NATA helps launch guide for building products traceability 

Industry News August 12, 2024
NATA helps launch guide for building products traceability 
NATA team

The National Building Products Coalition (NBPC) has launched a new industry guideline dealing with traceability in the building sector.  As a member of the NBPC, NATA joined an expert panel at the launch event to discuss traceability and its implications for the building sector.   

The new guideline, ‘Traceability and Digitalisation of Building Product Information’ was launched as part of the Building Product Assurance Summit, held by the Master Builders Victoria on 17th July.  This event featured an address by Bronwyn Weir (Weir Legal and Consulting) giving insight into upcoming building product reforms, including product labelling, traceability and mandatory information requirements, as well as the creation of a national building product register for designated product types. 

A panel discussion which followed provided a nice lead-in for the convener of the NBPC, Dyan Johnson (Master Builders Queensland), to formally launch the NBPC guideline.   

Ms Johnson explained how this guideline was developed by industry professionals, with the purpose of helping other industry professionals, and centred around traceable product compliance to address issues including the transition to a circular economy, carbon reduction, tackling modern slavery and the growing role of ESG reporting. 

Dr Andrew Wheeler (ACRS) provided a live demonstration of how interoperable traceability principles can be implemented.  Following this, NATA’s Brett Hyland participated in an expert panel exploring how digital systems can address existing systemic gaps in product assurance processes. 

Key takeaways were the net benefits of digital product traceability and how each part of industry can contribute to improved product assurance and readiness to meet emerging sustainability obligations.   

You can learn more about The NBPC guidelines here