Downer EDI Works


Largs Bay Laboratory

Accreditation No.


Site No.


Date of Accreditation

15 Apr 1987


188 Jetty Road
Largs Bay, SA 5016


Mr Sam Tucker P: +61 (08) 82429011


Services conditionally available to external clients

Scope of Accreditation

Largs Bay Laboratory

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)


Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure Limitations
Analysis of bituminous materials - Composition Bituminous materials Residue on evaporation Not applicable

AS/NZS 2341 23

Analysis of bituminous materials - Properties Bituminous materials Sample handling and conditioning Not applicable

Austroads Method ATM 102

Softening point Ring and ball

AS 2341.18; Austroads Method AGPT/T131

Sieve residue Sieve analysis

AS 2341.26

Breaking behaviour Setting time

AS 2341.29

Viscosity Brookfield viscometer; Haake

Austroads Method ATM 111, DPTI (SA) MAT-TP685

pH of bituminous emulsions Classical

AS 2341.32

Torsional recovery Not applicable

Austroads Method ATM 122

Sample collection Bituminous materials Not applicable Bitumen emulsions from tanks, tankers and drums; Cutback bitumens from tanks, tankers and drums; Polymer modified bitumens from tanks, tankers and drums

AS 1160 Appendix A, AS 2157 Appendix B, Austroads Method ATM 101

The only data displayed is that deemed relevant and necessary for the clear description of the activities and services covered by the scope of accreditation.

Grey text appearing in a SoA is additional freetext providing further refinement or information on the data in the preceding line entry.