TR Pty Ltd (Trading as TechRentals Calibration & Sales)

TechRentals Calibration & Sales


TR Calibration Sydney Facility

Accreditation No.


Site No.


Date of Accreditation

12 Jan 1954


41 Enterprise Circuit
Prestons, NSW 2170


Mr Nigel Billinge P: +61 (02) 87122040


Services available to external clients

Scope of Accreditation

TR Calibration Sydney Facility

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)


  • The uncertainty of measurement is reported as an expanded uncertainty having a level of confidence of 95% unless stated otherwise
Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure Limitations
DC and low frequency electrical metrology - Electrical instrument calibrators Instrument calibrators DC voltage Comparison with a reference standard


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of - 

0.4 μV up to 100 mV
2.5 μV/V at 1 V and 10 V
4.0 μV/V from 100 mV to 100 V
8.5 μV/V above 100 V to 1100 V
0.2% above 1100 V to 10000 V

Resistance Comparison with a reference standard


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of - 

10 μΩ/Ω from 1 mΩ to 100 mΩ
4 μΩ/Ω above 100 mΩ to 10 Ω
1.5 μΩ/Ω above 10 Ω to 10 kΩ
2.5 μΩ/Ω above 10 kΩ to 100 kΩ
4 μΩ/Ω above 100 kΩ to 1 MΩ
40 μΩ/Ω above 1 MΩ to 100 MΩ
0.17% above 100 MΩ to 10 GΩ
0.27% above 10 GΩ to 1 TΩ

AC current Comparison with a reference standard


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of - 

290 μA/A from 100 μA to 200 μA from 10 Hz to <1 kHz
310 μA/A from 100 μA to 200 μA at 1 kHz
335 μA/A from 100 μA to 200 μA at 5 kHz
380 μA/A from 100 μA to 200 μA at 10 kHz
285 μA/A above 200 μA to 2 mA from 10 Hz to <1 kHz
290 μA/A above 200 μA to 2 mA at 1 kHz
320 μA/A above 200 μA to 2 mA at 5 kHz
355 μA/A above 200 μA to 2 mA at 10 kHz
70 μA/A above 2 mA to 20 A from 10 Hz to 1 kHz
190 μA/A above 2 mA to 20 A at 5 kHz
580 μA/A above 2 mA to 20 A at 10 kHz
170 μA/A above 20 A to 100 A from 10 Hz to 1 kHz

580 μA/A from 10 mA to 300 mA at 30 kHz
DC current Comparison with a reference standard


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of - 

0.1% from 20 pA to 200 pA

0.05% above 200 pA to 2 nA

0.02% above 2 nA to 10 μA

10 μA/A above 10 μA to 2 A
15 μA/A above 2 A to 20 A
65 μA/A above 20 A to 100 A 

AC voltage Comparison with a reference standard


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -

275 μV/V at 2 mV at 20 Hz
250 μV/V at 2 mV from 40 Hz to 50 kHz
260 μV/V at 2 mV at 100 kHz
290 μV/V at 2 mV at 200 kHz
320 μV/V at 2 mV at 300 kHz
520 μV/V at 2 mV at 500 kHz
140 μV/V from 10 mV to 30 mV at 10 Hz
100 μV/V from 10 mV to 30 mV at 20 Hz
80 μV/V from 10 mV to 30 mV from 40 Hz to 50 kHz
90 μV/V from 10 mV to 30 mV at 100 kHz
130 μV/V from 10 mV to 30 mV at 200 kHz
165 μV/V from 10 mV to 30 mV at 300 kHz
350 μV/V from 10 mV to 30 mV at 500 kHz
1200 μV/V from 10 mV to 30 mV at 1 MHz
55 μV/V above 30 mV to 300 mV at 10 Hz
45 μV/V above 30 mV to 300 mV at 20 Hz
55 μV/V above 30 mV to 300 mV from 40 Hz to 100 kHz
95 μV/V above 30 mV to 300 mV at 200 kHz
150 μV/V above 30 mV to 300 mV at 300 kHz
350 μV/V above 30 mV to 300 mV at 500kHz
1330 μV/V above 30 mV to 300 mV at 1 MHz
55 μV/V above 300 mV to 200 V at 10 Hz
50 μV/V above 300 mV to 300 V from 20 Hz to 50 kHz
45 μV/V above 300 mV to 700m V from 100 kHz to 300 kHz
65 μV/V above 300 mV to 700 mV at 500 kHz
100 μV/V above 300 mV to 700 mV at 1 MHz
60 μV/V above 700 mV to 2.2 V at 100 kHz
290 μV/V above 700 mV to 2.2 V at 200 kHz
350 μV/V above 700 mV to 2.2 V at 300 kHz
1800 μV/V above 700 mV to 2.2 V at 500 kHz
5300 μV/V above 700 mV to 2.2 V at 1 MHz
50 μV/V above 2.2 V to 7 V at 100 kHz
70 μV/V above 2.2 V to 7 V at 200 kHz
75 μV/V above 2.2 V to 7 V at 300 kHz
700 μV/V above 2.2 V to 7 V and from 500 kHz to 1 MHz
50 μV/V above 7 V to 300 V at 100 kHz
65 μV/V above 7 V to 100 V at 200 kHz
70 μV/V above 7 V to 60 V and from 300 kHz to 500 kHz
75 μV/V above 7 V to 22 V at 1 MHz
50 μV/V above 300 V to 1000 V at 40 Hz to 50 kHz
75 μV/V above 300 V to 1000 V at 100 kHz
700 μV/V from 0.2 V to 3 V from 1 MHz to less than 10 MHz
1000 μV/V from 0.2 V to 3 V from 10 MHz to less than 30 MHz
1900 μV/V from 0.2 V to 3 V at 30 MHz

