Australian Laboratory Services Pty Ltd


Melbourne Microbiology Laboratory

Accreditation No.


Site No.


Date of Accreditation

14 Mar 1977


22 Dalmore Drive
Scoresby, VIC 3179


Ms Nathalie Dunstan P: +61 (03) 87568111


Services available to external clients

Scope of Accreditation

Melbourne Microbiology Laboratory

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)


Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure
Analysis for microorganisms Bacterial isolates; Yeast isolates Identification MALDI-TOF in-house method QWI-FM0135 (MBT Compass Library 11897 MSP)
Pet foods; Stockfeeds Thermophilic anaerobic spore formers Pour plate

in-house method FM0087

Escherichia coli​​​​; Coliforms Pour plate in-house method FM0142
Mesophilic aerobic spore formers Pour plate

in-house method FM0053

Bacillus cereus Spread plate

AS 5013.2 (in-house method FM0031)

Clostridium perfringens Qualitative selective enrichment

in-house method FM0073

Thermophilic aerobes Pour plate

in-house method FM0039

Salmonella spp. Qualitative selective enrichment

AS 5013.10 (in-house method FM0002)

Listeria monocytogenes; Listeria spp. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) - Automated (VIDAS)

AFNOR BIO 12/2-06/94 (in-house method FM0006)

Bacillus cereus Qualitative selective enrichment

ISO 21871 (in-house method FM0058)

Listeria innocua; Listeria ivanovi; Listeria monocytogenes; Listeria seeligeri; Listeria spp.; Listeria welshimeri Qualitative selective enrichment

in-house method FM0007

Listeria monocytogenes; Listeria spp. Qualitative selective enrichment

AS 5013.24.1 (in-house method FM0007)

Psychrotrophic microorganisms Spread plate

AS 5013.23 (in-house method FM0054)

Xerophilic moulds; Xerophilic yeasts; Yeasts and moulds Spread plate

AS 5013.29 (in-house method FM0022)

Plate count Pour plate

AS 5013.5 (in-house method FM0011)

Salmonella spp. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) - Automated (VIDAS)

AFNOR BIO 12/10- 09/02 (in-house method FM0003)

Campylobacter coli; Campylobacter jejuni Qualitative selective enrichment

AS 5013.6 (in-house method FM0032)

Enterobacteriaceae Pour plate

in-house method FM0020

Staphylococcus spp. - Coagulase producing strains Qualitative selective enrichment

AS 5013.12.3 (in-house method FM0024)

Vibrio spp. Most probable number (MPN)

in-house method FM0071

Coliforms Pour plate

AS 5013.4 (in-house method FM0015)

Enterobacteriaceae Most probable number (MPN)

AS 5013.8 (in-house method FM0017), ISO 7402 (in-house method FM0017)

Escherichia coli​​​​; Coliforms Spread plate - Petrifilm

AOAC 991.14 (in-house method FM0040), AOAC 998.08 (in-house method FM0040)

Anaerobes Pour plate

in-house method FM0012

Salmonella spp. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) - SOLUS

AFNOR SOL 37/01-06/13 (in-house method FM0003E)

Staphylococcus spp. - Coagulase producing strains Spread plate

AS 5013.12.1 (in-house method FM0023)

Listeria spp. Spread plate

AS 5013.24.2 (in-house method FM0005)

Clostridium spp. - Sulfite reducing Pour plate

in-house method FM0072

Escherichia coli​​​​ Most probable number (MPN)

AS 5013.15 (in-house method FM0013)

Clostridium spp. - Sulfite reducing Most probable number (MPN)

in-house method FM0115

Vibrio parahaemolyticus Most probable number (MPN)

in-house method FM0060

Thermophilic aerobic spore formers Pour plate

in-house method FM0051

Escherichia coli​​​​; Coliforms Qualitative

in-house method FM0014

Coliforms Most probable number (MPN)

AS 5013.3 (in-house method FM0013)

Lactic acid bacteria Pour plate

ISO 15214 (in-house method FM0028)

Clostridium perfringens Pour plate

AS 5013.16 (in-house method FM0029)

Campylobacter coli; Campylobacter jejuni Spread plate

AS 5013.6 (in-house method FM0033)

Mesophilic anaerobic spore formers Pour plate

in-house method FM0088

Plate count Spread plate - Petrifilm

AOAC 990.12 (in-house method FM0010)

