
Metering & Meter Field Services

Accreditation No.


Site No.


Date of Accreditation

01 Nov 1952


524 Bilsen Road
Geebung, QLD 4034


Mr Dave Pritchard P: +61 0416103283


Services available to external clients

Scope of Accreditation

Meter Field Services

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)


  • The uncertainty of measurement is reported as an expanded uncertainty having a level of confidence of 95% unless stated otherwise
Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure Limitations
DC and low frequency electrical metrology - Electrical measurement and test equipment Electricity meters Active energy; Reactive energy Comparison with a reference standard Test points and accuracy requirements of single phase and poly phase electricity meters specified in AS/IEC 62053.21, AS/IEC 62053.22 , AS/IEC 62053.23, AS/IEC 62053.24,
National Electricity Rules (NER) Chapter 7 Metering 


Including on site calibrations

with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -

Watthour meters

0.05%/cosΦ from 0.8 lead to 0.5 lag, at 50 Hz, 63.5 V to 240 V, 0.1 A to 20 A, and 240 V, 20 A to 100 A, single-phase and poly-phase

Varhour meters

0.21% from -90 º to -30 º at 50 Hz, 63.5 V to 240 V, 0.1 A to 20 A, single-phase and poly-phase

DC and low frequency electrical metrology - High-voltage/high-current standards and equipmentincluding on site calibrations Current transformers; Voltage transformers Current error; Phase displacement; Voltage error Comparison with a reference standard Test points and accuracy requirements specified in AS 60044.1, AS 60044.2, AS 60044.3, AS 60044.5, AS 1243-1982, AS 1675-1986, IEC 61869-1, IEC 61869-2, IEC 61869-3, IEC 61869-4, IEC 61869-5


Including on site calibrations

with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -

Current transformers (CTs) at 50 Hz

with rated primary currents from 1 A to 10 000 A
and rated secondary currents of 1 A or 5 A
and at 0.5 lagging to unity power-factor burden

0.04% for current error
0.04 crad for phase displacement

Voltage transformers (VTs) at 50 Hz

with rated primary voltages from 110/√ 3 V to 330/√ 3 kV
and rated secondary voltages of 110/√ 3 V or 110 V
and at 0.1 lagging to unity power-factor burden

0.04% for voltage error
0.04 crad for phase displacement

Meter Laboratory

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)


  • The uncertainty of measurement is reported as an expanded uncertainty having a level of confidence of 95% unless stated otherwise
Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure Limitations
DC and low frequency electrical metrology - Electrical measurement and test equipment Electricity meters Active energy; Reactive energy Comparison with a reference standard Test points and accuracy requirements of single phase and polyphase electricity meters specified in:
AS/IEC 62053.21
AS/IEC 62053.22
AS/IEC 62053.23
AS/IEC 62053.24
National Electricity Rules (NER) Chapter 7 Metering
NMI NITP 14 National Instrument Test procedures for Utility Meters clause 7
Functional tests for no load and starting current by the methods of NMI NITP 14 clause 7.2


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -

Watthour meters
0.04%/cos Φ , At 50 Hz, 63.5 V to 240 V, 0.01 A to 100 A single-phase and poly-phase

Varhour meters

0.05%/sin Φ from sin Φ = 1 to sin Φ = 0.5 inductive or capacitive (±150º to ±30º) at 50 Hz, 63.5 V to 240 V, 0.01 A to 100 A single-phase and poly-phase
DC and low frequency electrical metrology - High-voltage/high-current standards and equipment Current transformers Current error; Phase displacement Comparison with a reference standard Test points and accuracy requirements specified in AS 60044.1, AS 60044.3, AS 1675 - 1986; IEC 61869-1, IEC 61869-2, IEC 61869-4


Accuracy testing of current transformers (CTs) at 50 Hz
with rated primary currents from 5 A to 1 500 A
with rated secondary current of 5 A
and at 0.5 lagging to unity power-factor burden

with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -

0.1% for current error
0.15 crad for phase displacement

The only data displayed is that deemed relevant and necessary for the clear description of the activities and services covered by the scope of accreditation.

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