DC and low frequency electrical metrology - Electrical measurement and test equipment Ammeters; Appliance testers; Current clamps; Data recorders; Digital multimeters (DMM); Galvanometers and null detectors; Insulation resistance test equipment; Ohm meters; Phase angle meters; Power analysers; Power supplies; Residual current circuit breaker testers; Residual current devices (RCD) testers; Watt meters AC current Comparison with a reference standard


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of - 

165 μA/A from 100 μA to 200 μA from 10 Hz to <1 kHz
380 μA/A from 100 μA to 200 μA at 1 kHz
750 μA/A from 100 μA to 200 μA at 5 kHz
1000 μA/A from 100 μA to 200 μA at 10 kHz
185 μA/A above 200 μA to 2 mA from 10 Hz to <1 kHz
165 μA/A above 200 μA to 2 mA at 1 kHz
425 μA/A above 200 μA to 2 mA at 5 kHz
750 μA/A above 200 μA to 2 mA at 10 kHz
90 μA/A above 2 mA to 20 A from 10 Hz to <1 kHz
120 μA/A above 2 mA to 20 A at 1 kHz
450 μA/A above 2 mA to 20 A at 5 kHz
940 μA/A above 2 mA to 20 A at 10 kHz
2600 μA/A from 10 mA to 300 mA at 30 kHz

Ammeters; Digital multimeters (DMM); Power supplies; Watt meters DC current Comparison with a reference standard


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of - 

4% + 0.1 fA up to 20 pA
1.5% above 20 pA to 200 pA
5000 μA/A above 200 pA to 20 nA
2000 μA/A above 20 nA to 10 μA
14 μA/A above 10 μA to 1 A
23 μA/A above 1 A to 10 A
45 μA/A above 10 A to 100 A
200 μA/A above 100 A to 200 A

Appliance testers; Capacitance meters; Data recorders; Digital multimeters (DMM); Galvanometers and null detectors; Insulation resistance test equipment; LCR meters; Ohm meters; Phase angle meters; Power analysers; Power supplies; Voltmeters; Watt meters AC voltage Comparison with a reference standard


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -

310 μV/V at 2 mV from 20 Hz to 50 kHz
300 μV/V at 2 mV at 100 kHz
450 μV/V at 2 mV from 200 kHz to 500 kHz
165 μV/V from 10 mV to 30 mV at 10 Hz
140 μV/V from 10 mV to 30 mV at 20 Hz
125 μV/V from 10 mV to 30 mV from 40 Hz to 50 kHz
130 μV/V from 10 mV to 30 mV from 100 kHz to 300 kHz
140 μV/V from 10 mV to 30 mV at 300 kHz
160 μV/V from 10 mV to 30 mV at 500 kHz
200 μV/V from 10 mV to 30 mV at 1 MHz
75 μV/V above 30 mV to 300 mV at 10 Hz
70 μV/V above 30 mV to 300 mV from 20 Hz to 100 kHz
75 μV/V above 30 mV to 300 mV at 200 kHz
85 μV/V above 30 mV to 300 mV at 300 kHz
100 μV/V above 30 mV to 300 mV at 500 kHz
205 μV/V above 30 mV to 300 mV at 1 MHz
55 μV/V above 300 mV to 200 V at 10 Hz
50 μV/V from 30 mV to 300 V from 20 Hz to 50 kHz
50 μV/V from 30 mV to 700 mV from 100 kHz to 500 kHz
110 μV/V from 30 mV to 700 mV at 1 MHz
45 μV/V above 700 mV to 2.2 V from 100 kHz to 200 kHz
50 μV/V above 700 mV to 2.2 V at 300 kHz
100 μV/V above 700 mV to 2.2 V at 500 kHz
110 μV/V above 700 mV to 2.2 V at 1 MHz
50 μV/V above 2.2 V to 7 V from 100 kHz to 300 kHz
100 μV/V above 2.2 V to 7 V at 500 kHz
110 μV/V above 2.2 V to 7 V at 1 MHz
50 μV/V above 7 V to 300 V at 100 kHz
50 μV/V above 7 V to 100 V at 200 kHz
70 μV/V above 7 V to 60 V at 300 kHz
120 μV/V above 7 V to 30 V at 500 kHz
120 μV/V above 7 V to 22 V at 1 MHz
50 μV/V above 300 V to 1000 V from 40 Hz to 50 kHz
75 μV/V above 300 V to 1000 V at 100 kHz 
Current clamps AC current; DC current Comparison with a reference standard


