Jensen Hughes Fire Testing Pty Ltd


Jensen Hughes Fire Testing Pty Ltd

Accreditation No.


Site No.


Date of Accreditation

07 Nov 1991


409-411 Hammond Road
Dandenong, VIC 3175


Mr Steven Halliday P: +61 (03) 97671000


Services available to external clients

Scope of Accreditation

Jensen Hughes Fire Testing Pty Ltd

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)

Manufactured Goods

Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure Limitations
Evaluation of fire protection and mitigation equipment Fire sprinkler heads Functional and compatibility assessment; Leakage Not applicable in-house method NA18
Evaluation of fire risk for building materials, components and structures Building materials Full-scale room fire appraisal for surface products Not applicable ISO 9705 and AS ISO 9705 ;
IMO Resolution MSC.307 (88) Part 10, Appendix 1 ;
NFPA 274 ;

Fire resistance Not applicable AS/NZS 3837
ISO 5660-1
ASTM E1354

Building materials; Elements of building construction Heat release Not applicable ISO 1716 Bomb calorimeter
Flame propagation Not applicable AS 1530.1, AS 5113;
ASTM E 2652;
BS 8414-1, BS 8414-2;
IMO FTPC Part 1;
ISO 1182, EN ISO 1182, ISO 13785-1, ISO 13785-2

Flammability Not applicable AS 1530.2
Cable feeders Fire resistance Not applicable AS 3013
Components for the protection of openings in fire resistant walls and separating elements Fire resistance Not applicable AS 4072.1-1992;
ASTM E814;
UL 1479, excluding clause 6A, UL 2079;
EN 1366-3, EN 1366-4, EN 1366-7;
ASTM E1966;
IMO Resolution MSC.307 (88) Part 3

Fire resistance Not applicable FSB/PSB/001/00;
EN 1366-5

Elements of building construction Fire resistance Not applicable ASTM E119;
UL 263;
NFPA 251, NFPA 288;
EN 1364-1, EN 1364-3, EN 1365-1, EN 1365-5
IMO Resolution MSC.307 (88) Part 3, Part 4 and Part 11

Fire resistance Not applicable AS 1530.4, AS 1530.4-2005 and AS 1530.4-1997;
BS 476 Parts 20, 21, 22, 23, 24;
ISO 834.1, ISO 834.4, ISO 834.5, ISO 834.8;
ISO 3008, ISO 3009;
BCA specification A2.4;
EN 1363-1; EN 1363-2

Fire resistance tests on elements of building constructions which can be accommodated
in a horizontal furnace with nominal opening dimensions of 5 m x 2.5 m, 3 m x 4 m or in a vertical furnace
with nominal opening dimensions of 3 x 3 m, 4 m x 3 m, 4 m x 4 m

Fire resistance Not applicable UL 555, Section 10 only
ISO 10294.1, ISO 10294.5, excluding clause 4.24
EN 1366.2
SS 333
IMO Resolution MSC.307 (88) Part 3

Simulated bushfire attack Large flaming sources; Small flaming sources AS 1530.8.1;
AS 1530.8.2
Factory made air ducts and air connectors Fire resistance Not applicable AS/NZS 1530.7, AS/NZS 1530.7-1998, AS 1682.1 (Section 3 only), AS 1682.1-1990 (Section 5 only), AS 4429, Sections 5 and 6 only;
EN 1634-3;
UL 555S;
BS 7346.3, BS 476, Section 31.1, BS 7346.1, Appendix B only, BS 7346.2;
EN 12101.3
ISO 5925.1
UL 1784

Windows, doors, shutters and blinds Fire resistance Not applicable AS 1530.4 section 7 and 8
AS 1905.1-1997;
NFPA 252, NFPA 257;
ASTM 2074;
UL 9, UL 10B, UL 10C;
EN 1634-1;
SS 332, SS 489;
IMO Resolution MSC.307 (88) Part 3, Part 4 and Part 11 (Doors only)

Material performance evaluation of elastomers, plastics and composite products Prepared test specimens Ash content Muffle furnace ASTM D5630 (2013)
Mechanical performance evaluation of components for building envelopes, framing and interior lining Door, window and skylight assemblies Endurance; Mains power failure of powered doors Not applicable

AS 5007 clauses 4.4.1 and 4.4.2 only (Cold, dry heat and ambient tests)

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