Draft Slip Testing SAC for Public Comment (round 3)

Industry News November 29, 2024
NATA team

NATA has drafted a new Specific Accreditation Criteria publication for facilities conducting slip resistance testing and associated calibration activities.

The initial draft of this document was released for public comment in January 2023 and July 2023. Since the initial drafts have been substantially amended, NATA is seeking a further round of public comments for the third version of the draft.

Should you wish to take this opportunity to comment, please refer the attached zip file.

Draft Slip Testing SAC for Public Comment (round 3)

This zip file includes a copy of the draft document, a background memo detailing the changes, instructions on how to provide feedback and a feedback template.

Please provide all feedback to Mr Nick Di Cresce at nick.dicresce@nata.com.au by COB 16th December 2024.