Airlabs Environmental Pty Ltd


Airlabs Environmental

Accreditation No.


Site No.


Date of Accreditation

16 Jan 2007


149 Bryants Road
Loganholme, QLD 4129


Dr Christopher Clunies-Ross P: +61 (07) 38013762


Services available to external clients

Scope of Accreditation

Airlabs Environmental

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)


Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure
Analysis for industrial chemicals Emissions - Industrial Carbon disulfide; Carbonyl sulfide; Hydrogen sulfide Continuous monitoring analyser

USEPA Method 15

Analysis for physical and chemical characteristics Emissions - Industrial Oxygen Continuous monitoring analyser

NSW EPA TM-25 and USEPA Method 3A

Flow rate Calculation

USEPA Performance Specification 6 and NSW EPA CEM- 6

Carbon monoxide Continuous monitoring analyser

USEPA Method 10 and NSW EPA TM-32

Moisture Gravimetric

NSW EPA TM-22, SA EPA Method 0.3.13 and USEPA Method 4

Carbon monoxide Calculation

NSW EPA CEM-4, USEPA Performance Specification 4, USEPA Performance Specification 4A

Nitrogen - Oxidised; Sulfur dioxide Calculation

NSW EPA CEM-2 and USEPA Performance Specification 2

Sulfur dioxide Continuous monitoring analyser

NSW EPA TM-4 and USEPA Method 6C

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) Flame ionisation detector (FID)

USEPA Method 25A and NSW EPA TM-34

Flow rate; Pressure; Temperature; Velocity; Volume Pitot

NSW EPA TM-2 and USEPA Method  2

Carbon monoxide UV-vis spectrophotometry USEPA Method 10A
Carbon dioxide (CO2); Carbon monoxide; Nitrogen - Oxidised; Oxygen; Sulfur dioxide Continuous monitoring analyser

ISO 10396, SA EPA Method 03.14 and USEPA Method 20

Carbon dioxide (CO2) Continuous monitoring analyser

NSW EPA TM-24 and USEPA Method 3A

Nitrogen - Oxidised; Nitrogen dioxide Continuous monitoring analyser

NSW EPA TM-11 and USEPA Method 7E 

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) Continuous monitoring analyser

USEPA Performance Specification 8, USEPA Performance Specification 9, NSW EPA CEM-8 and NSW EPA CEM-9




Particulate matter - PM10; Particulate matter - PM2.5 Gravimetric

NSW EPA OM-5 and USEPA Method 201A

Dinitrogen monoxide (nitrous oxide) Nondispersive infrared (NDIR)

ISO 21258 

Carbon dioxide (CO2); Oxygen Calculation

NSW EPA CEM-3 and USEPA Performance Specification 3

Flow rate; Velocity; Volume Pitot

ISO 10780 and ISO 14164

Particulate matter - Total Gravimetric

AS 4323.2, ISO 10155, NSW EPA TM-15 and USEPA Method 5

Molecular weight Gas analyser

NSW EPA TM-23 and USEPA Method 3 

Odour Dynamic olfactometry

AS/NZS 4323.3 and NSW EPA OM-7

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) Flame ionisation detector (FID) USEPA Method 21
Particulate matter Gravimetric

USEPA Method 17 and NSW EPA OM-9

Emissions - Industrial; Emissions - Stack Particulate matter Calculation

NSW EPA CEM-11 and USEPA Performance Specification 11

Particulate matter Gravimetric

USEPA Method 17

Water vapour (<100ºC) Gravimetric

VIC EPA 3040

Carbon dioxide (CO2); Nitrogen - Oxidised; Oxygen; Sulfur dioxide Gas analyser

USEPA Method 20

Nitrogen - Oxidised; Nitrogen dioxide Gas analyser

USEPA Method 7E

Sulfur - Total reduced Calculation

NSW EPA CEM-5 and USEPA Performance Specification 5

Flow rate; Velocity Pitot

USEPA Method  2

Sulfur - Total reduced Continuous monitoring analyser

USEPA Method 16

Carbon dioxide (CO2); Oxygen Continuous monitoring analyser

USEPA Method 3A

Emissions - Industrial; Emissions - Stack; Emissions - Stationary sources Carbon dioxide (CO2); Carbon monoxide; Dinitrogen monoxide (nitrous oxide); Nitrogen dioxide; Nitrogen oxide; Oxygen; Sulfur dioxide Calculation

BS EN 14181 

Emissions - Industrial; Emissions - Stationary sources Opacity Visual examination NSW EPA TM-37 and USEPA Method 22
Opacity Ringelmann chart AS 3543, BS 2742 and  NSW EPA TM-16
Analysis of the workplace environment and hazards for inorganic gases Emissions Carbonyl sulfide Continuous monitoring analyser

