Occupational Hygiene Consulting Pty Ltd


Occupational Hygiene Consulting Pty Ltd

Accreditation No.


Site No.


Date of Accreditation

20 Apr 2023


Unit 3, 22 Bradmill Avenue
Rutherford, NSW 2320



Ms Kerry McDougall P: +61 0429700016


Services available to external clients

Scope of Accreditation

Occupational Hygiene Consulting Pty Ltd

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)


Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure
Analysis for diesel particulates Air Volume measurement Sampling flow rate and duration measurement NIOSH 5040 and  in-house method  PRO.0009 (Sampling only)
Analysis of dust Air Volume measurement Sampling flow rate and duration measurement AS 3640, AS  2985 and in-house method  PRO.0001 and PRO.0002
Membrane filters Dust - Inhalable; Dust - Respirable Gravimetric AS 3640, AS 2985, and inhouse method PRO.0001, PRO.0002, PRO.0008
Analysis of the workplace environment and hazards for metals and metal compounds Welding fumes and gases Volume measurement Sampling flow rate and duration measurement AS 3853.1 and in house method PRO.0008
Dust - Inhalable; Dust - Respirable Gravimetric AS 3853.1 and in house method PRO.0008

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