Acoem Australasia


Testing Laboratory

Accreditation No.


Site No.


Date of Accreditation

13 Oct 1999


1492 Ferntree Gully Rd
Knoxfield, VIC 3180


Mr Kumar Koujalgi P: +61 (03) 97307800


Services available to external clients

Scope of Accreditation

Testing Laboratory

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)


  • The uncertainty of measurement is reported as an expanded uncertainty having a level of confidence of 95% unless stated otherwise
Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure Limitations
Chemical metrology - Gas analysers Gas analysers Concentration Direct measurement by certified reference material

in-house method 5.8


Ozone analyser calibration

With Calibration and measurement Capability of-

3.1 ppb or 1.7% of reading (whichever is greater) in the range of 20 ppb to 520 ppb for ozone

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)


Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure
Analysis for hydrocarbons Air - Ambient Benzene; Toluene; p-Xylene Differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS)

in-house method 6.11

Methane; Non-methane hydrocarbons; Total hydrocarbons Flame ionisation detector (FID)

AS/NZS 3580.11.1 and in-house method 6.6

Emissions - Stack Methane; Non-methane hydrocarbons; Total hydrocarbons GC-FID In house method 9.5
Benzene; Formaldehyde (methanal) Differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS)

in-house methods 9.1

Analysis for industrial chemicals Emissions - Industrial Moisture Calculation In-house method 9.8
Analysis for physical and chemical characteristics Air - Ambient Particulate matter - PM10; Particulate matter - PM2.5 Light scattering

in-house method 9.7

Hydrogen sulfide Fluorescence

in-house method 6.5

Particulate matter - PM2.5 Tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM)

AS/NZS 3580.9.13 and in-house method 7.3 

Particulate matter - Visibility reduction Nephelometry

AS/NZS 3580.12.1 and in-house method 7.2

Ozone Chemiluminescence

AS 3580.6.1 and in-house method 6.7

Sulfur dioxide Differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS)

AS/NZS 3580.15 and in-house method 6.11

Nitrogen - Oxidised Chemiluminescence

AS 3580.5.1 and in-house method 6.1

Carbon monoxide Infrared (IR)

AS 3580.7.1 and in-house method 6.3

Particulate matter - PM10 Tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM)

AS 3580.9.8 and in-house method 7.3 

Particulate matter - PM2.5 Beta attenuation monitors

AS/NZS 3580.9.12 and in-house method 7.5  

Carbon dioxide (CO2) Infrared (IR)

in-house method 6.4

Particulate matter - PM10 Beta attenuation monitors

AS/NZS 3580.9.11 and in-house method 7.5   

Ammonia Chemiluminescence

in-house method 6.8

Sulfur dioxide Fluorescence

AS 3580.4.1 and in-house method 6.2

Emissions - Stack Temperature Direct reading instrument

in-house methods 9.3

Nitrogen - Oxidised Chemiluminescence

in-house methods 9.5 and 6.1

Oxygen Fuel cell

in-house methods 9.6

Carbon monoxide Infrared (IR)

in-house methods 9.5 and 6.3

Flow rate Ultrasonic

in-house methods 9.2

Carbon dioxide (CO2) Infrared (IR)

in-house methods 9.5 and 6.4

Carbon dioxide (CO2); Carbon monoxide; Nitrogen - Oxidised; Sulfur dioxide Differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS)

in-house methods 9.1

Particulate matter - PM10; Particulate matter - PM2.5 Tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM)

in-house methods 9.4

Meteorological monitoring Atmosphere Pressure Barometer

AS/NZS 3580.14 and in-house method 8.9

Temperature Temperature probe

AS/NZS 3580.14 and in-house method 8.4

Rainfall Rainfall gauge

AS/NZS 3580.14 and in-house method 8.7 and 8.8

Wind speed - Horizontal Rotating anemometer; Ultrasonic anemometer

AS/NZS 3580.14 and in-house method 8.1

Relative humidity (RH) Hygrometer

AS3580.14 and in-house method 8.5

Radiation - Global Pyranometer

AS/NZS 3580.14 and in-house method 8.6

Wind direction Rotating anemometer; Ultrasonic anemometer

AS/NZS 3580.14 and in-house method 8.3

Radiation - Net Pyranometer

in-house method 8.6

Sample collection Air - Ambient Not applicable Continuous flow analyser (CFA); Gas analyser; Grab

in-house method 9.7 - Particulates - PM2.5, PM10

AS 3580.9.8 and in-house method 7.3 - Particulates - PM10

AS/NZS 3580.9.11 and in-house method 7.5 - Particulate - PM10 

AS/NZS 3580.9.12 and in-house method 7.5 - Particulates PM2.5 

AS/NZS 3580.9.13 and in-house method 7.3 - Particulates PM2.5

AS/NZS 3580.12.1 and in-house method 7.2- Particulate matter - Visibility reduction

AS/NZS 3580.10.1 and in-house method 7.6 - Particulate matter - deposited matter

AS/NZS 3580.14 and in-house method 8.1- Wind Speed (Horizontal)

AS/NZS 3580.14 and in-house method 8.3- Wind direction

AS/NZS 3580.14 and in-house method 8.4- Temperature - ambient

AS/NZS 3580.14 and in-house method 8.5- Relative humidity

AS/NZS 3580.14 and in-house method 8.6- Radiation - Net

AS/NZS 3580.14 and in-house methods 8.7 and 8.8- Rainfall

AS/NZS 3580.14 and in-house method 8.9- Pressure

in-house method 8.6- Radiation - Net

Not applicable Pump

AS 3580.9.9 and in-house method 7.4 - Particulate - PM10

AS 3580.9.10 and in-house method 7.4 - Particulate - PM2.5

Not applicable Canisters

USEPA TO15 and in-house method 6.9 - Sampling of volatile organic compounds in air

Not applicable High volume air sampler (HVAS)

AS/NZS 3580.9.3 and in-house method 7.1 - Particulates - total suspended

AS/NZS 3580.9.6 and in-house method 7.1 - Particulates - PM10

AS/NZS 3580.9.14 and in-house method 7.1 - Particulates PM2.5

Emissions - Industrial Not applicable Continuous flow analyser (CFA)

in-house methods 9.5 and 6.1- Oxide of nitrogen

in-house methods 9.5 and 6.4- Carbon dioxide

in-house methods 9.5 and 6.3- Carbon monoxide

in-house method 9.1- Benzene; carbon dioxide; carbon monoxide; formaldehyde; oxides of nitrogen; sulfur dioxide

in-house method 9.2- Flow rate

in-house method 9.3- Temperature

in-house method 9.4- Particulate- PM2.5, PM10

 in-house method 9.6- Oxygen

The only data displayed is that deemed relevant and necessary for the clear description of the activities and services covered by the scope of accreditation.

Grey text appearing in a SoA is additional freetext providing further refinement or information on the data in the preceding line entry.