS 1289.5.4.2


Dry density/moisture content relationship Modified compactive effort; Standard compactive effort

AS 1289.5.1.1

AS 1289.5.2.1

Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Soil electrical properties Soils Electrical resistance Direct reading AS 1289.4.4.1
Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Soil natural contaminants Soils Acidity pH AS 1289.4.3.1
Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Soil pre-treatment Soils Soil pre-treatment Not applicable

AS 1289.1.1

Sample collection Aggregates Not applicable Quarry aggregate from a rock spall

AS 1141.3.2

Aggregates; Soils Not applicable Aggregate from a stockpile; Disturbed soil sampling from a stockpile

AS 1141.3.1

Concrete, grout and mortar Not applicable Fresh concrete from a mixer

AS 1012.1

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)


Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure Limitations
Analysis of cements and cementitious materials - Composition Cement products Aluminium oxide; Calcium oxide; Ferric oxide; Magnesium oxide; Manganese oxide; Phosphorus pentoxide; Potassium oxide; Silicon dioxide; Sodium oxide; Sulfur trioxide (sulfuric anhydride); Titanium dioxide X-ray fluorescence (XRF) - Dry ingredients; X-ray fluorescence (XRF) - Hydrated material AS 2350.2
AS 4489.5.1
In-house method Hallett Laboratory XRF Test Method
Loss on ignition Not applicable AS 4489.7.1
Lime - Available Classical - Dry ingredients; Classical - Hydrated material AS 4489.6.1
Solid content Not applicable AS 4489.2.1
Sample preparation of quicklime and hydrated lime Not applicable AS 4489.1.1
Moisture - Free Not applicable AS 4489.8.1
Loss on ignition Gravimetric AS 2350.2
Sulfide Classical - Dry ingredients; Classical - Hydrated material AS 3583.7
Pozzolanic materials Chloride Classical - Dry ingredients; Classical - Hydrated material AS 3583.13
Sulfur trioxide (sulfuric anhydride) Classical - Dry ingredients; Classical - Hydrated material AS 3583.8
Insoluble residue Classical - Dry ingredients AS 3583.14
AS 2350.2
Loss on ignition Gravimetric AS 3583.3
Analysis of cements and cementitious materials - Properties Cement products Fineness index Air permeability AS/NZS 2350.8
Soundness of portland and blended cement Cement pat; Le Chatelier AS/NZS 2350.5
Compressive strength Not applicable AS/NZS 2350.11
Consistency Normal consistency AS/NZS 2350.3
Sample preparation of portland and blended cement Not applicable AS 2350.12
Length change Length change with exposure to sulfate solution AS 2350.14
Setting time Not applicable AS/NZS 2350.4
Bulk density Fixed volume measure AS 4489.10.1
Slaking properties Dewar flask AS 4489.3.1
Soundness of limes and limestones Le Chatelier AS 4489.4.2
Drying shrinkage Not applicable AS 2350.13
Particle size Wet sieving AS 2350.9
Pozzolanic materials Fineness Not applicable AS 3583.1
Relative density (specific gravity) Displacement AS 3583.5
Moisture - Free Convection oven AS 3583.2
Relative strength and water requirement Not applicable AS 3583.6
Sample collection Cement products Not applicable Portland, blended and masonry cements from bags, bins, transport containers AS/NZS 2350.1
Hallett Laboratory Annex Facility

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)

Infrastructure and Asset Integrity

Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure Limitations
Annex facility Materials defined by all or some for which the site is accredited Determinations defined by all or some for which the site is accredited Techniques defined by all or some for which the site is accredited Hallett Laboratory Annex Facility No. 26967, is established from 18 November 2024 until 31 December 2025 for BHP Oz Minerals PHOX Project, for BHP, Contract  BHP138723-40803.

The only data displayed is that deemed relevant and necessary for the clear description of the activities and services covered by the scope of accreditation.

Grey text appearing in a SoA is additional freetext providing further refinement or information on the data in the preceding line entry.