Envoy Group Asia Pacific Pty Ltd

GQS (Australia) Pty Ltd


GQS Australia (East)

GQS Australia (East)

Accreditation No.


Site No.


Date of Accreditation

28 Feb 2024


7-9 Leesons Road
Traralgon, VIC 3844



Mr Shaun Tosch P: +61 0458001491


Type A Inspection Body

Scope of Accreditation

GQS Australia (East)

ISO/IEC 17020 (2012)

Infrastructure and Asset Integrity

Service Product Determinant Procedure Limitations
Expediting Project deliverablesProject deliverables Acceptance inspection; Count; Expediting; Hold-point; Identification In-house procedures covering standards, codes and client specifications addressing the service and products Expediting of projects to ensure schedules are followed as planned
Fabricated components and assemblies - Inspection Fabricated components and assemblies; Steel assemblies; Structural steelwork; Welded fabrications Acceptance inspection; Fabrication inspection; Surveillance Covering standards, codes and specifications addressing the service, including AS/NZS 1554.1, AS/NZS 1554.3, AS/NZS 1554.4, AS/NZS 1554.5, AS/NZS 1554.6, AS/NZS 2980, AS 3978, AS/NZS 4100, AS/NZS ISO 9606.1, AS/NZS ISO17637, VicRoads TB 46, VicRoads 630, and client specifications Surveillance and Inspection of steel fabrication and structural steel erection
Pressure plant, pipelines and equipment - Fabrication inspection Fired pressure vessels; Pressure piping; Unfired pressure vessels Fabrication inspection Covering standards, codes and specifications addressing the service, including AS 1210, AS 1228, AS/NZS 2980, AS 3978, AS/NZS 3992, AS 4037, AS 4041, AS 4458, AS/NZS ISO 9606.1, AS/NZS ISO 17637, ASME BPVC Sections I, IV, V, VIII, IX
Pressure plant, pipelines and equipment - In-service inspection Auxiliary vessels; Boilers; Pipelines; Pressure piping; Pressure relief devices In-service inspection Covering standards, codes and specifications addressing the service, including AS/NZS 3788 Hazard levels A, B, C and D
Witnessing Processes; Project deliverables; Testing Acceptance inspection; Count; Fabrication process inspection; Hold-point; Identification; Labelling In-house procedures covering standards, codes and client specifications addressing the service and products Offshore and industrial products

The only data displayed is that deemed relevant and necessary for the clear description of the activities and services covered by the scope of accreditation.

Grey text appearing in a SoA is additional freetext providing further refinement or information on the data in the preceding line entry.