NATA’s Accreditation Service Commitment to Members 

Member News September 11, 2024
NATA team

NATA is pleased to advise that the Charter of Service document for Members has been reviewed and updated as one of our key strategic projects. 

Over time, the Charter of Service document has undergone a number of revisions to stay relevant and as part of this, we have continued to seek feedback back from our Members.  

As an example, feedback has indicated that areas such as the inclusion of the table covering the Service Standards tended to draw attention to the time frames and not necessarily to the other important information in the document. 

With this feedback in mind, a project to review the Charter of Service was commenced in early 2024.  

The main aim of the review was to rethink the document and the information it covered. This included whether it adequately described the various stages of our assessment processes, the factors that may impact these and the appropriateness of the time frames to meet Members’ accreditation needs. 

NATA’s Member Advisory Forum was also consulted during the review and their valued insights considered. 

Accreditation Service Commitment 

The updated charter is now titled Accreditation Service Commitment to better reflect the intent of the document and it has undergone significant changes.  

The wording throughout the document has been refreshed and re-enforces both NATA’s commitment and our expectations of our Members when dealing with us. The table in the previous charter has been removed, and the time frames of the various steps in our assessment processes are now better qualified. 

The intent of the new document remains unchanged, as does our commitment to the deadlines. 

A copy of the document is included in each NATA Accreditation in the General NATA document subfolder which is available from our website ( 

Please reach out to your NATA Client Coordinator should you have any questions relating to our accreditation service delivery.