Total Radiation Solutions


EMR Measurement

Accreditation No.


Site No.


Date of Accreditation

19 Dec 2003


3a Chancellor Street
Claremont, WA 6010


Dr Phillip Knipe P: +61 (08) 93817199


Services available to external clients

Scope of Accreditation

EMR Measurement

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)

Manufactured Goods

Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure Limitations
Electromagnetic radiation exposure - Radiofrequency (RF) fields Antennas Broadband measurements of E-fields; Broadband measurements of H-fields; Narrowband measurements of E-fields Not applicable

Measurement of electromagnetic fields in accordance with AS/NZS 2772.2 

Broadband measurements of E-fields (excluding radar and similar pulsed sources)
in the range 300 kHz to 45.5 GHz
Broadband measurement of H-fields
in the range 300 kHz to 300 MHz
Narrowband measurements of E-fields
in the range 27 MHz to 6 GHz
Narrowband measurements of H-fieldsin the range 100kHz - 250MHz
Excluding limb current and contact current measurements
Including determination of compliance to ARPANSA RPS1

The only data displayed is that deemed relevant and necessary for the clear description of the activities and services covered by the scope of accreditation.

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