SA Pathology


Food and Environment Laboratory – Calibration and Testing Laboratory

Accreditation No.


Site No.


Date of Accreditation

02 Apr 1981


SA Pathology Building, Level 1,, Frome Road
Adelaide, SA 5000


Mr Jason Graefling P: +61 (08) 82223137


Services available to external clients

Scope of Accreditation

Food and Environment Laboratory – Calibration and Testing Laboratory

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)


Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure
Analysis for microorganisms Meat meal; Pet foods Escherichia coli​​​​; Coliforms - Thermotolerant Most probable number (MPN)

AS 5013.15

Psychrotrophic microorganisms Pour plate AS 5013.23
Salmonella spp. Qualitative selective enrichment AS 5013.10
Yeasts and moulds Spread plate in-house method PRC-MBI-662
Staphylococcus spp. - Coagulase producing strains Spread plate - Petrifilm AOAC 2003.11
Listeria monocytogenes; Listeria spp. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in-house method PRC-MBI-641
Staphylococcus spp. - Coagulase producing strains Spread plate - Petrifilm AOAC 2003.07
Salmonella spp. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in-house method PRC-MBI-611
Vibrio cholerae; Vibrio parahaemolyticus; Vibrio spp. Qualitative selective enrichment in-house method PRC-MBI-613
Plate count Pour plate AS 5013.5
Escherichia coli​​​​ Spread plate - Petrifilm AOAC 998.08
Escherichia coli​​​​ Spread plate - Petrifilm AOAC 991.14
Coliforms Most probable number (MPN) AS 5013.3
Clostridium perfringens; Clostridium spp.​​​​ Pour plate

AS 5013.16

Enterobacteriaceae Spread plate

AOAC 2003.1

Yeasts and moulds Spread plate AS 5103.29
Lactic acid bacteria Pour plate in-house method PRC-MBI-620
Osmophilic yeasts; Xerophilic yeasts Spread plate in-house method PRC-MBI-622
Campylobacter spp. Qualitative selective enrichment

AS 5013.6

Yeasts and moulds Pour plate in-house method PRC-MBI-662
Colony count Spread plate AS 5013.14.3
Staphylococcus spp. - Coagulase producing strains Spread plate - Petrifilm AOAC 2003.08

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)


Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure Limitations
Temperature metrology - Temperature measuring equipment Digital temperature measuring systems; Temperature loggers - Single and multi-channel Temperature Comparison with a reference standard

by the methods of -

PRC-CEN-23;  AS 3864


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -

0.3 °C from -196 °C to - 80 °C

0.3 °C from above- 80 °C to - 30 °C
0.06 °C from above- 30 °C to 200 °C for RTD sensors only
0.3 °C from above -30 °C to 200 °C for T/C sensors

0.5 ºC from -80 ºC to 200 ºC for recorders and digital indicators only (including on site)
Temperature metrology - Verification of controlled enclosures Autoclaves and sterilising ovens Temporal uniformity Direct temperature measurement

By the methods of -

AS/NZS 4187:2014 Section 7.4, PRC-CEN-6


with Calibration and Measurement capability of -

0.5 ºC from 23ºC to 180 ºC

Baths Temperature; Temporal uniformity Direct temperature measurement

Calibration of baths

By the methods of -

AS 2853, PRC-CEN-24

In-house calibration of baths

By the methods of -



with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -

Calibration of baths

0.5 ºC from -80ºC to 200ºC

In-house calibration of baths

0.15 ºC from -80ºC to 200ºC

Environmental chambers - Temperature; Ovens Spatial uniformity; Temperature Direct temperature measurement

By the methods of -

AS 2853, PRC-CEN-24, PRC-CEN-4


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -

0.5 ºC from  0 ºC to 100 ºC 

1 ºC above 100 ºC to 200 ºC

Freezers Temperature Direct temperature measurement

By the methods of -

AS 2853, PRC-CEN-4


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -

0.5 ºC from -80ºC to 0ºC

Incubators Spatial uniformity; Temperature Direct temperature measurement

By the methods of -

AS 2853, PRC-CEN-24


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -

0.5 ºC from 23ºC to 100ºC

Medical refrigeration equipment Temperature; Temporal uniformity Direct temperature measurement

By the methods of -

AS 3864.2, PRC-CEN-4


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -

0.5 ºC from -80ºC to 100ºC

Volume and density - Laboratory volumetric glassware and measures Piston operated volumetric apparatus (POVA) Volume Gravimetric

ISO 8655-6


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -

0.03 μL from 0.4 μL to 4 μL
0.05 μL above 4 μL to 25 μL
0.16 μL above 25 μL to 100 μL
0.32 μL above 100 μL to 1200 μL
1.5 μL above 1200 μL to 2000 lL
1.8 μL at 5000 μL
5.1 μL at 10000 μL

