SafeWork NSW / Testsafe Australia


TestSafe Australia

Accreditation No.


Site No.


Date of Accreditation

05 Nov 2003


919 Londonderry Road
Londonderry, NSW 2753


Ms G Ostojic P: +61 (02) 47244995


Services available to external clients

Scope of Accreditation

TestSafe Australia

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)

Manufactured Goods

Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure Limitations
Electrical equipment approval and safety evaluation Electrical equipment for explosive environments Ignition source risk Optical radiation; Type of protection 'd' flameproof enclosures; Type of protection 'e' increased safety apparatus; Type of protection 'i' intrinsic safety; Type of protection 'm' encapsulated apparatus; Type of protection 'n' non-sparking apparatus; Type of protection 'o' oil immersion; Type of protection 'p' pressurised enclosures; Type of protection 'q' powder (sand) filled apparatus; Type of protection 's' special protection; Type of protection 't' dust ignition protection; Type of protection - (EPL) Ga; Type of protection - Dust excluding ignition - Proof equipment (DIP); Type of protection - Fieldbus intrinsically safe concept (FISCO); Type of protection - Intrinsically safe systems

AS 2380.1; AS 2380.1:1985, AS 2380.1:1980

IEC 60079.0; IEC 60079-0:2011, IEC 60079-0:2007, IEC 60079-0:2004, IEC 60079-0:2000, IEC 60079-0:1998
AS/NZS 60079.0; AS/NZS 60079.0:2012; AS/NZS 60079.0:2008, AS/NZS 60079.0:2005, AS/NZS 60079.0:2000

IEC 60079-1, IEC 60079-1:2007, IEC 60079-1:2003, IEC 60079.1:2001, IEC 60079-1:1998 

AS/NZS 1299:2022, AS/NZS 1299:1993, AS/NZS 1299:1989, AS/NZS 1299:1984 (except Short Circuit and Earth Circuit Test);
 AS/NZS 1300, AS/NZS 1300:1989, AS/NZS 1300:1983 (except Short Circuit and Earth Circuit Test);  

AS/NZS 1826; AS 1826:2006, AS 1826:1983, AS 1826:1876

AS/NZS 2081, AS 2081:2002 parts 1 to 5, AS 2081:1988 parts 1 to 5  
AS/NZS 2229, AS 2229.1:1982, AS 2229.1:1979, AS 2229.2:1988, AS 2229.2-1982, AS 2229.2:1979 (tests in the laboratory and in the field); 

AS 2380.2:1991/Amdt 1:1992 

AS 2380.4
AS 2380.6:1988
AS 2380.7:1987
AS 2380.9:1991 (except tests using pure oxygen)
AS 2431:1981 (except Clause 3.5)  
 AS/NZS 4871 excluding through-fault and making capacity tests;

AS/NZS 60079.1, AS/NZS 60079.1:2007, AS/NZS 60079.1:2005, AS/NZS 60079.1:2002 

IEC 60079-2, IEC 60079-2:2007, IEC 60079-2:2001, IEC 60079-2:1983

AS/NZS 60079.2, AS/NZS 60079.2:2007, AS/NZS 60079.2:2002 

AS/NZS 60079.5, AS/NZS 60079.5:2007, AS/NZS 60079.5:2000
AS/NZS 60079.6, IEC 60079-6, IEC 60079-6:2007, IEC 60079-6:1995,  AS/NZS 60079.6:2007, AS/NZS 60079.6:2000

IEC 60079-7, IEC 60079-7:2006, IEC 60079-7:2001, IEC 60079-7:1990

AS/NZS 60079.7, AS/NZS 60079.7:2006, AS/NZS 60079.7:2002 

IEC 60079-11:2023 Edition 7, IEC 60079-11, IEC 60079-11:2006, IEC 60079-11:1999, IEC 60079-11:1991 