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of - 

0.2% from 1 mA to 1000 A, (DC and from 50 Hz to 1 kHz)
0.64% from 1000 A to 5000 A, (DC and from 50 Hz to 400 Hz)

Data recorders; Digital multimeters (DMM); Insulation resistance test equipment; Power analysers; Power supplies; Residual current circuit breaker testers; Voltmeters; Watt meters DC voltage Comparison with a reference standard


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of - 

2.4 μV/V at 1.018 V and 10 V
3.7 μV/V + 0.1 μ V from 1 mV to 100 V
6.4 μV/V above 100 to 1100 V

Data recorders; Digital multimeters (DMM); Ohm meters Resistance Comparison with a reference standard

Including megohmmeters up to 1 TΩ and up to 5 000 V dc applied voltage


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of - 
100 μΩ/Ω from 10 μΩ to 1 mΩ
10 μΩ/Ω from 1 to 100 mΩ
3 μΩ/Ω from 100 mΩ to 1 Ω
1 μΩ/Ω from 1 Ω to 10 kΩ
2 μΩ/Ω from 10 to 100 kΩ
3 μΩ/Ω from 100 kΩ to 1 MΩ
50 μΩ/Ω from 1 to 100 MΩ
0.2% from 100 MΩ to 10 GΩ
0.3% from 10 GΩ to 1 TΩ
Data recorders; Power analysers; Power supplies; Watt meters Apparent power Comparison with a reference standard


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of - 
0.1% from 0.1 V up to 1000 V and from 0.001 A to 20 A on DC (50 Hz at unity power factor)
Galvanometers and null detectors AC voltage; DC voltage Comparison with a reference standard


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of - 

0.1% + 0.1 μV from 0 V to 1 mV

LCR meters Capacitance Comparison with a reference standard


from 50 Hz to 1 kHz

with Calibration and Measurement Capability of - 

0.03% + 0.1 pF from 1 pF to 1 μF
0.045% from 1 μF to 110 μF

Resistance Comparison with a reference standard


D.C. Resistance

with Calibration and Measurement Capability of - 

0.035% at 1 Ω
0.02% from 1 Ω to 1 MΩ
0.035% from 1 MΩ to 2 MΩ

Inductance Comparison with a reference standard


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of - 

Inductance at 1 kHz

0.05% from 100 μH to 100 mH
0.13% at 10 H 

DC and low frequency electrical metrology - Electrical standards AC/DC transfer instruments Current Comparison with a reference standard


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of - 

50 μA/A from 100 μA to 20 A at 57 Hz
85 μA/A from 100 μA to 20 A and 100 Hz to 1 kHz
750 μA/A from 100 μA to 20 A and above 1 kHz to 10 kHz
300 μA/A from 10 mA to 300 mA at 30 kHz
Voltage Comparison with a reference standard