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)


Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure
Analysis for microorganisms Air - Indoor Plate count; Yeasts and moulds Settle plate in-house method PRC-MBI-648
Plate count; Yeasts and moulds Settle plate

in-house method PRC-MBI-639

Egg wash and egg humidifier reverse osmosis water; Fresh waters; Industrial waters - Treated, recirculating; Marine waters; Potable waters; Purified and processed waters; Sewage; Swimming pool and spa waters; Trade wastes Coliforms Membrane filter in-house method PRC-MBI-598
Estuarine waters; Fresh waters; Industrial waters - Treated, recirculating; Marine waters; Potable waters; Purified and processed waters; Sewage; Swimming pool and spa waters; Trade wastes Escherichia coli​​​​; Coliforms - Thermotolerant Membrane filter

in-house method PRC-MBI-599

Vibrio cholerae; Vibrio spp. Qualitative selective enrichment AS/NZS 4276.15
Salmonella spp. Qualitative selective enrichment

AS/NZS 4276.14

Salmonella spp. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in-house method PRC-MBI-611
Clostridium perfringens; Clostridium spp. - Sulfite reducing Membrane filter

AS/NZS 4276.17.1

Plate count Pour plate AS/NZS 4276.3.2
Enterococci; Enterococcus spp.; Streptococcus - Faecal Membrane filter

in-house method PRC-MBI-606

Escherichia coli​​​​; Coliforms Defined substrate technology

AS 4276.21

Pseudomonas aeruginosa Membrane filter

AS/NZS 4276.13

Legionella pneumophila; Legionella spp. Spread plate

AS 3896

Listeria monocytogenes Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in-house method PRC-MBI-641
Yeasts and moulds Membrane filter in-house method PRC-MBI-624

Plate count Pour plate

AS 4276.3.1

Estuarine waters; Fresh waters; Industrial waters - Treated, recirculating; Marine waters; Potable waters; Purified and processed waters; Swimming pool and spa waters Pseudomonads Membrane filter in-house method PRC-MBI-630
Estuarine waters; Fresh waters; Industrial waters - Treated, recirculating; Marine waters; Purified and processed waters; Sewage; Swimming pool and spa waters; Trade wastes Plate count Membrane filter AS 4276.1
Surfaces Enterobacteriaceae; Escherichia coli​​​​; Salmonella spp.; Staphylococcus aureus; Coliforms; Coliforms - Faecal; Pseudomonads; Yeasts and moulds Spread plate

in-house method PRC-MBI-649

Plate count Spread plate AS 4709
Plate count Pour plate

in-house method PRC-MBI-638

Listeria monocytogenes; Listeria spp. Qualitative selective enrichment

In-house method PRC-MBI-665

Salmonella spp. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in-house methods PRC-MBI-611; PRC-MBI-649
Listeria monocytogenes; Listeria spp. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in-house method PRC-MBI-641

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)

Food and Beverage

Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure
Analysis for microorganisms Beverages; Cereal products; Cocoa and cocoa products; Confectionery; Crustaceans; Dairy products; Eggs and egg products; Fish; Fruit and fruit products; Gelatine and other gums; Heat-processed foods in hermetically sealed containers; Herbs and spices; Honey; Meat and meat products; Mixed foods; Molluscs (including shell); Nuts and nut products; Poultry and poultry products; Sugar products; Vegetables and vegetable products Staphylococcus spp. - Coagulase producing strains Spread plate

AOAC 2003.08

Yeasts and moulds Spread plate

AS 5013.29

Vibrio cholerae; Vibrio parahaemolyticus; Vibrio spp. Qualitative selective enrichment

in-house method PRC-MBI-613

Lactic acid bacteria; Microaerophilic Lactobacilli Pour plate

in-house method PRC-MBI-620

Staphylococcus spp. - Coagulase producing strains Spread plate - Petrifilm

AOAC 2003.11

Listeria monocytogenes; Listeria spp. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in-house method PRC-MBI-641
Campylobacter spp. Qualitative selective enrichment

AS 5013.6

Escherichia coli​​​​; Coliforms - Thermotolerant Most probable number (MPN)

AS 5013.15

Clostridium perfringens; Clostridium spp.​​​​ Pour plate

AS 5013.16

Plate count Spread plate

AS 5013.14.3

Plate count Pour plate

AS 5013.5

Salmonella spp. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in-house method PRC-MBI-611
Psychrotrophic microorganisms Pour plate

AS 5013.23

Bacillus cereus; Bacillus spp. Spread plate

CCFRA 3.7.1

Yeasts and moulds Spread plate

in-house method PRC-MBI-662

Coliforms Most probable number (MPN)

