Developing the Risk Management for Medical Laboratories (RMML) course.  

Industry News May 15, 2024
Developing the Risk Management for Medical Laboratories (RMML) course.  
NATA team

With a distinct refocus in pathology from compliance based to risk-based standards, it was natural for NATA to move to risk-based assessments.  

To support this change, a new NATA course has been developed for Members and interested stakeholders in the pathology area. 

We spoke to course co-collaborator, Gillian Treloar – NATA’s Deputy Sector Manager, Legal & Clinical, on what the new course entails and what benefits it will provide to NATA Members in the pathology area. 

Why was it important to create the course? 

“The change of focus from compliance based to risk-based standards has been happening for a number of years and this change is now giving labs the opportunity to address what they see as their risks – their way. This course helps medical labs by providing the tools needed to identify, assess and monitor their risks” 

So, what is the course about? 

“Overall, the course will provide the knowledge and tools to develop an effective risk-management framework for medical laboratories and it applies a dynamic, risk-based approach to patient safety and laboratory conformance. 

It is based on risk management requirements for medical laboratories outlined in ISO 15189 and NPACC Standards, and risk management principles as described in ISO 22367.  

Importantly, it will enable organisations to achieve quality outcomes and take advantage of growth opportunities created by using a risk-based approach to performance.” 

What are some practical outcomes you can expect from the course 

“The course gives medical labs the tools to help identify (and rate) their risks, and the opportunities they have to address and manage those risks. 

There are many practical examples from medical labs provided including those aligned with both the NPAAC and ISO standards and course participants will go through the steps involved in developing a risk matrix they can then apply to their own organisations. 

Who would benefit from doing the course? 

While it is suitable for anyone that has an interest in this area, it is really is designed for those in an accredited medical laboratory responsible for identifying, analysing and managing risks; developing or implementing the laboratory’s risk management framework, policies, processes and procedures; and notably, those organisations that are considering, or in the process of securing NATA accreditation.” 

We also spoke to NATA’s Head of Education and co-course collaborator – Naomi Aitken – on her thoughts on the Risk Management for Medical Laboratories (RMML) course. 

Watch here

We thank Gillian and Naomi for their time and expertise. 

If you would like to learn more about the RMML course, visit.