
LMATS Perth Laboratory

Accreditation No.


Site No.


Date of Accreditation

02 Aug 2007


Unit 3, 52 Cocos Drive
Bibra Lake, WA 6163



Mr Jignesh Dhimar P: +61 (08) 94186380


Services available to external clients

Scope of Accreditation

LMATS Perth Laboratory

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)

Infrastructure and Asset Integrity

Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure Limitations
Evaluation of load handling, rigging and tensioning systems Anchors and anchor plate assemblies Proof load Not applicable AS 5216, ASTM E488, ASTM E1512, EOTA TR 048, AEFAC TN05 Vol 1 & 2
Leak evaluation of welds Metallic storage vessels; Pressure vessels Leakage Differential pressure box ASME V Article 10
Non-destructive testing (NDT) - Electromagnetic testing Metallic surfaces Defect detection and characterisation High frequency eddy current
Non-destructive testing (NDT) - Electromagnetic testing - Specialised - Eddy current array Metallic surfaces Defect detection and characterisation Not applicable
Non-destructive testing (NDT) - Electromagnetic testing - Specialised - Magnetic flux leakage (MFL) Metallic plate Profiling Not applicable
Non-destructive testing (NDT) - Magnetic particle testing Metallic surfaces - Magnetic Defect detection and characterisation AC magnetic flow; Coil
Non-destructive testing (NDT) - Penetrant testing Metallic surfaces Defect detection and characterisation Solvent removable; Water washable
Non-destructive testing (NDT) - Radiographic testing Welded joints - Aluminium alloys; Welded joints - Clad and overlaid steel; Welded joints - Copper and copper-nickel alloys; Welded joints - Ferritic materials; Welded joints - Stainless steel, austenitic and duplex materials; Welded joints - Titanium and titanium alloys Defect detection and characterisation Film radiography
Non-destructive testing (NDT) - Ultrasonic testing Castings; Forgings; Metallic components; Metallic piping; Metallic plate; Metallic tubes - Ferromagnetic materials; Metallic tubes - Non-ferromagnetic materials Material thickness - Spot/grid only A-scan - Manual; Thickness meter
Material loss characterisation; Profiling A-scan - Manual
Rolled or wrought steel products; Welded joints - Aluminium alloys; Welded joints - Clad and overlaid steel; Welded joints - Ferritic materials Defect detection and characterisation A-scan - Manual
Non-destructive testing (NDT) - Ultrasonic testing - Specialised - Phased array (PAUT) Rolled or wrought steel products; Welded joints - Aluminium alloys; Welded joints - Clad and overlaid steel; Welded joints - Ferritic materials Defect detection and characterisation Manual
Non-destructive testing (NDT) - Visual testing - During service life Castings; Forgings; Rolled products; Welded joints Defect detection Visual testing Castings - Valve bodies, piping components, locomotive engine components
Forgings - Valve components, pressure vessel attachments, locomotive engine components
Rolled products - Pressure vessel and structural plates and sections
Non-destructive testing (NDT) - Visual testing - Prior to initial service Castings; Forgings; Rolled products; Welded joints Defect detection Visual testing

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)

Manufactured Goods

Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure Limitations
Evaluation of access protection products Balustrades; Edge protection (including guardrails and guardrail posts) Static load Not applicable

AS/NZS 1170.1 Section 3.6

AS 1288 Section 7 Appendices H, I, J
Including on-site testing.
Edge protection (including guardrails and guardrail posts) Rigidity; Static load; Strength Not applicable AS 1657 Appendices B, C and D

Including on-site testing.
Dynamic load; Static load Not applicable AS/NZS 4994.1 Appendices A, B, C, D, E Including on-site testing.
Fencing and gates designed for fixed installation Dynamic load; Rigidity; Strength Not applicable AS 1926.1 Appendices B, C, D, E Including on-site testing.
Fencing and gates designed for temporary installation Dynamic load; Foothold aperture; Impact resistance; Simulated climbing evaluation; Wind force overturning evaluation Not applicable AS 4687 Sections 4, 4.3 Including on-site testing.
Material performance evaluation of metal products Fixtures and components Tensile properties Longitudinal tensile; Tensile tests with control of strain rate, including yield stress and proof stress; Transverse tensile

AS 1391, ASTM A370, ASTM E8M, ISO 6892-1

0.2 kN to 3000 kN including on-site testing except for tensile properties.

Prepared metallic test specimens Bending properties Longitudinal guided bend; Transverse guided bend

AS/NZS 2205.3.1, AS/NZS 3992, ASME IX QW-160, ISO/EN 5173 

Compression; Shear strength Not applicable

in-house method TP-LOD-02

0.2 kN to 3000 kN

Hardness Brinell

AS 1816.1, ASTM E10

tests to 29.4 kN including on-site testing.