AS 5013.3

Salmonella spp. Qualitative selective enrichment

AS 5013.10

Staphylococcus spp. - Coagulase producing strains Spread plate

AOAC 2003.07

Escherichia coli​​​​; Coliforms Spread plate - Petrifilm

AOAC 998.08

Yeasts and moulds Pour plate

in-house method PRC-MBI-662

Escherichia coli​​​​ Spread plate - Petrifilm

AOAC 991.14

Osmophilic yeasts; Xerophilic moulds Spread plate

in-house method PRC-MBI-622

Pseudomonas spp. Spread plate

in-house method PRC-MBI-630

Plate count Membrane filter

AS 5013.14.2

Enterobacteriaceae Spread plate - Petrifilm

AOAC 2003.1

Beverages; Cereal products; Cocoa and cocoa products; Confectionery; Dairy products; Heat-processed foods in hermetically sealed containers Bacillus coagulans GBI-30 6086 Pour plate in-house method PRC-MBI-684
Dairy products Inhibitory substances in milk Antibiotic assay - Delvotest

Delvotest SP NT

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)

Healthcare, Pharmaceutical and Media Products

Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure
Biological analysis of cosmetics, perfumes and essentials oils Cosmetic products Candida albicans; Enterobacteriaceae; Escherichia coli​​​​; Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Salmonella spp.; Staphylococcus aureus; Staphylococcus spp. - Coagulase producing strains; Coliforms; Pseudomonads Qualitative selective enrichment

in-house method PRC-MBI-644

Plate count; Yeasts and moulds Pour plate

in-house method PRC-MBI-644

Cosmetic waters Plate count Pour plate

in-house method PRC-MBI-646

Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Plate count; Pseudomonads Membrane filter

in-house method PRC-MBI-646

Biological analysis of human and veterinary medicines including vaccines Dialysates; Pharmaceutical waters Plate count Membrane filter

in-house method PRC-MBI-619

Plate count Pour plate

in-house method PRC-MBI-619

Pharmaceutical waters Plate count Pour plate

in-house method PRC-MBI-646

Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Plate count; Pseudomonads Membrane filter

in-house method PRC-MBI-646

Pharmaceuticals Candida albicans; Enterobacteriaceae; Escherichia coli​​​​; Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Salmonella spp.; Staphylococcus aureus; Staphylococcus spp. - Coagulase producing strains; Coliforms; Pseudomonads Enrichment

in-house method PRC-MBI-645

Plate count; Yeasts and moulds Pour plate

in-house method PRC-MBI-645

Biological analysis of medical devices Medical devices Identification of bacterial contaminants Immunological test kit

in-house method PRC-MBI-669

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)

Infrastructure and Asset Integrity

Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure Limitations
Evaluation of air control equipment Biological safety cabinets; Hybrid ducted laminar flow cabinets Air barrier containment; Air pressure; Air velocity and uniformity of air velocity; Illuminance; Integrity of HEPA filter installations; Inward air velocity; Sound level; Ultraviolet intensity; Work zone integrity Cold DOP; Face velocity; Smoke visualisation

AS 1807.1,
AS 1807.5,
AS 1807.6,
AS 1807.7,
AS 1807.10,
AS 1807.15,
AS 1807.16,
AS 1807.20,
AS 1807.21,
AS 1807.22,
AS 1807.23
for the purposes of determining compliance with
AS 2252.1 clauses 5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.3.1, 5.3.2, 5.3.4,
AS 2252.2 clauses 5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.2.3, 5.2.4, 5.3.3, 5.3.4, 5.2.5,
AS 2252.5 clauses 7.2.1, 7.2.2, 7.2.3, 7.2.4, 7.3.3, 7.3.4, 7.3.5

Clean rooms, pharmaceutical isolators and work stations Air pressure; Air velocity and uniformity of air velocity; Illuminance; Integrity of HEPA filter installations; Sound level; Ultraviolet intensity; Work zone integrity Cold DOP; Face velocity; Smoke visualisation AS 1807.1,
AS 1807.5,
AS 1807.6,
AS 1807.7,
AS 1807.15,
AS 1807.20,
AS 1807.23
for compliance with AS 2252.6 clauses 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.3, 3.3.2, 3.3.3, 3.3.5
Clean workstations Illuminance Not applicable AS 1807 clause 4.5
For determining compliance with requirements of
AS 2252. 6 clause 3.3.2

Fume cupboards and recirculating fume cabinets Extraction performance; Illuminance; Sound level Face velocity; Smoke visualisation AS 1807.15,
AS 1807.20,
AS/NZS 2243.8 Appendices A and B,
AS/NZS 2243.9 Appendices A and B
for compliance with AS/NZS 2243.8 clauses 4.2.2, 4.2.3, 4.2.4, 4.2.5 and AS 2243.9 clauses 5.2.2, 5.2.3 and 5.2.5

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