From right to left– Dr Yi Li, current technical assessor (CAL+MAP); Emma Parker, Lead Accreditation Specialist, NATA; Prof Stephen Dain, current Technical Assessor (CAL+MAP), former MST and CAL AAC Member; Mary Ryan, Lead Accreditation Specialist, NATA; Mr John Rose, current Technical Assessor (Insp), former Chair Insp AAC.
NATA staff and Technical Assessors were honoured during a series of recent Standards Australia events to mark National Volunteer Week 2024.
During these events, Standards Australia acknowledged long-serving standards committee members for their significant contribution to standardisation in this country. Standards deliver benefit to our community through improvements in the safety, efficiency and reliability of industry practices.
It was no surprise to see many NATA Technical Assessors receiving such recognition as they are very well-represented on Standards Australia committees and many have been nominated as committee chairs, reflecting their deep expertise and their standing in industry.
Among NATA staff, Dom Meadley was recognised for having served 25+ years on a range of committees, including committees relating to testing of aggregates and soils for engineering purposes.
Judy Smart, Brett Hyland, Emma Parker and Mary Ryan were each recognised for 20+ years of service, relating to a wide range of committees reflective of the breadth of industries in which NATA is involved.
NATA’s ongoing contributions to Standards Australia committees represent one of the ways in which NATA serves the national interest.
We congratulate all those recognised for their contribution and commitment.