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of - 

715 μV/V at 2 mV from 20 Hz to 30 Hz
510 μV/V at 2 mV from 40 Hz to 50 kHz
1100 μV/V at 2 mV and at 100 kHz
1250 μV/V at 2 mV and at 200 kHz
1550 μV/V at 2 mV and at 300 kHz
1550 μV/V at 2 mV and at 500 kHz
2100 μV/V at 2 mV and at 1 MHz
210 μV/V from 2 mV to 10 mV and 40 Hz to 50 kHz
510 μV/V from 2 mV to 10 mV at 100 kHz
620 μV/V from 2 mV to 10 mV at 200 kHz
820 μV/V from 2 mV to 100 mV and 300 kHz to 500 kHz
1000 μV/V from 2 mV to 600 mV at 1 MHz
820 μV/V at 10 mV and at 10 Hz
310 μV/V above 10 mV to 600 mV at 10 Hz
620 μV/V from 10 mV to 300 mV and 20 Hz to 30 Hz
100 μV/V above 300 mV to 600 mV and 20 Hz to 30 Hz
85 μV/V from 10 mV to 100 mV and 40 Hz to 50 kHz
50 μV/V above 100 mV to 600 mV and 40 Hz to 50 kHz
410 μV/V from 10 mV to 100 mV and 100 kHz to 200 kHz
205 μV/V above 100 mV to 600 mV and 100 kHz to 200 kHz
205 μV/V from 100 mV to 600 mV and 300 kHz to 500 kHz
310 μV/V from 0.6 V to 1000 V and at 10 Hz
100 μV/V from 0.6 V to 1000 V from 20 Hz to 40 Hz
20 μV/V from 0.6 V to 400 V and 50 Hz to 10 kHz
20 μV/V from 0.6 V to 60 V and at 20 kHz
30 μV/V from 0.6 V to 400 V and at 50 kHz
45 μV/V from 0.6 V to 60 V and at 100 kHz
175 μV/V from 0.6 V to 60 V and 200 kHz to 500 kHz
205 μV/V from 0.6 V to 20 V and 500 kHz to 1 MHz
25 μV/V above 60 V to 400 V and at 20 kHz
55 μV/V from 60 V to 400 V and at 100 kHz
30 μV/V from 400 V to 1000 V and at 50 Hz
40 μV/V from 400 V to 1000 V and 400 Hz to 20 kHz
85 μV/V from 400 V to 1000 V and at 50 kHz
125 μV/V from 400 V to 1000 V and at 100 kHz
600 μV/V from 0.2 V to 3 V and at 3 MHz
900 μV/V from 0.2 V to 3 V and at 10 MHz
1500 μV/V from 0.2 V to 3 V and at 30 MHz
3000 μV/V from 0.2 V to 3 V and at 50 MHz
9000 μV/V from 0.2 V  to 3 V and at 100 MHz
3000 μV/V at 0.27 V and at 70 MHz
Conductance boxes; Precision resistors; Resistance boxes Resistance Comparison with a reference standard


With Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
Relative Expanded Uncertainty (µΩ/Ω)
Typical Current / Voltage
0 μΩ to < 1 mΩ
10030 A to 3 A
1 mΩ to < 10 mΩ
103 A to 1 A
10 mΩ
101 A
> 10 mΩ to < 100 mΩ
101 A to 300 mA
100 mΩ
3320 mA
> 100 mΩ to < 1 Ω
3300 mA to 100 mA
1 Ω
1100 mA
> 1 Ω to < 10 Ω
1100 mA to 32 mA
10 Ω
131.6 mA
> 10 Ω to < 100 Ω
132 mA to 10 mA
100 Ω
110 mA
> 100 Ω to < 1 kΩ
110 mA to 3 mA
1 kΩ
13.2 mA
> 1 kΩ to < 10 kΩ
13 mA to 1 mA
10 kΩ
11 mA
> 10 kΩ to < 100 kΩ
21 mA to 0.1 mA
100 kΩ
20.1 mA
> 100 kΩ to < 1 MΩ
310 V to 100 V
1 MΩ
310 V to 100 V
> 1 MΩ to 100 MΩ
5010 V to 100 V
> 100 MΩ to 10 GΩ
2000100 V to 5 kV
> 10 GΩ to 1 TΩ
3000100 V to 5 kV

Current shunts Resistance Comparison with a reference standard


DC Shunts

With Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
Relative Expanded Uncertainty (µΩ/Ω)
10 μΩ to < 1 mΩ
100100 A to 10 A
1 mΩ to < 10 mΩ
30100 A to 10 A
10 mΩ to < 100 mΩ
2010 A to 1 A
100 mΩ to < 1 Ω
91 A to 100 mA
1 Ω to 10 kΩ
5100 mA to 10 μA

AC shunts from 20 A to 100 μA
with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
60 μΩ/Ω from 10 mΩ to 1 kΩ and from 40 Hz to 57 Hz
110 μΩ/Ω from 10 mΩ to 1 kΩ and at 1 kHz
720 μΩ/Ω from 10 mΩ to 1 kΩ and at 5 kHz and 10 kHz