Impact resistance Charpy - Assessment of fracture appearance; Charpy - Lateral expansion; Charpy V-notch - Impact value

AS 1544.2,

AS 1544.5,
ASTM A370,
ISO 148-1

from ambient temperature
to -101°C and at -196°C

Hardness Rockwell - Scale A; Rockwell - Scale B; Rockwell - Scale C

AS 1815.1,
ISO 6508-1

Hardness Vickers

AS 1817.1,
ASTM E384,
ISO 6507-1

0.98 N to 294 N including on-site testing.

Prepared metallic test specimens Tensile properties Longitudinal tensile; Tensile tests with control of strain rate, including yield stress and proof stress; Transverse tensile

AS 1391, ASTM A370, ASTM E8M, ASTM F606,
ISO 6892-1

0.2 kN to 3000 kN 

Reinforcing bar and steel prestressing materials for concrete Tensile properties Longitudinal tensile

AS/NZS 4672.1 Section 5.5, 

AS 1391, 

ISO 15630-3 Section 5

0.2 kN to 3000 kN

Threaded fasteners, bolts and nuts Bolt assembly performance Acceptable degree of tightening under specified load AS/NZS 1252.1 Appendix D4
Hardness Rockwell - Scale C; Vickers

AS 4291.1

Proof load Not applicable

AS 4291.1, AS/NZS 4291.2, AS/NZS 2465, ASTM A370, ASTM F593, ASTM F606, ISO 898-1, SAE J429 

0.2 kN to 3000 kN

Tensile properties; Tension Longitudinal tensile

AS 4291.1, ASTM F606, ISO 898-1, ISO 3506.1, SAE J429

 0.2 kN to 3000 kN,

Welded test specimens Tensile properties All-weld-metal tensile; Axial tensile; Longitudinal tensile; Tensile tests with control of strain rate, including yield stress and proof stress; Transverse butt tensile; Transverse joggle-butt tensile; Transverse tensile

AS 1391, AS 2205.2.1, AS 2205.2.2, AS/NZS 3992, ASME IX QW-150, ASTM E8M, AWS D1.1

0.2 kN to 3000 kN

Bending properties Longitudinal guided bend; Slow bend on rail sections; Transverse guided bend

AS/NZS 2205.3.1, AS 1085.20 Appendix K,
AS/NZS 3992, ASME IX QW-160, ISO/EN 5173

in-situ testing capability for test method AS 1085.20 Appendix K only
Fillet-break fracture Macroscopic examination; Visual examination

AS 1665, ASME IX QW-182

Impact resistance Charpy - Assessment of fracture appearance; Charpy - Lateral expansion; Charpy V-notch - Impact value

AS 1544.2, AS 1544.5, AS 2205.7.1, ASTM E23, ASTM A370, ISO 148-1

from ambient temperature to -101°C and at -196°C

Hardness Vickers

AS: 1817.1, AS 2205.6.1, AS 1085.20 Appendices G2 and G3, NACE MR0175, ISO 15156-1

Vickers - Hardness range 2.94 N to 294 N

Nick-break fracture Macroscopic examination; Visual examination

AS 1665; AS 2205.4.1

Macroscopic examination Macroscopic examination

AS 2205.5.1, AS 1085.20 Appendix H, AS/NZS 1554, AS/NZS 3992, AWS D1.1, ASME IX QW-183 and QW-184

Mechanical performance evaluation of ladders, racks, scaffolds and supports Scaffolding and scaffolding components Coefficient of friction; Stiffness; Strength Not applicable

AS 1576.1,

AS 1576.2 Appendices A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M and N,

AS 1576.3 Appendices A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H,
AS/NZS 1577 Sections 3,4,5,6 Appendices A, B, C and D (scaffolding planks and decking components),
Including on-site testing
AS/NZS 1577 Appendix D (Scaffolding planks and decking components only),
AS 1576.3 Appendix H (scaffolds only),
 AS 1576.2 Appendix N (scaffolding fittings only)

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)


Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure Limitations
Analysis of metals and alloys High alloy steels; Low alloy steels; Manganese steels; Plain carbon steels; Stainless steels; Tool steels Aluminium; Boron; Carbon; Chromium; Cobalt; Copper; Lead; Magnesium; Manganese; Molybdenum; Nickel; Niobium; Nitrogen; Phosphorus; Silicon; Sulfur; Tin; Titanium; Tungsten; Vanadium; Zirconium Atomic emission spectroscopy (AES) - Arc spark in-house method TP-CT-02
Metallic corrosion evaluation Aluminium and aluminium alloys Corrosion resistance; Intergranular corrosion resistance Mass loss after exposure to nitric acid (NAMLT test); Not applicable ASTM G66;

5XXX Series Aluminium Alloys
Austenitic, duplex and nickel-chromium alloys Pitting corrosion resistance Ferric chloride pitting

ASTM G48 Method A

Intergranular corrosion resistance Copper-copper sulfate-50% sulfuric acid; Copper-copper sulfate-sulfuric acid; Oxalic acid etch

ASTM A262 Practices A and E

Austenitic, duplex and nickel-chromium alloys; Ferrous materials Detrimental intermetallic phase Ferric chloride corrosion test

ASTM A923 Method C 

Metallographic evaluation of metals and alloys Austenitic, duplex and nickel-chromium alloys Detection of iron on passivated steel - Contamination test Potassium ferricyanide nitric acid

ASTM A380 Clause 7.3.4

Ferrous materials Phase identification and proportion Microscopic examination AS/RISSB 1085.20 Appendix I
Phase identification and proportion Point count

ASTM E562 

Grain size Microscopic examination

ASTM E112 

The only data displayed is that deemed relevant and necessary for the clear description of the activities and services covered by the scope of accreditation.

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