Lear Siegler Australasia Pty Ltd


Lear Siegler Australasia Melbourne Office

Accreditation No.


Site No.


Date of Accreditation

21 Nov 2017


Unit 28,, 21-35 Ricketts Road
Mount Waverley , VIC 3149



Mr Gareth Hunter P: +61 (03) 95456663


Services available to external clients

Scope of Accreditation

Lear Siegler Australasia Melbourne Office

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)


Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure Limitations
Flow metrology - Environmental flow measuring devices and systems Anemometers Direction; Velocity Comparison measurement in wind tunnel


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of
(ultrasonic anemometers only)
Wind Speed: 0.7 m/s from 0.3 m/s to 24 m/s.
Wind Direction: 3.0 degrees from 0 degrees  to 360 degrees at a nominal flowrate of 5.0 m/s

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)


Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure
Analysis for physical and chemical characteristics Air - Ambient Particulate matter - PM10 Beta attenuation monitors

AS 3580.9.11

Particulate matter - PM2.5 Tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM)

AS 3580.9.13

Nitrogen - Oxidised Chemiluminescence

AS 3580.5.1 

Ozone Chemiluminescence

AS 3580.6.1 

Carbon monoxide Infrared (IR)

AS 3580.7.1 

Suspended particulate matter - PM10 High volume gravimetric

AS 3580.9.6 

Suspended particulate matter - Total High volume gravimetric

AS 3580.9.3 

Particulate matter - PM10 Tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM)

AS 3580.9.8

Particulate matter - PM2.5 Beta attenuation monitors

AS 3580.9.12

Sulfur dioxide Fluorescence

AS 3580.4.1 

Suspended particulate matter - PM2.5 High volume gravimetric

AS 3580.9.14 

Meteorological monitoring Atmosphere Pressure; Rainfall; Relative humidity (RH); Solar radiation; Temperature; Wind direction; Wind speed - Horizontal Barometer; Hygrometer; Pyranometer; Rainfall gauge; Rotating anemometer; Temperature probe; Ultrasonic anemometer; Ultrasonic wind sensor

AS 3580.14

Sample collection Air - Ambient Not applicable

AS 3580.1.1 - Site selection for ambient station

AS 3580.4.1 - Sulfur dioxide by fluorescence

AS 3580.5.1 - Oxides of nitrogen by chemiluminescence

AS 3580.6.1 - Ozone by chemiluminescence

AS 3580.7.1 - Carbon monoxide by IR

AS 3580.9.3 - Particulates - total suspended byhigh volume sampler

AS 3580.9.6 - Particulates - PM10 by high volume sampler

AS 3580.9.8 - Particulates - PM10 by TEOM
 AS 3580.9.11 - Particulate - PM10 by beta attenuation monitor (BAM)
 AS 3580.9.12 - Particulates PM2.5 by beta attenuation monitor (BAM)
 AS 3580.9.13 - Particulates PM2.5 by TEOM

AS 3580.9.14 - Particulates PM2.5 by high volume sampler

AS 3580.10.1 - Particulate matter - deposited matter

 AS 3580.14 - Wind Speed (Horizontal) by anemometer (and Ultrasonic)

 AS 3580.14 - Wind direction by anemometer (and Ultrasonic)

 AS 3580.14 - Temperature - ambient by thermoelectric techniques

 AS 3580.14 - Relative humidity by hygrometer

 AS 3580.14 - Solar radiation - global exposure by pyranometer

 AS 3580.14 - Rainfall

 AS 3580.14 - Barometric Pressure

The only data displayed is that deemed relevant and necessary for the clear description of the activities and services covered by the scope of accreditation.

Grey text appearing in a SoA is additional freetext providing further refinement or information on the data in the preceding line entry.