Beaver Technology Services Pty Limited

Beaver Group


Beaver Group

Accreditation No.


Site No.


Date of Accreditation

07 Jun 2013


142-146 Magowar Road
Girraween, NSW 2145



Services available to external clients

Scope of Accreditation

Beaver Group

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)

Infrastructure and Asset Integrity

Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure Limitations
Evaluation of load generating lifting appliances Cranes Proof load Not applicable

AS 1418.2

1 kN to 2770 kN

Jibs and suspension equipment Proof load Not applicable

AS 4991

1 kN to 2770 kN

Serial and lever hoists Proof load Not applicable

AS 1418.2

1 kN to 2770 kN

Winches Proof load Not applicable

AS 1418.2

1 kN to 2770 kN

Evaluation of load handling, rigging and tensioning systems Anchorages and supports for industrial fall arrest systems Proof load Not applicable

ABR 5195 714, 

AS/NZS 5532 (Clause 6)

AS/NZS 1891.4 Sections 3.1.1, 3.1.2
Includes on-site testing to ABR 5195 5 kN to 50 kN
including load-bearing mounting fasteners of hydraulic shoring and trench lining equipment
Including on-site testing
Dynamic strength; Static strength Not applicable IS EN 795 clauses 5.2.2, 5.2.3, 5.2.4, 5.3.3, 5.3.4, 5.4.3, 5.4.4, 5.5.3, 5.5.4, 5.6.3, 5.6.4, 5.7.3, 5.7.5
Dynamic strength; Static strength Not applicable CEN/TS 16415 - Type B clause 5.3
Anchors and anchor plate assemblies Proof load Not applicable

ABR 5195 737, 

AS/NZS 5532 (Clause 6)

Includes on-site testing to ABR 5195 5 kN to 50 kN
including load-bearing mounting fasteners of hydraulic shoring and trench lining equipment
Including on-site testing
Proof load Not applicable

AS 2317.1,

BS 4278

1 kN to 2770 kN

Bollards Proof load Not applicable

AS 2317.1,

1 kN to 2770 kN

C-hooks Breaking load; Proof load Not applicable

ABR 5195 703,
AS 4991

1 kN to 2770 kN 

Includes on-site testing AS 3560 and ABR 5195
Cargo restraint systems and components Breaking load; Proof load Not applicable

AS/NZS 4344, 

AS/NZS 4380

1 kN to 2770 kN

Chain Breaking load; Proof load Not applicable

ABR 5195 776

1 kN to 2770 kN 

Includes on-site testing AS 3560 and ABR 5195
Chain slings Breaking load; Proof load Not applicable

ABR 5195 776,
AS 3775.2 Section 7
 AS 3775.1

1 kN to 2770 kN 

Includes on-site testing AS 3560 and ABR 5195
Eye bolts Breaking load; Proof load Not applicable

AS 2317.1,
 BS 4278,

1 kN to 2770 kN 

Includes on-site testing AS 3560 and ABR 5195
Eye hooks Proof load Not applicable

AS 2317.1

1 kN to 2770 kN

Lifting and spreader beams Proof load Not applicable

ABR 5195 753,
 AS 4991

1 kN to 2770 kN

Includes on-site testing ABR 5195 5 kN to 50 kN
Lifting components for chain slings Proof load Not applicable

ABR 5195 753,

1 kN to 2770 kN

Includes on-site testing ABR 5195 5 kN to 50 kN
Padeyes Breaking load; Proof load Not applicable

ABR 5195 737,
AS 2317.1,

1 kN to 2770 kN 

Includes on-site testing AS 3560 and ABR 5195
Plate clamps and gripping devices Breaking load; Proof load Not applicable

ABR 5195 737,
AS 4991

BS 4278
BS 4429

1 kN to 2770 kN 

Includes on-site testing AS 3560 and ABR 5195
Shackles Breaking load; Proof load Not applicable

ABR 5195 703,
 AS 2741

1 kN to 2770 kN 

Includes on-site testing AS 3560 and ABR 5195
Shank hooks Breaking load; Proof load Not applicable

ABR 5195 703,
AS 3777

1 kN to 2770 kN 

Includes on-site testing AS 3560 and ABR 5195
Sheave blocks Breaking load; Proof load Not applicable

ABR 5195 706,
AS 2089

1 kN to 2770 kN 

Includes on-site testing AS 3560 and ABR 5195
Synthetic fibre roundslings Breaking load; Proof load Not applicable

ABR 5195 779,
AS 4497

1 kN to 2770 kN 

Includes on-site testing AS 3560 and ABR 5195
Synthetic webbing flat slings Breaking load; Proof load Not applicable

ABR 5195 797,
AS 1353.1,
 AS 3585

1 kN to 2770 kN 

Includes on-site testing AS 3560 and ABR 5195
Wire rope Breaking load; Proof load Not applicable

ABR 5195 778,
 AS 3569

1 kN to 2770 kN 

Includes on-site testing AS 3560 and ABR 5195
Wire rope slings Breaking load; Proof load Not applicable

ABR 5195 778,
AS 1438.1,
AS 1666.1
AS 1666.2 Section 9 and Appendix C
 AS 3569

1 kN to 2770 kN 

Includes on-site testing AS 3560 and ABR 5195

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)

Manufactured Goods

Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure Limitations
Evaluation of access protection products Edge protection (including guardrails and guardrail posts) Load Not applicable

ISO EN 13374 Section 7.4,

ISO 14122-2 Section 4.2.5,

EN ISO 14122-3 Section 8.2

Concentrated and distributed load
Performance evaluation of personnel protection equipment and general ballistic measurements Descender devices Dynamic load Not applicable IS EN 341 clause 5.3
Fall arrest devices Dynamic load; Strength Not applicable AS 1891.5
Dynamic load; Static load Not applicable

EN 353.1 clause 5.2 and 5.3

Fixed lifeline systems Dynamic load; Static load Not applicable AS/NZS 1891.2 excluding appendix C
Harnesses Dynamic load; Static load Not applicable AS/NZS 1891.1 excluding appendix A

The only data displayed is that deemed relevant and necessary for the clear description of the activities and services covered by the scope of accreditation.

Grey text appearing in a SoA is additional freetext providing further refinement or information on the data in the preceding line entry.