USEPA Method 15

Sample collection - Stack and emissions sampling Emissions - Stack Antimony; Arsenic; Cadmium; Lead; Mercury Impinger NSW EPA TM-12
Coarse particles Isokinetic NSW EPA OM-9
Sampling points - Selection Not applicable AS 4323.1, NSW EPA TM-1 and USEPA Method 1
Hydrogen cyanide Impinger USEPA Other Test Method 029
Odour Flux chamber AS/NZS 4323.3, AS/NZS 4323.4, EB 13725 and NSW EPA OM-7
Nitrogen - Oxides (NOx); Nitrogen dioxide; Nitrogen monoxide Continuous monitoring NSW EPA TM-11, SA EPA Method 03.14 and USEPA Method 11E
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) Tedlar bags USEPA SW846 Method 0040
Sulfur dioxide Continuous monitoring NSW EPA TM-4 and USEPA Method 6C
Moisture Impinger NSW EPA TM-22, SA EPA Method 03.13 and USEPA Method 4
Dioxins; Furans XAD-2 resin NSW EPA TM-18 and USEPA Method 23
Beryllium; Chromium; Cobalt; Manganese; Nickel; Selenium; Tin; Vanadium Impinger NSW EPA TM-13
Mercury Impinger USEPA Method 102
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) Sorbent tube USEPA SW6 846 Method 0031
Acetaldehyde (ethanal); Formaldehyde (methanal) Impinger California EPA Air Resources Board (CARB) 430
Polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins); Polychlorinated dibenzofurans XAD-2 resin USEPA SW846 Method 0023A
Ammonia Impinger South Coast Air Management District Method 207.1
Chromium VI (hexavalent chromium) Impinger USEPA SW846 Method 0061
Bromine; Chlorine; Hydrogen halides Filter/impinger USEPA 26 and USEPA Method 26A
Chlorine Cyclone; Filters; Impinger NSW EPA TM-7
Sulfur dioxide Continuous monitoring SA EPA Method 03.14
Sulfur - Total reduced Impinger USEPA Method 16A
Carbon monoxide Continuous monitoring NSW EPA TM-32, SA EPA Method 03.14, USEPA Method 10 and USEPA Method 10A
Sulfur - Total reduced Continuous monitoring USEPA Method 16B
Sulfur dioxide Impinger NSW EPA TM-4 and USEPA Method 6
Particulate matter Isokinetic AS 4323.2
Ammonia Impinger USEPA Conditional Test Method 027
Total reduced sulfides (TRS) Continuous monitoring; Impinger NSW EPA TM-33
Particulate matter Filters NSW EPA TM-15, USEPA Method 5 and USEPA Method 17
Chromium VI (hexavalent chromium) Isokinetic California EPA Air Resources Board (CARB) Method 425 and NSW EPA OM-3
Carbon dioxide (CO2) Continuous monitoring NSW EPA TM-24, SA EPA Method 03.14 and USEPA Method 3A
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) Sorbent tube NSW EPA TM-34 and USEPA Method 18
Molecular weight - Dry Continuous monitoring NSW EPA TM-23 and USEPA Method 3
Antimony; Arsenic; Barium; Beryllium; Cadmium; Chromium; Cobalt; Copper; Lead; Manganese; Mercury; Nickel; Phosphorus; Selenium; Silver; Thallium; Zinc Filter/impinger USEPA Method 29
Particulate matter - PM10; Particulate matter - PM2.5 Cyclone USEPA Method 201A
Oxygen Continuous monitoring NSW EPA Method 25, SA EPA Method 03.14 and USEPA Method 3A
Hydrogen chloride Cyclone; Filters; Impinger NEW EPA TM-8
Hydrogen sulfide Continuous monitoring USEPA Method 15
Cyanide Impinger South Coast Air Management District Method 202.1
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) XAD-2 resin California EPA Air Resources Board (CARB) Method 429 and NSW EPA OM-5
Particulate matter - PM10 Cyclone NSW EPA OM-5
Sulfur dioxide; Sulfur trioxide (sulfuric anhydride); Sulfuric acid mist Impinger NSW EPA TM-3, SA EPA Method 03.02 and USEPA Method 8
Cresol; Phenols Impinger USEPA Conditional Test Method 032
Principal organic hazardous compounds (POHCs) Impinger USEPA SW846 Method 0030
Vinyl chloride Tedlar bags USEPA Method 106
Aldehydes; Ketones Impinger USEPA SW846 Method 011
Fluoride - Total Filters; Impinger NSW EPA TM-9, USEPA Method 13B, USEPA Method 14 and USEPA Method 14A
Cadmium; Mercury Impinger NSW EPA TM-14
Chromium Impinger USEPA Method 306
Hydrogen sulfide Impinger NSW EPA-5 and USEPA Method 11
Mercury Continuous monitoring 40 CFR Part 75 Appendix K
Gaseous organic compounds Continuous monitoring USEPA Method 25A
Sulfur - Total reduced Filters USEPA Method 15A and USEPA Method 16
Methanol Impinger NSW EPA TM-35 and USEPA Method 308
Nitrogen - Oxides (NOx); Nitrogen dioxide; Nitrogen monoxide Impinger NSW EPA TM-1 and USEPA Method 7D
Carbon dioxide (CO2); Nitrogen - Oxides (NOx); Nitrogen dioxide; Nitrogen monoxide; Oxygen; Sulfur dioxide Continuous monitoring USEPA Method 20

The only data displayed is that deemed relevant and necessary for the clear description of the activities and services covered by the scope of accreditation.

Grey text appearing in a SoA is additional freetext providing further refinement or information on the data in the preceding line entry.