Inductors Inductance Comparison with a reference standard


Two terminal inductors at 1 kHz
with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
0.1% from 0.1 mH to 1 mH with applied voltage of 1 V to 3 V and power dissipation of up to 200 mW
0.05% above 1 mH to 100 mH with applied voltage of 3 V to 30 V and power dissipation of up to 200 mW
0.05% at 1 H with applied voltage of 30 V to 300 V and power dissipation of up to 200 mW
0.13% at 10 H with applied voltage of 30 V to 300 V and power dissipation of up to 200 mW

Potential dividers; Voltage ratio boxes Voltage ratio Comparison with a reference standard


Volt ratio boxes with fixed ratios
with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -

2 μV/V of input from 0.1 V to 500 V
4 μV/V of input above 500 V to 1100 V

Variable ratio potential dividers from 10-7 to 1.1

with Calibration and Measurement Capability of - 

2 μV/V of input from 0.1 V to  500 V
4 μV/V of input above 500 V to 1100 V

Precision capacitors Capacitance Comparison with a reference standard


Three terminal capacitors from 40 Hz up to 1 kHz
with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
30 μF/F + 0.1 fF from 0.1 pF to 1000 pF with voltages up to 10 V and dissipation factor of 0.000 001 to 1
0.01% from 1000 pF to 1.1 μF with voltages up to 100 V and dissipation factor of 0.000 001 to 1

Two terminal capacitors from 50 Hz to 1 kHz
with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
(0.1% + 0.02 pF) from 1 pF to 110 μF with voltages up to 1000 V and dissipation factor of 0.000 001 to 1

Voltage standards - E.M.F. reference devices Voltage; Voltage AC-DC difference; Voltage ratio Comparison with a reference standard


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of - 

1.5 μV/V at 1.0, 1.018 and 10 V
Voltage standards - Standard cells Voltage; Voltage AC-DC difference; Voltage ratio Comparison with a reference standard


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of - 

1.5 μV at 1.018 V and 1.019 V

DC and low frequency electrical metrology - High-voltage/high-current standards and equipment High voltage measurement systems Voltage Comparison with a reference standard


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
2500 μV/V from 1.1 kV to 10 kV
High frequency electrical metrology - Communications, electromagnetic field strength and EMC test equipment Amplifiers; Artificial mains networks (AMN); Attenuators; Coupling/decoupling networks (CDN); Data transmission measuring equipment; Electrical fast transients (EFT) and surge generators; Electrical noise and interference measuring equipment; Flicker harmonics load unit; Harmonic emission compliance test systems; Impedance and reflection measuring equipment; Line impedance stabilisation networks (LISN); Line transmission measuring equipment; Power measuring equipment; Radio transmission measuring equipment; Short interruptions and voltage variations; Spectrum analysers; Voltage dips; Voltage fluctuation and flicker compliance test systems; Waveguide and coaxial components Reflection coefficient Comparison with a reference standard; Direct measurement by electrical input


Determination of magnitude of reflection coefficient
with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
For One Port Measurements:
0.005 from 0.001 to 0.1 and from 40 kHz to 18 GHz (type N connector)
0.01 from above 0.1 to 1 and from 40 kHz to 18 GHz (type N connector)
0.014 from 0.001 to 0.1 and from 70 kHz to 40 GHz (for 2.92 mm connectors)
0.03 from above 0.1 to 1 and from 70 kHz to 40 GHz (for 2.92 mm connectors)
For Two Port Measurements:
0.006 from 0.001 to 0.1 and from 40 kHz to 18 GHz (type N connector)
0.012 from above 0.1 to 1 and from 40 kHz to 18 GHz (type N connector)
0.015 from 0.001 to 0.1 and from 70 kHz to 40 GHz (for 2.92 mm connectors)
0.032 from above 0.1 to 1 and from 70 kHz to 40 GHz (for 2.92 mm connectors)

Determination of phase of reflection coefficient
with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
 sin-1[linear uncertainty/linear]°        (phase uncertainty is ±180° when linear uncertainty > linear)

Amplifiers; Artificial mains networks (AMN); Coupling/decoupling networks (CDN); Data transmission measuring equipment; Electrical fast transients (EFT) and surge generators; Electrical noise and interference measuring equipment; Flicker harmonics load unit; Harmonic emission compliance test systems; Impedance and reflection measuring equipment; Line impedance stabilisation networks (LISN); Line transmission measuring equipment; Power measuring equipment; Radio transmission measuring equipment; Spectrum analysers; Voltage dips; Voltage fluctuation and flicker compliance test systems; Waveguide and coaxial components Attenuation Comparison with a reference standard; Direct measurement by electrical input


