
INDT Laboratory

Accreditation No.


Site No.


Date of Accreditation

22 Mar 2006


6 John Vella Drive
Paget, QLD 4740


Mr Craig Birkett P: +61 (07) 49526779


Services available to external clients

Scope of Accreditation

INDT Laboratory

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)

Infrastructure and Asset Integrity

Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure Limitations
Non-destructive testing (NDT) - Magnetic particle testing Metallic surfaces - Magnetic Defect detection and characterisation AC magnetic flow
Non-destructive testing (NDT) - Penetrant testing Metallic surfaces Defect detection and characterisation Solvent removable; Water washable
Non-destructive testing (NDT) - Ultrasonic testing Castings - Cast irons, steel and alloy steels; Rolled or wrought steel products; Welded joints - Ferritic materials; Welded joints - Stainless steel, austenitic and duplex materials Defect detection and characterisation A-scan - Manual
Metallic piping; Metallic plate; Metallic tubes - Ferromagnetic materials; Metallic tubes - Non-ferromagnetic materials Material loss characterisation; Profiling A-scan - Manual
Material thickness - Spot/grid only A-scan - Manual
Non-destructive testing (NDT) - Visual testing - During service life Welded joints Defect detection Visual testing Mining equipment, structural steel works, storage equipment, Pressure piping and equipment

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)

Manufactured Goods

Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure Limitations
Material performance evaluation of metal products Prepared metallic test specimens; Welded test specimens Impact resistance Charpy - Assessment of fracture appearance; Charpy V-notch - Impact value

AS 1544.2, AS 1544.5, ISO 148-1; AS 2205.7.1,  ISO 9016, ISO 15614-1

In the temperature range ambient to -80°C 

Hardness Vickers

AS 1817.1,  AS 2205.6.1, ASTM E384, ISO 6507-1, ISO 9015-1, ISO 15614-1 

9.8 to 98 N

Tensile properties All-weld-metal tensile; Axial tensile; Longitudinal tensile; Tensile tests with control of strain rate, including yield stress and proof stress; Transverse butt tensile; Transverse joggle-butt tensile; Transverse tensile; Uniaxial tension

AS 1391, AS/NZS 1554.3, AS 2205.2.1, AS 2205.2.2, ASTM A370, ASTM E8/E8M, ISO 6892-1,  ISO 4136, ISO 15614-1, ISO 15630-2, ASME IX QW 150, ANSI AWS D1.1 Section 4 

2 kN to 1000 kN 

Hardness Brinell

AS 1816.1, ASTM E10, ISO 6506-1

2.45 to 29.4 kN 

Welded test specimens Bending properties Longitudinal guided bend

AS/NZS 2205.3.1, ASTM E190, ASME IX Q160, ANSI AWS D1.1 Section 4, ISO 5173 

Macroscopic examination Macroscopic examination

AS/NZS 2205.5.1, ASTM E340, ASME IX QW183, ANSI AWS D1.1 Section 4, ISO 17639

Shear strength Not applicable

AS/NZS 1554.3, ISO 15630-2 

Fracture test Macroscopic examination; Visual examination

AS/NZS 2205.4.1, ASME IX QW180, ANSI AWS D1.1 Section 4, ISO 9017 

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