MDR Certification Engineers Pty Ltd


MDR Certification Engineers Pty Ltd

Accreditation No.


Site No.


Date of Accreditation

15 Oct 2007


61 Quill Way
Henderson, WA 6166



Type A Inspection Body

Scope of Accreditation

MDR Certification Engineers Pty Ltd

ISO/IEC 17020 (2012)

Infrastructure and Asset Integrity

Service Product Determinant Procedure Limitations
Coated and corroded surfaces - Inspection Coated and corroded surfaces Survey

Covering standards, codes and specifications addressing the service, including AS 3894

Protective coatings condition surveys, limited to Dry Film Thickness (DFT) coatings survey and Holiday testing of existing coatings

Evaluation of load generating lifting appliances Cranes - Bridge; Cranes - Gantry; Cranes - Monorail Verification In-house procedure VI-04.2 Limited to verification only as described in the Mines Safety and Inspection Act 1994 (MSIA) and Mines Safety and Inspection Regulations 1995 (MSIR).
Industrial processes - Inspection Welding Acceptance inspection; Approval

Covering standards, codes and specifications addressing the service, including AS 1554 and AS 4100

Welder qualification

Pressure plant, pipelines and equipment - Fabrication inspection Pressure piping; Unfired pressure vessels Fabrication inspection

Covering standards, codes and specifications addressing the service, including AS 1210, AS 3978, AS 4041, AS 4458 and API 620

Hazard levels: A, B, C, D, E

Storage tanks Fabrication inspection Covering standards, codes and specifications addressing the service, including AS 1692 and API 650 Fabrication inspection of atmospheric tanks
Pressure plant, pipelines and equipment - In-service inspection Auxiliary vessels; Boilers; Compressed air containing vessels; Fired heaters or convection banks; Pressure piping; Pressure relief devices; Process vessels; Static low temperature vessels - Below -10°C; Static storage vessels; Steam pressure vessels; Storage tanks to API 620 or equivalent; Transportable vessels; Vessels with quick actuating closures In-service inspection

Covering standards, codes and specifications addressing the service, including AS/NZS 3788

Boilers excluding package boilers

Storage tanks, Including in-service inspection of storage tanks to API 653

Transportable vessels limited to vessels for harmful and non-harmful contents including road and rail tanks

Pressure relief valves limited to external visual inspection only

Storage tanks In-service inspection Covering standards, codes and specifications addressing the service, including API 653

Horizontal and vertical fuel storage tanks

Pressure plant, pipelines and equipment - Inspection Pressure equipment Witnessing of hydrostatic tests; Witnessing of pneumatic tests Covering standards, codes and specifications addressing the service, including WPT-1.0, AS 4037 section 17, API 650 section 7.3.6, API 653 section 12.3

The only data displayed is that deemed relevant and necessary for the clear description of the activities and services covered by the scope of accreditation.

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