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of - 

0.003 dB + 0.0005 dB/ 10 dB from 0 to 60 dB at D.C and 10 Hz to 10 kHz
0.04 dB + 0.005 dB/ 10 dB above 60 dB to 110 dB at D.C. and 10 Hz to 10 kHz
0.007 dB + 0.001 dB/ 10 dB from 0 to 70 dB at 10 kHz to 30 MHz
0.014 dB + 0.02 dB/ 10 dB above 70 dB to 120 dB at 10 kHz to 30 MHz
0.02 dB + 0.02 dB/ 10 dB from 0 to 110 dB at 30 MHz to 18 GHz
0.24 dB + 0.3 dB/ 10 dB above 110 dB to 120 dB at 30 MHz to 18 GHz

0.04 dB + 0.04 dB per 10 dB step from 0 dB to 100 dB from 100 kHz to 40 GHz (2.92 mm connector)
Power measuring equipment; Spectrum analysers Power Comparison with a reference standard; Direct measurement by electrical input


Determination of calibration factor and/or output power measurement
with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
0.6% from 1 μW to 100 mW from D.C. to below 50 MHz (for Type N connectors)
0.4% from 1 μW to 100 mW at 50 MHz  (for Type N connectors)
0.56% + 0.05% per GHz from 1 μW to 100 mW above 50 MHz to 18 GHz  (for Type N connectors)
0.6% from 100 mW to 2 W from 30 MHz to 500 MHz  (for Type N connectors)
0.6% + 0.07% per GHz from 100 mW to 2 W from 500 MHz to 18 GHz (for Type N connectors)
1.5% + 0.07% per GHz from 1 μW to 2 W from 8.2 GHz to 18 GHz ("X" and "P" band waveguides);
10% from 2 W to 50 W from 30 MHz to 250 MHz (for Type N connectors)
4.5% from 2 W to 15 W from 800 MHz to 2.5 GHz (for Type N connectors)
Determination of calibration factor (power measuring instruments)
with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
0.65% from 100 µW to 2 mW and from 10 MHz to 300 MHz (for 2.92 mm connectors)
0.75% from 1 µW to below 100 µW and from 10 MHz to 300 MHz (for 2.92 mm connectors)
1.0% + 0.05%/GHz from 1 µW to 2 mW and from above 300 MHz to below 18 GHz (for 2.92 mm connectors)
1.9% from 1 µW to 2 mW and from 18 GHz to below 36 GHz (for 2.92 mm connectors)
2.2% from 1 µW to 2 mW and from 36 GHz to 40 GHz (for 2.92 mm connectors)

Determination of output power measurement of tuned low source reflection (Precision Signal Sources)
with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
From 1 µW to below 10 µW
0.85% from 10 MHz to 300 MHz (for 2.92 mm connectors)
1.2% + 0.05%/GHz from above 300 MHz to below 18 GHz (for 2.92 mm connectors)
2.1% from 18 GHz to below 36 GHz (for 2.92 mm connectors)
2.3% from 36 GHz to 40 GHz (for 2.92 mm connectors)
From 10 µW to below 100 µW
0.85% from 10 MHz to 300 MHz (for 2.92 mm connectors)
1.1% + 0.05%/GHz from above 300 MHz to below 18 GHz (for 2.92 mm connectors)
2.0% from 18 GHz to below 36 GHz (for 2.92 mm connectors)
2.2% from 36 GHz to 40 GHz (for 2.92 mm connectors)
From 100 µW to 2 mW
0.65% from 10 MHz to 300 MHz (for 2.92 mm connectors)
1.0% + 0.05%/GHz from above 300 MHz to below 18 GHz (for 2.92 mm connectors)
1.9% from 18 GHz to below 36 GHz (for 2.92 mm connectors)
2.2% from 36 GHz to 40 GHz (for 2.92 mm connectors)

Waveguide and coaxial components Insertion loss Comparison with a reference standard; Direct measurement by electrical input


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -

0.005 dB at 8.2 GHz to 18 GHz ("X" and "P" band waveguides) coupling factor, directivity and insertion loss of directional couplers

Pressure metrology - Pressure and vacuum measuring equipment Barometers; Digital pressure gauges; Mechanical pressure gauges; Pressure recorders; Pressure transducers; Vacuum gauges Absolute pressure; Gauge pressure By pressure calibrator; Comparison with dead weight tester; Comparison with reference instrument MSA Test Method 1;
MSA Test Method 2


Pneumatic devices
with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
0.01% of reading or 16 Pa (whichever is greater) from -100 kPa to 800 kPa
0.015% above 800 kPa to 83.5 MPa

