Search accredited organisations
Search guide
- Searches can include accreditation number, business name, standards or a description of the type of activity involved
- The filter function is helpful in narrowing results for generic search terms which may appear in different contexts
- Double quotation marks can be used to prioritise search results to exact character string matches or to enable searching for compound terms such as “heavy metals”
- Individual search terms separated by space characters will contribute independently to the set of returned results, unless double quotation marks have been used to group terms.
- Equipment calibration results can be most easily narrowed using the ‘product’ filter when searching for a given equipment type
- Search term matchings within a returned scope page can be located using the Browser Find function (Ctrl+F) and enter the search term to locate and highlight it on the page
- Searches relating to non-testing programs can also be narrowed by using the Accreditation Standard filter (e.g. enter ‘17020’ for inspection) and then once the results have been returned using the Location filter to further narrow the results
- When searching for a test standard or procedure number, it is recommended to omit the prefix (AS etc) and use the numeric sequence only, otherwise differences in formatting may compromise the search results