Coliforms - Thermotolerant Most probable number (MPN)

in-house method FM0013

Yeasts and moulds - Osmophilic Pour plate

in-house method FM0021

Rope spore forming bacteria Pour plate

APHA 4th Ed (in-house method FM0050)

Listeria innocua; Listeria ivanovi; Listeria monocytogenes; Listeria seeligeri; Listeria spp.; Listeria welshimeri Spread plate

in-house method FM0005

Lactobacillus spp. Pour plate

in-house method FM0026

Analysis for microorganisms in abattoirs Meat; Meat surfaces Salmonella spp. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) - Automated (VIDAS)

AOAC 996.08 (in-house method FM0046)

Salmonella spp. Qualitative selective enrichment

AS 5013.10 (in-house method FM0002)

Escherichia coli​​​​; Coliforms Spread plate - Petrifilm

AOAC 991.14 (in-house method FM0040), AOAC 998.08 (in-house method FM0040)

Plate count Pour plate

AS 5013.5 (in-house method FM0011)

Plate count Spread plate - Petrifilm

AOAC 990.12 (in-house method FM0010)

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)


Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure
Analysis for microorganisms Air - Ambient Plate count; Yeasts and moulds Impaction

in-house method FM0036

Plate count; Yeasts and moulds Settle plate

in-house method FM0035

Bacterial isolates; Yeast isolates Identification MALDI-TOF in-house method QWI-FM0135 (MBT Compass Library 11897 MSP)
Estuarine waters; Fresh waters; Industrial waters - Treated, recirculating; Potable waters; Purified and processed waters; Recycled waters; Sewage; Swimming pool and spa waters; Trade wastes Listeria innocua; Listeria ivanovi; Listeria monocytogenes; Listeria seeligeri; Listeria spp.; Listeria welshimeri Membrane filter; Qualitative selective enrichment

in-house method WM0014

Plate count Pour plate

AS/NZS 4276.3.1 (in-house method WM0004), AS/NZS 4276.3.2 (in-house method WM0002)

Escherichia coli​​​​; Coliforms Membrane filter

in-house method WM0024

Plate count Membrane filter

in-house method PM0024

Legionella pneumophila; Legionella spp. Spread plate

AS 3896 (in-house method WM0013)

Yeasts and moulds Membrane filter

in-house method WM0025

Plate count Spiral plate

in-house method WM0003

Enterobacteriaceae Membrane filter

in-house method WM0021

Coliforms Membrane filter

in-house method PM0041, AS/NZS 4276.5 (in-house method WM0005)

Staphylococcus spp. - Coagulase producing strains Membrane filter

AS/NZS 4276.20 (in-house method WM0009)

Escherichia coli​​​​; Coliforms - Thermotolerant Membrane filter

in-house method PM0041, AS/NZS 4276.7 (in-house method WM0005)

Pseudomonas aeruginosa Membrane filter

AS/NZS 4276.13 (in-house method WM0006)

Salmonella spp. Membrane filter; Qualitative selective enrichment

AS 4276.14 (in-house method WM0001)

Estuarine waters; Fresh waters; Industrial waters - Treated, recirculating; Purified and processed waters; Recycled waters; Sewage; Swimming pool and spa waters; Trade wastes Pseudomonads Membrane filter

in-house method PM0016

Surfaces Salmonella spp. Qualitative selective enrichment

AS 5013.10 (in-house method FM0002)

Escherichia coli​​​​; Coliforms Pour plate in-house method FM0142
Salmonella spp. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) - SOLUS

AFNOR SOL 37/01-06/13  (in-house method FM0003E)

Escherichia coli​​​​ Most probable number (MPN)

AS 5013.15 (in-house method FM0013)

Escherichia coli​​​​ Qualitative selective enrichment

BP (in-house method PM0027)

Listeria monocytogenes; Listeria spp. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) - Automated (VIDAS) AFNOR BIO 12/02-06/13 (in-house method FM0006)
Escherichia coli​​​​; Coliforms Spread plate - Petrifilm

AOAC 991.14 (in-house method FM0040), AOAC 998.08 (in-house method FM0040)

Coliforms - Thermotolerant Most probable number (MPN)

in-house method FM0013

Pseudomonads Qualitative selective enrichment

BP (in-house method PM0015)

Coliforms Pour plate

AS 5013.4 (in-house method FM0015)

Plate count Spread plate - Petrifilm

AOAC 990.12 (in-house method FM0010)

