Downer EDI Works Pty Ltd


Road Science – Product Development Hub (National Research and Development Laboratory)

Accreditation No.


Site No.


Date of Accreditation

02 Dec 2005


125 - 129 Somerton Road
Somerton, VIC 3062


Dr Hamed Haghighi P: +61 0498343087


Services conditionally available to external clients

Scope of Accreditation

Road Science – Product Development Hub (National Research and Development Laboratory)

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)

Infrastructure and Asset Integrity

Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure Limitations
Establishment of annex facilities Materials defined by all or some for which the site is accredited Determinations defined by all or some for which the site is accredited Techniques defined by all or some for which the site is accredited
Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Aggregate properties Aggregates Particle density of fine aggregate Weighing-in-water

AS 1141.5

Water absorption of fine aggregate Not applicable

AS 1141.5

Bulk density Compacted; Uncompacted

AS 1141.4

Particle size distribution Sieve analysis; Sieve analysis of material finer than 75 µm

AS 1141.11.1, AS 1141.12, RMS (NSW) Method T201, RMS (NSW) Method T203, TfNSW TS02799.02, TfNSW TS2799.04 

Shape Flakiness

AS 1141.15

Water absorption of coarse aggregate Pycnometer

AS 1141.6.2

Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Aggregate soundness Aggregates Soundness Degradation factor on fine aggregate; Methylene blue value

AS 1141.25.3
RMS (NSW) Method T659

TfNSW TS 02806.36

Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Asphalt adhesion and stripping Asphalts Binder paste drain-off

Austroads Method AGPT/T235

Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Asphalt extraction and grading Asphalts Moisture content Not applicable

RC (Vic) Method 211.01

Bitumen content and aggregate grading Ignition oven; Pressure filter; Reflux

AS/NZS 2891.3.1, AS/NZS 2891.3.3

MR (Qld) Method Q308C, MR (Qld) Method Q308D

Austroads Method AGPT/T234

Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Asphalt field density Asphalts Density ratio and air voids Not applicable


Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Asphalt filler Asphalts Voids in dry compacted filler Not applicable

AS/NZS 1141.17

Apparent particle density of filler Not applicable

AS/NZS 1141.7

Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Asphalt mechanical properties Asphalts Marshall stability and flow Not applicable

AS/NZS 2891.5


Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Asphalt mix design Asphalts Mix composition Marshall method

RC (Vic) Method 201.01

Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Asphalt performance Asphalts Deformation resistance Wheel tracking machine

Austroads Method AGPT/T231

Asphalt particle loss Abrasion

Austroads Method AGPT/T236

Stripping potential Tensile strength ratio

Austroads Method AGPT/T232

RMS (NSW) Method T640

TfNSW TS 02806.26

Resilient modulus Indirect tensile

AS/NZS 2891.13.1

Fatigue life Flexural bending

Austroads Method AGPT/T233 (2006); Austroads Method AGPT/T274

Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Asphalt specimen manufacture Asphalts Specimen compaction Gyratory compaction

AS/NZS 2891.2.2

Specimen conditioning Handling and conditioning

AS/NZS 2891.2.1

Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Asphalt volumetric properties Asphalts Voids and density relationship Not applicable

AS/NZS 2891.8

MRWA Method WA733.1

Maximum density Water displacement

AS/NZS 2891.7.1,

MRWA Method WA732.2

Bulk density Mensuration; Presaturation; Waxing

AS/NZS 2891.9.1, AS/NZS 2891.9.2, AS/NZS 2891.9.3

RC (Vic) 202.02

Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Soil classification Soils Linear shrinkage; Liquid limit; Moisture content; Plastic limit; Plasticity index; Sieve analysis Casagrande one point; Drying oven AS 1289.2.1.1; AS 1289.3.1.1; AS 1289.3.2.1; AS 1289.3.3.1; AS 1289.3.4.1; AS 1289.3.6.1; RMS (NSW) Method T106;TfNSW T106;; RMS (NSW) Method T108;TfNSW T108; RMS (NSW) Method T109;TfNSW T109; RMS (NSW) Method T120

TfNSW TS 02795.02,TfNSW TS 02795.04,TfNSW TS 02795.05,TfNSW TS 02795.14

Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Soil compaction characteristics Soils Dry density/moisture content relationship Modified compactive effort; Standard compactive effort AS 1289.5.1.1; AS 1289.5.2.1; RMS (NSW) Method T111; RMS (NSW) Method T112; MR (Qld) Method Q142A; MR (Qld) Method Q142B 

TfNSW TS 02795.06,TfNSW TS 02795.07

Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Soil dispersion Soils Dispersion Sand equivalent

