Established by way of an international treaty between Australia and New Zealand governments in 1991, the Joint Accreditation Services Australia and New Zealand (JASANZ) organisation provides internationally recognized accreditation services that give confidence to markets domestically and internationally that goods and services certified by accredited bodies meet established standards.
As an official accreditation body, JASANZ uses standards and technical experts to check and formally recognize that certification and inspection bodies are competent and reliable. Certification body activities include licensing products, auditing management systems such as quality, OHS, environment, artificial intelligence, information security, and issuing certificates of conformity.
Their accreditation services create benefits for businesses, regulators and government by:
- reducing risk,
- streamlining operations,
- reduced trade barriers for access of goods and services to foreign markets,
- assurance that goods and services are safe, and
- creating stronger national, Trans-Tasman and international trade.
What do they do?
JASANZ accredit the bodies that certify or inspect organisations’ management systems, products, services or people. They specify the assessment criteria that certifiers and inspectors must meet to become accredited.
Accreditation is a seal of approval. It gives consumers — retailers, wholesalers and individual consumers — confidence that their purchases can be relied on to meet required standards.
The JASANZ symbol is a mark of competence and reliability. It means that a certifier or inspector can be trusted to assess whether organisations’ management systems, products, services and people conform to standards.
NATA is proud to have JASANZ as Gold Sponsor for Accreditation Matters 2025.
Learn more about JASNZ here