AS/NZS 60079.11, AS/NZS 60079.11:2006, AS/NZS 60079.11:2000 

AS/NZS 60079.13, IEC 60079-13, IEC 60079-13:2010 (tests in the laboratory and in the field)

IEC 60079-25, IEC 60079-25:2003 

AS/NZS 60079.25; AS/NZS 60079.25:2004 

IEC 60079-26; IEC 60079-26:2014; IEC 60079-26:2006, IEC 60079-26:2004

AS/NZS 60079.26

IEC 60079.27; IEC 60079-27:2005, IEC 60079-27:2003

AS/NZS 60079.27, AS/NZS 60079.27:2006, AS/NZS 60079.27:2003  

IEC 60079-15, IEC 60079-15:2010, IEC 60079-15:2005, IEC 60079-15:2001, IEC 60079-15:1987 

AS/NZS 60079.15, AS/NZS 60079.15:2006 

IEC 60079-18; IEC 60079-18:2014, IEC 60079-18:2009, IEC 60079-18:2004, IEC 60079-18:1992

AS/NZS 60079.18, AS/NZS 60079.18:2011, AS/NZS 60079.18:2005 

IEC 60079.33; AS/NZS 60079.33;

AS/NZS 60079.35.1, IEC 60079-35-1

IEC TS 60079-46

IEC 60079-5, IEC 60079-5:2007, IEC 60079-5:1997 

AS/NZS 60079-28, AS/NZS 60079.28:2007; IEC 60079-28 except clause  6.3; IEC 60079-28:2006 except clause 6.3

IEC 61241-0:2004; IEC 61241-1:2004; AS/NZS 61241.0:2005/Amdt 1:2005; AS/NZS 61241.1:2005; AS 2236:1994; AS 2236:1985, AS 2236:1982, AS 2236:1979

AS/NZS 60079.31:2011; 60079.31; IEC 60079-31:2008

IEC 60079-11:2023 edition 7

IEC 61779-1:1998; IEC 61779-2:1998; IEC 61779-3:1998; IEC 61779-4:1998; IEC 61779-5:1998; AS/NZS 61779.1:2000/Amdt 1:2005; AS/NZS 61779.2:2000; AS/NZS 61779.3:2000; AS/NZS 61779.4:2000; AS/NZS 61779.5:2000; AS 2275.1:1979;

AS/NZS 62086.1:2002/Amdt 1:2003 excluding bend test and moisture resistance test;

AS/NZS 62013.1; AS/NZS 62013.2; IEC 62013-1:2005, IEC 62013-1:1999 

IEC 62013-2:2005, IEC 62013-2:2000,

Electrical safety Dimensional assessment including creepage and clearance; Electrical characteristics; Endurance and resistance to external conditions; Energy measurement; Fire hazard assessment; Firmware assessment; Function assessment including abnormal operation; Insulation and electrical protection measurement; Mechanical assessment; Temperature; Visual examination AS/NZS 3100, AS/NZS 3100:2009,  AS/NZS 3100:2002, AS/NZS 3100:1997, AS 3100:1994 clauses 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.7, 8.8, 8.11
Degree of protection - IP rating Not applicable AS 1939; AS1939:1990, AS 1939:1986, AS 1939:1981, AS 1939:1976, AS or IEC 60529 (except clauses 14.2.1 & 14.2.2)
Evaluation of equipment for flammable and explosive environments Non-electrical products for use in flammable or explosive environments (excludes combustion devices) Flammability; Ignition source risk; Impact resistance; Pressure withstand; Surface resistivity; Thermal endurance Non-electrical type of protection 'b' control of ignition sources; Non-electrical type of protection 'c' constructional safety; Non-electrical type of protection 'k' liquid immersion ISO 80079-36,
ISO 80079-37,
ISO/IEC 80079-38

The only data displayed is that deemed relevant and necessary for the clear description of the activities and services covered by the scope of accreditation.

Grey text appearing in a SoA is additional freetext providing further refinement or information on the data in the preceding line entry.