AS 1289.3.7.1

Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Soil modulus and deformation Soils Resilient modulus Permanent deformation Austroads Method AGPT/T305
RMS (NSW) Method T154
MR (Qld) Method Q139

TfNSW TS 02798.05

Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Soil pre-treatment Soils Soil pre-treatment Not applicable AS 1289.1.1; RMS (NSW) Method T105;TfNSW T105;; MR (Qld) Method Q101

TfNSW TS 02795.01

Evaluation of geotechnical and civil construction material - Soil stabilisation Soils Curing of moulded specimens; Laboratory stabilisation of soil Lime, cement and bitumen MR (Qld) Method Q135A; MR (Qld) Method Q135B; MR (Qld) Method Q254B
Laboratory stabilisation of soil Foamed bitumen Austroads Method AGPT/T301; Austroads Method AGPT/T302; Austroads Method AGPT/T303; RMS (NSW) Method T153; MR (Qld) Method Q138A; MR (Qld) Method Q138B

TfNSW TS 02798.04

Cement content Heat of neutralisation AS 5101.3.3
Sample collection Asphalts Not applicable Uncompacted asphalt

AS/NZS 2891.1.1

Soils Not applicable Disturbed sampling from earthwork; Disturbed soil sampling from a pavement; Disturbed soil sampling from a stockpile AS 1289.1.2.1

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)


Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure Limitations
Analysis of bituminous materials - Composition Bituminous materials Residue on evaporation Gravimetric In-house method NRDL-ITM-002
Rubber content Gravimetric Austroads Method AGPT/T142
Water content Karl-Fischer titration

AS 2341.9

Toluene insoluble matter Not applicable

AS/NZS 2341.8

Residue on evaporation Not applicable

AS/NZS 2341.23

Recovery of residue Gravimetric AS 2341.30
Non-aqueous volatiles Calculation by difference AS 2341.24
Analysis of bituminous materials - Properties Bituminous materials pH of bituminous emulsions Classical

AS 2341.32

Breaking behaviour

AS 2341.29

Stone coating ability and water resistance

AS 2341.28

Ease of remixing Not applicable

Austroads AGPT/T109

Abrasion loss Wet track abrasion

Austroads Method AGPT/T272


Torsional recovery Not applicable

Austroads Method AGPT/T122

Excess binder Loaded wheel

Austroads Method AGPT/T273


Sample handling and conditioning Not applicable

AS 2341.21, Austroads ATM 102

Penetration of bitumen Not applicable

AS 2341.12

Sieve residue Sieve analysis

AS/NZS 2341.26

Softening point Ring and ball

AS 2341.18

Austroads AGPT/T131

Flash point Not applicable


Consistency of slurry Flow pattern

Austroads Method AGPT/T270


Durability Accelerated aging viscosity increase Austroads Method AGPT/T194
Viscosity Dynamic shear rheometer  Austroads Method AGPT/T192
Rolling thin film oven (RTFO) Effect of heat and air on a moving film of bitumen

AS/NZS 2341.10

Austroads Method AGPT/T103

Consistency; Elastic recovery; Stiffness Not applicable

Austroads Method AGPT/T121

Permanent recovery and creep Dynamic shear rheometer AASHTO M332,
ASTM D7405,
Austroads Method AGPT/T193
Viscosity Brookfield viscometer; Dynamic - Capillary tube; Rotational

AS/NZS 2341.2, AS/NZS 2341.4

Austroads Method AGPT/T111

ASTM D2196

Flash point of polymer modified binder Not applicable Austroads ATM 112
Set and cure of bituminous slurry Cohesion

Austroads Method AGPT/T271


Sedimentation Not applicable

AS/NZS 2341.27

Austroads AGPT/T108

Density Density bottle

AS 2341.7

Stress ratio Dynamic shear rheometer  Austroads Method AGPT/T125
Aggregate coating Visual examination ISSA TB114
Dynamic shear modulus and phase angle Dynamic shear rheometer AASHTO T315
Sample collection Bituminous materials Not applicable Bitumen emulsions from tanks, tankers and drums AS 1160
Hobart Annex Laboratory

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)

Infrastructure and Asset Integrity

Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure Limitations
Annex facility Materials defined by all or some for which the site is accredited Determinations defined by all or some for which the site is accredited Techniques defined by all or some for which the site is accredited Hobart Annex Laboratory Facility, Site No 26856 is established from 26 August 2024 until 30 June 2025 for project/contract Hobart International Airport Airfield Upgrade Project, contract no: 3470-0456-9125 for Hobart International Airport Pty Ltd.

The only data displayed is that deemed relevant and necessary for the clear description of the activities and services covered by the scope of accreditation.

Grey text appearing in a SoA is additional freetext providing further refinement or information on the data in the preceding line entry.