Listeria monocytogenes; Listeria spp. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) - SOLUS

AFNOR SOL 37/01-06/13 (in-house method FM0006E)

Coliforms Most probable number (MPN) AS 5013.3 (in-house method FM0013)
Plate count Pour plate

in-house method FM0008, AS 5013.5 (in-house method FM0011)

Yeasts and moulds Pour plate

in-house method FM0117, FM0021, BP (in-house method PM0008)

Pseudomonas aeruginosa Qualitative selective enrichment

BP (in-house method PM0025)

Cronobacter spp.​​​​ Qualitative selective enrichment ISO 22964 (in-house method FM0037)
Staphylococcus aureus Qualitative selective enrichment

BP (in-house method PM0014)

Plate count; Yeasts and moulds Contact plates

in-house method FM0034

Enterobacteriaceae Pour plate in-house method FM0020
Sample collection Industrial waters - Treated, recirculating; Potable waters Not applicable Grab

in-house method SOP-MIC0021

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)

Food and Beverage

Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure
Analysis for microorganisms Bacterial isolates; Yeast isolates Identification MALDI-TOF in-house method QWI-FM0135 (MBT Compass Library 11897 MSP)
Beverages; Cereal products; Cocoa and cocoa products; Confectionery; Crustaceans; Dairy products; Dehydrated foods; Edible fats and oils; Eggs and egg products; Fish; Food additives; Fruit and fruit products; Gelatine and other gums; Heat-processed foods in hermetically sealed containers; Herbs and spices; Honey; Infant formulas; Meat and meat products; Mixed foods; Molluscs (including shell); Nuts and nut products; Poultry and poultry products; Sandwiches; Sugar products; Vegetables and vegetable products Salmonella spp. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) - Automated (VIDAS)

AFNOR BIO 12/10-09/02 (in-house method FM0003)

Escherichia coli​​​​; Coliforms Pour plate in-house method FM0142
Cronobacter spp.​​​​ Qualitative selective enrichment

ISO 22964 (in-house method FM0037)

Salmonella spp. Qualitative selective enrichment

AS 5013.10 (in-house method FM0002)

Salmonella spp. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) - SOLUS

AFNOR SOL 37/01-06/13 (in-house method FM0003E)

Beverages; Cereal products; Cocoa and cocoa products; Confectionery; Crustaceans; Dairy products; Dehydrated foods; Edible fats and oils; Eggs and egg products; Fish; Food additives; Fruit and fruit products; Gelatine and other gums; Heat-processed foods in hermetically sealed containers; Herbs and spices; Honey; Meat and meat products; Mixed foods; Molluscs (including shell); Nuts and nut products; Poultry and poultry products; Sandwiches; Sugar products; Vegetables and vegetable products Escherichia coli​​​​; Coliforms Qualitative

in-house method FM0014

Xerophilic moulds; Xerophilic yeasts; Yeasts and moulds Spread plate

AS 5013.29 (in-house method FM0022)

Campylobacter coli; Campylobacter jejuni Qualitative selective enrichment

AS 5013.6 (in-house method FM0032)

Staphylococcus spp. - Coagulase producing strains Qualitative selective enrichment

AS 5013.12.3 (in-house method FM0024)

Campylobacter coli; Campylobacter jejuni Spread plate

AS 5013.6 (in-house method FM0033)

Clostridium perfringens Pour plate

AS 5013.16 (in-house method FM0029)

Rope spore forming bacteria Pour plate

APHA 4th Ed (in-house method FM0050)

Listeria monocytogenes; Listeria spp. Qualitative selective enrichment

AS 5013.24.1 (in-house method FM0007)

Enterobacteriaceae Most probable number (MPN)

AS 5013.8 (in-house method FM0017), ISO 7402 (in-house method FM0017)

Enterobacteriaceae Pour plate

in-house method FM0020

Thermophilic anaerobic spore formers Pour plate

in-house method FM0087

Vibrio spp. Most probable number (MPN)

in-house method FM0071

Bacillus cereus Qualitative selective enrichment

ISO 21871 (in-house method FM0058)

Clostridium perfringens Qualitative selective enrichment

in-house method FM0073

Coliforms Pour plate

AS 5013.4 (in-house method FM0015)

Staphylococcus spp. - Coagulase producing strains Spread plate

AS 5013.12.1 (in-house method FM0023)

Plate count Spread plate - Petrifilm

AOAC 990.12 (in-house method FM0010)