Hydraulic devices
with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -

0.07 kPa from 45 kPa to 300 kPa;
0.01% above 300 kPa to 83.5 MPa

Absolute pressure
with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
0.01% of reading or 16 Pa (whichever is greater) from 1 kPa to 700 kPa
0.015% of reading above 700 kPa to 10 MPa
Pressure metrology - Pressure standards Pressure calibrators - Non-dead weight Absolute pressure; Gauge pressure Comparison with dead weight tester; Comparison with reference instrument MSA Test Method 1


Pneumatic devices
with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
0.01% of reading or 16 Pa (whichever is greater) from -100 kPa to 800 kPa
0.015% above 800 kPa to 83.5 MPa

Hydraulic devices
with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
0.07 kPa from 45 kPa to 300 kPa;
0.01% above 300 kPa to 83.5 MPa
Absolute pressure
with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
0.01% of reading or 16 Pa (whichever is greater) from 1 kPa to 700 kPa
0.015% of reading above 700 kPa to 10 MPa
Temperature metrology - Ancillary temperature measuring equipment Multi-channel thermocouple data recorders; Process calibrators Resistance to temperature conversion; Volt to temperature conversion Direct measurement by electrical input


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -

RTD devices (measure mode):

0.1 ºC above -50 ºC to 200 ºC
0.2 ºC above 200 ºC to 650 ºC

RTD devices (source mode):
0.02 ºC above -50 ºC to 650 ºC

Thermocouple devices (measure and source mode):
Type E, J, K, N and T thermocouples:
0.20 ºC from -250 ºC to below 0 ºC
0.15 ºC from 0 ºC to 1370 ºC

Type R Thermocouple:
0.30 ºC from 0 ºC to 1750 ºC
Temperature metrology - Temperature measuring equipment Base metal thermocouples Temperature Measurement against reference standard


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of - 

0.05 ºC at 25 ºC

0.3 ºC + 0.1%T from -40 ºC to 300 ºC
0.6 ºC + 0.1%T above 300 ºC to 500 ºC
1 ºC above 500 ºC to 650 ºC 

Digital temperature measuring systems Temperature Measurement against reference standard


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of - 

0.025 ºC at 0 ºC
0.05 ºC from -40 ºC to 100 ºC
 0.3 ºC + 0.1%T above 100 ºC to 300 ºC
0.6 ºC + 0.1%T above 300 ºC to 500 ºC
1 ºC above 500 ºC to 650 ºC

Temperature metrology - Temperature standards and reference equipment Dry block calibrators Temperature Direct measurement using a reference standard


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of - 

0.05 ºC at 0 ºC

0.15 ºC + 0.05%T from -50 ºC to 300 ºC
0.35 ºC + 0.05%T above 300 ºC to 650 ºC 

Time and frequency metrology - Frequency and time standards Frequency standards Frequency Measurement against reference standard


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of - 

1.2 in 1010 at 0.1 MHz

1.2 in 1011 at 1 MHz

1 in 1011 at 5 MHz
1 in 1011 at 10 MHz
Signal sources Voltage Measurement against reference standard


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of - 

275 μV/V at 2 mV at 20 Hz
250 μV/V at 2 mV from 40 Hz to 50 kHz
260 μV/V at 2 mV at 100 kHz
290 μV/V at 2 mV at 200 kHz
320 μV/V at 2 mV at 300 kHz
520 μV/V at 2 mV at 500 kHz
140 μV/V from 10 mV to 30 mV at 10 Hz
100 μV/V from 10 mV to 30 mV at 20 Hz
80 μV/V from 10 mV to 30 mV from 40 Hz to 50 kHz
90 μV/V from 10 mV to 30 mV at 100 kHz
130 μV/V from 10 mV to 30 mV at 200 kHz
165 μV/V from 10 mV to 30 mV at 300 kHz
350 μV/V from 10 mV to 30 mV at 500 kHz
1200 μV/V from 10 mV to 30 mV at 1 MHz
55 μV/V above 30 mV to 300 mV at 10 Hz
45 μV/V above  30 mV to 300 mV at 20 Hz
55 μV/V above 30 mV to 300 mV from 40 Hz to 100 kHz
95 μV/V above 30 mV to 300 mV at 200 kHz
150 μV/V above 30 mV to 300 mV at 300 kHz
350 μV/V above 30 mV to 300 mV at 500 kHz
1330 μV/V above 30 mV to 300 mV at 1 MHz
55 μV/V above 300 mV to 200 V at 10 Hz
50 μV/V above 30 mV to 300 V from 20 Hz to 50 kHz
45 μV/V above 30 mV to 700 mV from 100 kHz to 300 kHz
65 μV/V above 30 mV to 700 mV at 500 kHz
100 μV/V above 30 mV to 700 mV at 1 MHz
60 μV/V above 700 mV to 2.2 V at 100 kHz
290 μV/V above 700 mV to 2.2 V at 200 kHz
350 μV/V above 700 mV to 2.2 V at 300 kHz
1800 μV/V above 700 mV to 2.2 V at 500 kHz
5300 μV/V above 700 mV to 2.2 V at 1 MHz
50 μV/V above 2.2 V to 7 V at 100 kHz
70 μV/V above 2.2 V to 7 V at 200 kHz
75 μV/V above 2.2 V to 7 V at 300 kHz
700 μV/V above 2.2 V to 7 V from 500 kHz to 1 MHz
50 μV/V above 7 V to 300 V at 100 kHz
65 μV/V above 7 V to 100 V at 200 kHz
70 μV/V above 7 V to 60 V from 300 kHz to 500 kHz
75 μV/V above 7 V to 22 V at 1 MHz
50 μV/V from 300 V to 1000 V at 40 Hz to 50 kHz
75 μV/V from 300 V to 1000 V at 100 kHz
700 μV/V from 0.2 V to 3 V from 1 MHz to less than 10 MHz
1000 μV/V from 0.2 V to 3 V from 10 MHz to less than 30 MHz
1900 μV/V from 0.2 V to 3 V at 30 MHz

