Marand Precision Engineering Pty Ltd


Marand Precision Engineering Pty Ltd

Accreditation No.


Site No.


Date of Accreditation

17 May 1966


153 Keys Road
Moorabbin, VIC 3189


Mr Andrew Jackson P: +61 (03) 85520600


Services available to external clients

Scope of Accreditation

Marand Precision Engineering Pty Ltd

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)


  • The uncertainty of measurement is reported as an expanded uncertainty having a level of confidence of 95% unless stated otherwise
Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure Limitations
Dimensional metrology - Engineering equipment and precision instruments Angle plates Angle (arc) Direct measurement

With reference to BS 5535


With Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
3 μm up to 150 mm
10 μm above 150 to 600 mm
Bevel protractors Angle (arc) Comparison with a reference standard; Direct measurement

With reference to BS 1965


Mechanical and optic types
With Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
5 μm up to 150 mm
8 μm above 150 to 300 mm
Bore gauges; Dial gauges Length measurements Direct measurement

Dial gauges 

With reference to AS 2103

Bore gauges

Two point contact measurements only


With Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
Dial Gauge
3.5 μm up to 60 mm
Bore Gauge
1.0 μm up to 150 mm
Depth and height micrometers; External micrometers; Internal micrometers Length measurements Direct measurement

External micrometers 

Up to 500 mm with reference to AS 2101

Above 500 mm up to 1500 mm to Laboratory procedure 1.03.22

Internal micrometers

Up to 1000 mm with reference to AS 2102

Above 1000 mm up to 1500 mm to Laboratory procedure 1.03.22

Depth micrometers

With reference to BS 6468



With Calibration and Measurement Capability of -

External micrometers for linear measurements

4.5 μm up to 25 mm

21 μm above 25 mm to 1500 mm

Internal and stick  micrometers for linear measurements

3.5 μm up to 50 mm

20 μm above 50 mm to 1500 mm

Depth micrometers

5 μm up to 25 mm

8 μm above 25 to 1000 mm
Micrometer Setting Gauges
3.6 μm up to 25 mm
4.2 μm above 25 to 1500 mm
Engineers' comparators Length measurements Direct measurement

With reference to AS 2372


Magnification factors up to 10,000:1
Movement up to 1 mm
With Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
2 μm up to 1 mm
Engineers' parallels Parallelism Direct measurement

With reference to BS 906


With Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
Steel parallels
3 μm up to 100 mm
Feeler gauges Length measurements Direct measurement

With reference to DIN2275


With Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
1.5 μm up to 50 mm
Micrometer heads Length measurements Direct measurement

With reference to AS 2328


With Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
Type 1
11 μm up to 25 mm
Type 2
3 μm up to 25 mm
Type 3
0.5 μm up to 25 mm
Squares Length measurements Direct measurement

With reference to BS 939


Engineers squares Grade A
With Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
2 μm up to 100 mm
10 μm above 100 to 600 mm
Steel rulers and measuring tapes Length measurements Direct measurement

With reference to BS 4372


Engineers steel rulers
With Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
9 μm up to 300 mm
15 μm above 300 to 1000 mm
28 μm above 1000 to 2000 mm
41 μm above 2000 to 3000 mm
Straight edges Flatness; Parallelism; Straightness Direct measurement With reference to AS 1003


With Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
3 μm up to 200 mm
5 μm above 200 to 2000 mm
Vernier calipers Length measurements Direct measurement

Electronic and vernier calipers from 150 to 1000 mm with reference to AS 1984

Above 1000 mm up to 1500 mm to Laboratory Procedure 1.03.27


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of - 

Electronic and Vernier Calipers for linear measurements

7 μm up to 150 mm ;

21 μm above 150 to 1500 mm

Digital Caliper gauges 

(12.5 + 0.006 L) μm where L is length in mm up to 1500 mm

Vernier height and depth gauges Length measurements Direct measurement ISO 13225


With Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
7 μm up to 200 mm
16 μm above 200 to 2000 mm
Dimensional metrology - Jigs, fixtures, cutting tools, machine tools, gears, splines and serrations Components and QC standards; Cutting tools; Jigs and fixtures Angle; Length measurements Direct measurement


With Calibration and Measurement Capability of -

5 μm up to 1003 mm

27 μm above 1003 to 10003 mm
Position and receiver gauges Coordinate positioning; Length measurements Direct measurement


With Calibration and Measurement Capability of -

5 μm up to 1003 mm

14 μm above 1003 to 10003 mm
Dimensional metrology - Length and angle standards Gauge blocks and accessories Length measurements Comparison with a reference standard

With reference to AS 1457, grades 1 and 2


With Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
0.18 μm from 0.5 to 10 mm
0.19 μm above 10 to 25 mm
0.20 μm above 25 to 50 mm
0.27 μm above 50 to 100 mm
Precision vee blocks Angle (arc); Length measurements Direct measurement

With reference to AS B269


With Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
4 μm from 10 up to 50 mm
11 μm above 50 to 500 mm
Dimensional metrology - Limit gauges and reference standards Parallel screw plug gauges Major diameter and simple pitch diameter Direct measurement


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of - 

Setting plugs and screw check plug gauges

4 μm from 1 to 100 mm

Plain gap gauges Length measurements Direct measurement


With Calibration and Measurement Capability of - 

2 μm from 1 mm to 25 mm;

3 μm above 25 mm to 150 mm

Plain plug gauges; Plain ring gauges Diameter Direct measurement


With Calibration and Measurement Capability of - 

Plain plug gauges

1 μm from 1 to 50 mm ;

2 μm above 50 mm to 100 mm ; 

3 μm above 100 mm to 200 mm

Plain ring gauges

0.7 μm from 7 to 100 mm;

3 μm above 100 to 200 mm

Profile gauges Profile Direct measurement Test Method 1.01.31


With Calibration and Measurement Capability of -

7 μm up to 10003 mm

Taper plug gauges Diameter; Length measurements Direct measurement

Tapers up to 1 in 10

Sizes from 1 to 50 mm


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of - 

6 μm from 1 to 50 mm

Dimensional metrology - Surface topography Surface finish reference standards Surface texture Direct measurement Ra Method


With Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
7% of reading from 0.05 to 50 μm

The only data displayed is that deemed relevant and necessary for the clear description of the activities and services covered by the scope of accreditation.

Grey text appearing in a SoA is additional freetext providing further refinement or information on the data in the preceding line entry.