Metlabs (Australia) Pty Ltd



Mechanical and Metallurgical Testing


Accreditation No.


Site No.


Date of Accreditation

08 Oct 2019


226 Planet Street
Welshpool, WA 6106


Mr John Carroll P: +61 (08) 93614995


Services available to external clients

Scope of Accreditation

Mechanical and Metallurgical Testing

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)

Manufactured Goods

Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure Limitations
Material performance evaluation of metal products Prepared metallic test specimens Bending properties Longitudinal guided bend; Transverse guided bend AS 2505.1
Hardness Rockwell - Scale B; Rockwell - Scale C AS 1815.1, ASTM E18, ISO 6508-1
Hardness Vickers AS 1817.1, ASTM E92, ISO 6507-1 9.8 N to 294.2 N
Tensile properties Longitudinal tensile; Tensile tests with control of strain rate, including yield stress and proof stress; Transverse tensile AS 1391;
ASTM A370;
ASTM F606;
ISO 6892-1
Impact resistance Charpy - Assessment of fracture appearance; Charpy - Lateral expansion; Charpy V-notch - Impact value AS 1544.2;
AS 1544.5;
ASTM A370;
ISO 148-1
from ambient temperature to -80°C and at -196°C
Hardness Brinell - Portable tester ASTM E110 tests to 29.4 kN
including on-site testing
Hardness Brinell AS 1816.1, ASTM E10 tests to 29.4 KN
Reinforcing bar and steel prestressing materials for concrete Tensile properties Longitudinal tensile AS/NZS 4672.1 Section 5.5;
AS 1391;
ISO 15630-1 Section 5
Tubing/piping Bending properties; Flattening properties Not applicable ASTM  A450
Welded test specimens Impact resistance Charpy - Assessment of fracture appearance; Charpy - Lateral expansion; Charpy V-notch - Impact value AS 1544.2;
AS 1544.5;
ASTM A370;
ISO 148-1;
AS 2205.7.1
from ambient temperature to -80°C and at -196°C
Tensile properties All-weld-metal tensile; Axial tensile; Longitudinal tensile; Tensile tests with control of strain rate, including yield stress and proof stress; Transverse butt tensile; Transverse joggle-butt tensile; Transverse tensile AS 1391;
AS 2205.2.1;
AS 2205.2.2;
for the compliance with AS 3992 and AWS D1.1
Fillet-break fracture; Fracture test Macroscopic examination; Visual examination AS/NZS 1665 Section 4.2.9, AS 2205.4.1, AS 2205.4.2 (2003), ASME IX QW-182, AWS D1.1 Section 4.22.4, AWS D3.6 Section 5.11 and ISO 9017
Bending properties Simple bend; Slow bend on rail sections AS 1085.20 Appendix K
Fracture test; Nick-break fracture Macroscopic examination; Visual examination API 1104 Section 5.6.3, AS/NZS 1665 Section 4.2.9, AS 2205.4.1, ISO 9017

Hardness Vickers AS 1085.20 Appendix G3, AS 1817.1, AS 2205.6.1, ASME IX QW-290, ASTM E92, NACE MR0175 / ISO 15156-2, NACE MR0175 / ISO 15156-3 and ISO 6507-1

9.8 N to 294.2 N
Macroscopic examination Visual examination AS 1085.20 Appendix H, AS 2205.5.1, ASME IX QW-183 & Table QW-453, AWS D1.1 Sections 4.9.4, 4.11, 4.22.2, and 9.22.1, AWS D3.6 Section 5.11, DNVGL-OS-C401 Section 3.3.4, DNVGL-RU-SHIP Part 2 Chapter 4 Sections 12 and 14, DNVGL-ST-F101 Appendix B.2.10 and ISO 17639

Bending properties Longitudinal guided bend; Transverse guided bend AS 2205.3.1, AS 2205.3.3, AS/NZS 3992 Section 7.6, ASME IX QW-160, AWS D1.1 Section, AWS D3.6 Section 5.11, ISO/EN 5173

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)


Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure Limitations
Metallic corrosion evaluation Austenitic, duplex and nickel-chromium alloys Pitting corrosion resistance Ferric chloride pitting ASTM G48 Method A
Intergranular corrosion resistance Copper-copper sulfate-50% sulfuric acid; Copper-copper sulfate-sulfuric acid; Oxalic acid etch AS 2038 (1977), ASTM A262 Practices A and E, ISO 3651-2
Intergranular corrosion resistance Nitric acid AS 2038 (1977), ASTM A262 Practices A and C, ISO 3651-1
Austenitic, duplex and nickel-chromium alloys; Ferrous materials Detrimental intermetallic phase Ferric chloride corrosion test ASTM A923 Methods A and C 
Metallographic evaluation of metals and alloys Austenitic, duplex and nickel-chromium alloys Phase identification and proportion Point count ASTM E562 
Detection of iron on passivated steel - Contamination test Potassium ferricyanide nitric acid ASTM A380 Clause 7.3.4
Ferrous materials Phase identification and proportion Microscopic examination AS 1085.20 Appendix I

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