Tomago Aluminium Company Pty Ltd


Tomago Aluminium Company Pty Ltd

Accreditation No.


Site No.


Date of Accreditation

10 Jan 1985


638 Tomago Road
Tomago, NSW 2322



Services not available to external clients

Scope of Accreditation

Tomago Aluminium Company Pty Ltd

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)


Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure
Analysis for cyanide Trade wastes Cyanide - Total Segmented flow analyser (SFA)

in-house methods LMM0080 and LMM0135

Analysis for physical and chemical characteristics Air - Ambient Sulfur dioxide Continuous monitoring analyser

AS 3580.4.1 and in-house method ESM0031

Air - Ambient; Filters Fluoride - Gaseous; Fluoride - Particulate Ion selective electrode (ISE)

in-house methods LMM0033 and LMM0130

Bees; Foliage; Oysters; Vegetation Fluoride - Total Segmented flow analyser (SFA)

in-house methods LMM0010 and LMM0135

Drain waters Flow height Continuous monitoring analyser

in-house method ESM0009

Emissions - Industrial Fluoride - Gaseous Continuous monitoring analyser

in-house method ESM0024

Emissions - Industrial; Filters Fluoride - Particulate Segmented flow analyser (SFA)

in-house methods LMM0026 and LMM0135

Emissions - Industrial; Filters; Impinger solutions Fluoride - Gaseous Ion selective electrode (ISE)

in-house methods LMM0006 and LMM0034

Emissions - Industrial; Impinger solutions Sulfur oxides ICP-AES

in-house methods LMM0105

Filters Fluoride - Particulate Segmented flow analyser (SFA) in-house methods LMM0008 and LMM0135
Ground waters Conductivity; pHField Analysis Electrometric

In-house methods ES.ESM.0006 and ES.ESM.0014

Saline waters Fluoride - Soluble Segmented flow analyser (SFA)

in-house method LMM0096

Fluoride Ion selective electrode (ISE) in-house method LMM0131
Sediments; Soils Fluoride - Total Ion selective electrode (ISE)

in-house methods LMM0024 and LMM0130

Sewage pH Electrometric

in-house method ESM0021

Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) Dissolved oxygen (DO) analyser

in-house method LMM0132

Sewage; Trade wastes Solids - Suspended Gravimetric

in-house method LMM0043

Trade wastes Fluoride - Soluble Ion selective electrode (ISE)

in-house method LMM0116

pH Electrometric

in-house method LMM0121

Conductivity Electrometric

in-house method LMM124

Analysis for physical and chemical characteristicsField analysis Drain waters Fluoride; pH Continuous monitoring analyser

in-house method ESM0009

Sample collection Air - Ambient Not applicable Siting of air monitoring equipment AS/NZS 3580.1.1
Not applicable Filters AS/NZS 3580.13.2 and in-house method ESM0004
Bore waters Not applicable Grab

in-house method ESM0014

Bore waters; Surface waters Not applicable Grab

in-house method ESM0006

Drain waters Not applicable Grab

in-house method ESM0019

Not applicable Automated

in-house method ESM0009

Litter; Soils; Vegetation Not applicable Grab

in-house method ESM0007

Oysters; Sediments Not applicable Grab

in-house method ESM0016

Sewage Not applicable Grab

in-house method ESM0021

Surface waters Not applicable Grab

in-house method ESM0008

Vegetation Not applicable Grab

in-house method ESM0010

Sample collection - Stack and emissions sampling Emissions - Stationary sources Fluoride - Acid soluble particulate; Fluoride - Gaseous Isokinetic in-house methods ESM0001, ESM0002 and ESM0011
Particulate matter Isokinetic AS 4323.2 and in-house method ESM0012

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)

Human Testing for Workplace and/or Community Screening

Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure
Monitoring for heavy metals, organometals and trace elements Urine Fluoride Ion selective electrode (ISE)

in-house method LMM0007

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)


Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure Limitations
Analysis of metals and alloys Aluminium and aluminium alloys Antimony; Beryllium; Bismuth; Boron; Cadmium; Calcium; Chromium; Cobalt; Copper; Gallium; Iron; Lead; Lithium; Magnesium; Manganese; Nickel; Phosphorus; Silicon; Sodium; Strontium; Tin; Titanium; Vanadium; Zinc; Zirconium Atomic emission spectroscopy (AES) - Arc spark

in-house method LMM0001

Analysis of ores and minerals Calcium fluoride; Cryolite Fluoride - Total and leachable Segmented flow analyser (SFA)

in-house method LMM0093

The only data displayed is that deemed relevant and necessary for the clear description of the activities and services covered by the scope of accreditation.

Grey text appearing in a SoA is additional freetext providing further refinement or information on the data in the preceding line entry.