It’s Whole Grains Month! See how NATA Accreditation ensures quality in every bite 

Industry News September 11, 2024
NATA team

September is Whole Grains Month, a perfect time to spotlight the health benefits of whole grains and the essential role of accreditation in maintaining their quality.  

We all appreciate that whole grains are known for their nutritional benefits including fibre, vitamins and essential minerals. NATA accreditation ensures laboratories providing product testing adhere to rigorous standards, giving confidence in the accuracy of data relating to nutritional information. 

A notable laboratory is NATA’s longstanding relationship with the Australian Export Grains Innovation Centre (AEGIC). NATA accredited for over 70 years, AEGIC provides essential dietary fibre analysis to the Australian grains industry supporting both local and international markets. 

See how NATA helps AEGIC on the global stage.

NATA accreditation is crucial for ensuring the quality of whole grain products and facilitating global trade. Through its Mutual Recognition Arrangements (MRA) with accreditation bodies in over 100 countries, NATA helps Australian exporters by promoting the acceptance of the testing on their products – tested once and accepted globally. This facilitates international trade by minimising the need for retesting overseas and builds trust in the quality and safety of Australian exports. 

Within Australia, accredited data from AEGIC supports the accuracy of Nutrition Information Panels on packaged grain foods. This allows consumers to receive reliable information about the nutritional content of their food – vital for making informed dietary choices. 

Whole Grains Month highlights how accredited laboratories, such as AEGIC, make a significant contribution to maintaining high-quality whole grain products which in turn builds consumer confidence.