Listeria spp. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) - SOLUS

AFNOR SOL 37/02-06/13 (in-house method FM0006E)

Clostridium spp. - Sulfite reducing Pour plate

in-house method FM0072

Plate count - Anaerobic Pour plate

in-house method FM0012

Bacillus cereus Spread plate

AS 5013.2 (in-house method FM0031)

Lactobacillus spp. Pour plate

in-house method FM0026

Escherichia coli​​​​ Most probable number (MPN)

AS 5013.15 (in-house method FM0013)

Clostridium spp. - Sulfite reducing Most probable number (MPN)

in-house method FM0115

Listeria spp. Spread plate

AS 5013.24.2 (in-house method FM0005)

Listeria monocytogenes; Listeria spp. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) - Automated (VIDAS)

AFNOR BIO 12/2-06/94 (in-house method FM0006)

Thermophilic aerobic spore formers Pour plate

in-house method FM0051

Lactic acid bacteria Pour plate

ISO 15214 (in-house method FM0028)

Psychrotrophic microorganisms Spread plate

AS 5013.23 (in-house method FM0054)

Mesophilic anaerobic spore formers Pour plate

in-house method FM0088

Mesophilic aerobic spore formers Pour plate

in-house method FM0053

Listeria innocua; Listeria ivanovi; Listeria monocytogenes; Listeria seeligeri; Listeria spp.; Listeria welshimeri Qualitative selective enrichment

in-house method FM0007

Escherichia coli​​​​; Coliforms Spread plate - Petrifilm

AOAC 991.14 (in-house method FM0040), AOAC 998.08 (in-house method FM0040)

Plate count Pour plate

AS 5013.5 (in-house method FM0011)

Coliforms Most probable number (MPN)

AS 5013.3 (in-house method FM0013)

Vibrio parahaemolyticus Most probable number (MPN)

in-house method FM0060

Listeria innocua; Listeria ivanovi; Listeria monocytogenes; Listeria seeligeri; Listeria spp.; Listeria welshimeri Spread plate

in-house method FM0005

Yeasts and moulds - Osmophilic Pour plate

in-house method FM0021

Thermophilic aerobes Pour plate

in-house method FM0039

Coliforms - Thermotolerant Most probable number (MPN)

in-house method FM0013

Dairy products Yeasts and moulds Spread plate - MC-Media Pad in-house method QWI-FM0136
Meat and meat products Plate count Pour plate

in-house method FM0008

Meat and meat products; Poultry and poultry products Enterobacteriaceae Qualitative selective enrichment

AS 5013.8 (in-house method FM0019), ISO 7402 (in-house method FM0019)

Poultry and poultry products Enterobacteriaceae Pour plate

AS 5013.8 (in-house method FM0127)

Plate count Pour plate

AS 5013.5 (in-house method FM0080)

Coliforms Spread plate - Petrifilm

AOAC 991.14 (in-house method FM0081)

Staphylococcus spp. - Coagulase producing strains Spread plate

AS 5013.12.1 (in-house method FM0083)

Escherichia coli​​​​ Spread plate - Petrifilm

AOAC 991.14 (in-house method FM0082)

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)

Healthcare, Pharmaceutical and Media Products

Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure
Analysis for media quality control Bacteriology media - Antibiotic sensitivity; Bacteriology media - Biochemical test media; Bacteriology media - General purpose; Bacteriology media - Selective; Routine isolation/differential mycology media Cultural recovery; Cultural sensitivity; Culture selectivity; Enumeration for chromogenic media; Gel strength; Physical appearance; Shelf life; Sterility; pH Cultural recovery; Cultural selectivity; Ecometric streaking; Enrichment broths; Physical appearance; Pour plate; Qualitative; Qualitative selective enrichment; Quantitative; Spread plate - Aerobic and anaerobic; Visual examination in-house method SOP-MED0001, SOP-MED0002, SOP-MED0003
Analysis for microorganisms Bacterial isolates; Yeast isolates Identification MALDI-TOF in-house method QWI-FM0135 (MBT Compass Library 11897 MSP)
Biological analysis of cosmetics, perfumes and essentials oils Cosmetic products; Cosmetic raw materials; Essential oils; Hair products; Oral hygiene products; Perfumes; Sunscreens Salmonella spp. Qualitative selective enrichment

BP (in-house method PM0001)