Frequency Measurement against reference standard


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of - 

1 in 106 from 10 mHz to 1 Hz
1 in 108 above 1 Hz to 100 Hz
5 in 109 above 100 Hz to 10 kHz

5 in 1011 above 10 kHz to 10 MHz
5 in 1010 above 10 MHz to 18 GHz

5 in 1010 above 18 GHz to 40 GHz
Modulation Measurement against reference standard


Amplitude and frequency modulation

with Calibration and Measurement Capability of - 

1% from 1 MHz to 18 GHz
Time and frequency metrology - Frequency, time and waveform measuring equipment Clocks and timers Time interval Measurement against reference standard


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -

0.040 s from 1 s to 30 min
0.30 s from 30 min to 3 h
Stop clock
with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -

0.025 s from 0.5 s to 1 h

Counters; Frequency analysers; Oscilloscopes; Stroboscopes; Waveform measuring instruments Frequency Measurement against reference standard


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -

1 in 106 from 10 mHz to 1 Hz 

1 in 108 above 1 Hz to 100 Hz
5 in 109 above 100 Hz to 10 kHz

5 in 1011 above 10 kHz to 10 MHz
5 in 1010 above 10 MHz to 18 GHz

5 in 1010 above 18 GHz to 40 GHz
Frequency analysers; Oscilloscopes; Time interval meters; Waveform measuring instruments Time interval Measurement against reference standard


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of - 

5 in 1011 + 5 ns from 10 ns to 20 000 s

Frequency analysers; Oscilloscopes; Waveform measuring instruments Rise/fall time Measurement against reference standard


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of - 

9 ps from a minimum of 25 ps

Distortion Measurement against reference standard


with an input voltage range 50 mV to 300 V and 10 Hz to 1 MHz

with Calibration and Measurement Capability of - 

0.1 dB from -10 dB to -60 dB
0.3 dB from -60 dB to -80 dB
Frequency meters Frequency Measurement against reference standard


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -

1 in 107 from 0.1 MHz to 18 GHz
Tachometers Rotational speed Comparison with a reference standard


Optical tachometers

with Calibration and Measurement Capability of - 

17 μHz from 0.017 Hz to 1.67 Hz
(0.001 rpm from 1 rpm to 100 rpm)
10 μHz/Hz from 1.67 Hz to 16666.7 Hz
(0.001% from 100 rpm to 1000000 rpm)

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)

Manufactured Goods

Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure Limitations
Evaluation of electrical appliances and devices - Performance External power supplies, stabilisers and related items Drift; Electrical parameters; Frequency and time interval; Input impedance; Insulation resistance; Line regulation; Load regulation; Meter accuracy; Power; Power factor; Recovery time - Transient response; Ripple - Noise Not applicable

Performance tests on power supplies by the methods of Calibration Procedure CP910125 or Manufacturers Performance Verification

A.C/D.C power, 

A.C/D.C voltage

A.C/D.C current

The only data displayed is that deemed relevant and necessary for the clear description of the activities and services covered by the scope of accreditation.

Grey text appearing in a SoA is additional freetext providing further refinement or information on the data in the preceding line entry.