Clostridium perfringens Qualitative selective enrichment

in-house method PM0019

Enterobacteriaceae Qualitative selective enrichment

in-house method PM0012

Gram negative bacteria Qualitative selective enrichment

BP (in-house method PM0030)

Pseudomonads Most probable number (MPN)

in-house method PM0031

Pseudomonads Qualitative selective enrichment

in-house method PM0015

Yeasts and moulds Pour plate

BP (in-house method PM0008)

Gram negative bacteria (including bile tolerant) Qualitative selective enrichment

BP (in-house method PM0006)

Aerobes - Total viable; Anaerobes Pour plate

in-house method PM0003

Coliforms Qualitative selective enrichment

in-house method PM0010, PM0036

Enterobacteriaceae Most probable number (MPN)

in-house method PM0011, ISO 7402 (in-house method FM0017)

Gram negative bacteria Most probable number (MPN)

BP (in-house method PM0028)

Clostridia - Anaerobic spore formers Qualitative selective enrichment

BP (in-house method PM0005)

Staphylococcus aureus Qualitative selective enrichment

BP (in-house method PM0002)

Preservative efficacy Pour plate

USP (in-house method PM0017), BP (in-house method PM0018)

Escherichia coli​​​​ Qualitative selective enrichment

BP (in-house method PM0004), BP (in-house method PM0013)

Pseudomonas aeruginosa Qualitative selective enrichment

BP (in-house method PM0009)

Gram negative bacteria (including bile tolerant) Most probable number (MPN)

in-house method PM0022, BP (in-house method PM0007)

Cosmetic waters Aerobes - Total viable Membrane filter

BP (in-house method PM0024)

Pseudomonads Membrane filter

in-house method PM0016

Biological analysis of human and veterinary medicines including vaccines Biological products; Pharmaceuticals Coliforms Qualitative selective enrichment

in-house method PM0036

Pseudomonads Qualitative selective enrichment

in-house method PM0015

Enterobacteriaceae Most probable number (MPN)

in-house method PM0011, ISO 7402 (in-house method FM0017)

Gram negative bacteria (including bile tolerant) Qualitative selective enrichment

BP (in-house method PM0006)

Escherichia coli​​​​ Qualitative selective enrichment

BP (in-house method PM0004), BP (in-house method PM0013)

Pseudomonas aeruginosa Qualitative selective enrichment

BP (in-house method PM0009)

Salmonella spp. Qualitative selective enrichment

BP (in-house method PM0001), BP (in-house method PM0038)

Yeasts and moulds Pour plate

BP (in-house method PM0008)

Clostridia - Anaerobic spore formers Qualitative selective enrichment

BP (in-house method PM0005)

Gram negative bacteria (including bile tolerant) Most probable number (MPN)

in-house method PM0022, BP (in-house method PM0007)

Gram negative bacteria Most probable number (MPN)

BP (in-house method PM0028)

Staphylococcus aureus Qualitative selective enrichment

BP (in-house method PM0002)

Coliforms - Total Qualitative selective enrichment

in-house method PM0010

Clostridium perfringens Qualitative selective enrichment

in-house method PM0019

Aerobes - Total viable; Anaerobes Pour plate

in-house method PM0003

Pseudomonas spp. Most probable number (MPN)

in-house method PM0031

Enterobacteriaceae Qualitative selective enrichment

in-house method PM0012

Gram negative bacteria Qualitative selective enrichment

BP (in-house method PM0030)

Medicinal capsules and injectables; Pharmaceutical waters LAL bacterial endotoxin Limulus amoebocyte lysate (LAL)

USP (in-house method PM0029)

Preservative efficacy Pour plate

USP (in-house method PM0017), BP (in-house method PM0018)

Pharmaceutical waters Pseudomonads Membrane filter

in-house method PM0016

Aerobes - Total viable Membrane filter

BP (in-house method PM0024)

Biological analysis of medical devices Medical devices Bacterial endotoxin Limulus amoebocyte lysate (LAL) USP (in-house method PM0029)
Biological analysis of other healthcare or pharmaceutical products and accessories Alcohol solutions Aerobes Membrane filter

in-house method PM0032

Dialysis waters Aerobes Membrane filter

BP (in-house method PM0020)

The only data displayed is that deemed relevant and necessary for the clear description of the activities and services covered by the scope of accreditation.

Grey text appearing in a SoA is additional freetext providing further refinement or information on the data in the preceding line entry.