Transport for NSW - Crashlab


Transport for NSW

Accreditation No.


Site No.


Date of Accreditation

19 Jan 1988


409 Great Western Highway
Huntingwood, NSW 2148


Ms Danielle Duff P: +61 (02) 98301710


Services available to external clients

Scope of Accreditation

Transport for NSW

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)

Infrastructure and Asset Integrity

Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure Limitations
Evaluation of geometric properties of structures and equipment Structures and assemblies Centre of gravity Not applicable

AS 2512.3.1 Clause 4 d(iii) -1981; AS/NZS 2512.3.1 Clauses 5e(i), (ii) and (iii) 

headforms and drop assemblies

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)

Manufactured Goods

Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure Limitations
Mechanical performance evaluation of vehicle safety Air bag module assemblies Air bag deployment - Out of position; Air bag deployment - Static Not applicable ADR 69
Vehicle impact barrier tests - must fire and no fire of airbags for full frontal, frontal offset and side impact tests
Child restraints and child restraint anchorages Dynamic performance; Visual examination Not applicable

AS/NZS 1754 by methods of AS/NZS 3629.1; AS/NZS 3629.2; AS/NZS 3629.3; AS/NZS 3629.4; AS/NZS 3629.5; AS/NZS 3629.6; AS/NZS 3629.7; AS/NZS 3629.8; AS/NZS 3629.9; AS/NZS 3629.11; MS 594:1995

Fuel systems Functionality Not applicable

FMVSS part 571.301

Fuel system integrity
Safety glazing for road vehicles Dynamic performance Not applicable

 FMVSS part 571.212; FMVSS part 571.219

Windshield mounting ;windshield zone intrusion
Seat belts and assemblies Dynamic performance; Visual examination Not applicable

ADR 4/02, AS/NZS 2596; 

Seats Seat integrity Not applicable

 ADR 66/00

Seat strength, Seat anchorage strength and padding
Vehicle - Crash design Occupant protection in buses Sled

ADR 68/00; FMVSS part 571.208 Section 5.1.

Seat anchorage and injury criteria tests
Occupant protection - Offset frontal impact Not applicable

ADR 73/00; Directive 96/79/EC;  FMVSS part 571.208 Section 5.1, UN ECE Regulation 94;

Occupant protection - Dynamic side impact Not applicable

ADR 72/00; Directive 96/27/EC; FMVSS part 571.208 Section 5.1, UN ECE Regulation 95; 

Occupant protection - Full frontal impact Not applicable

ADR 69/00; FMVSS part 571.208 Section 5.1.

Dynamic impact Not applicable

FMVSS part 571.208 Section 5.2.

Lateral moving barrier crash test.
Occupant protection - Dynamic side impact; Occupant protection - Full frontal impact; Occupant protection - Offset frontal impact; Occupant protection - Pole impact Not applicable

New Car Assessment Program

ADR 85/00; ANCAP/Euro NCAP; FMVSS part 571.208 Section 5.1; 

Impact Not applicable

Gulf Standard GS/37; Gulf Standard GS/40; Regulation 1995 clause 7 (B) 3

Rear impact
Vehicle - Crash design Crash test dummy validation Not applicable

FMVSS Part 572 Subpart E Part 572.3 (50th percentile), Subpart O Part 572.130 (5th percentile) and Part 208 (95th percentile); EUROSID side impact tests;

EUROSID-1 and 2 dummies; Hybrid III dummies Q series, WorldSID
Wheelchair tiedown and occupant restraint assemblies Dynamic performance Sled

AS 2942 Clause 2.9; AS 2942 Appendix F

Performance evaluation of personnel protection equipment and general ballistic measurements Bicycle helmets Horizontal peripheral vision clearance; Impact energy attenuation; Load distribution; Peak deflection; Static stability; Strength of helmet retention system - Dynamic

AS/NZS 2063

Bicycle helmets; Protective helmets for horse riding and horse-related activities Drop effects; Horizontal peripheral vision clearance; Penetration resistance Not applicable

AS 2063.1-1986

Harnesses Dynamic load; Static load; Static strength Not applicable

AS/NZS 1891.1 Appendices C to H; AS/NZS 4488.1

Including visual inspection
Dynamic load Not applicable

AS 2227 Appendix C

Size 1 harness
Protective helmets Peak deflection Not applicable

AS/NZS 2512.8; using AS 2512.1 - 1984 headforms A, B, C, D and AS/NZS 2512.1 ISO headforms A, E, J, M, O
ISO headforms to AS 2512.7 - 1986 A mod and J mod

Horizontal peripheral vision clearance Not applicable

AS/NZS 2512.6; using AS 2512.1 - 1984 headforms A, B, C, D and AS/NZS 2512.1 ISO headforms A, E, J, M, O
ISO headforms to AS 2512.7 - 1986 A mod and J mod

Dynamic stability Not applicable

AS/NZS 2512.7.2; using AS 2512.1 - 1984 headforms A, B, C, D and AS/NZS 2512.1 ISO headforms A, E, J, M, O
ISO headforms to AS 2512.7 - 1986 A mod and J mod

Static strength Not applicable

AS/NZS 2512.5.1; using AS 2512.1 - 1984 headforms A, B, C, D and AS/NZS 2512.1 ISO headforms A, E, J, M, O
ISO headforms to AS 2512.7 - 1986 A mod and J mod

Impact energy attenuation Impact drop

AS/NZS 2512.3.1; using AS 2512.1 - 1984 headforms A, B, C, D and AS/NZS 2512.1 ISO headforms A, E, J, M, O
ISO headforms to AS 2512.7 - 1986 A mod and J mod

Static stability Not applicable

AS/NZS 2512.7.1; using AS 2512.1 - 1984 headforms A, B, C, D and AS/NZS 2512.1 ISO headforms A, E, J, M, O
ISO headforms to AS 2512.7 - 1986 A mod and J mod

Load distribution Not applicable

AS/NZS 2512.9; using AS 2512.1 - 1984 headforms A, B, C, D and AS/NZS 2512.1 ISO headforms A, E, J, M, O
ISO headforms to AS 2512.7 - 1986 A mod and J mod

Evaluation of consumer information - Labelling and markings Not applicable

AS 2512.2 -1983; AS 2512.3.1-1999; AS 2512.4-1986; AS 2512.5-1986; AS 2512.6-1986; AS 2512.7-1986; AS 2512.8-1998;  AS 2512.9-1996; AS/NZS 1698;  AS/NZS 2063; AS 2063.1 - 1986;  AS/NZS 2512.2; AS/NZS 2512.2.3.1; AS/NZS 2512.2.4; AS/NZS 2512.2.5.1; AS/NZS 2512.2.5.2; AS/NZS 2512.2.6; AS/NZS 2512.2.7.1; AS/NZS 2512.2.7.2; AS/NZS 2512.2.8; AS/NZS 2512.2.9; AS/NZS 3838;

Strength of helmet retention system - Dynamic Not applicable

AS/NZS 2512.5.2; using AS 2512.1 - 1984 headforms A, B, C, D and AS/NZS 2512.1 ISO headforms A, E, J, M, O
ISO headforms to AS 2512.7 - 1986 A mod and J mod

Penetration resistance Not applicable

AS/NZS 2512.4; using AS 2512.1 - 1984 headforms A, B, C, D and AS/NZS 2512.1 ISO headforms A, E, J, M, O
ISO headforms to AS 2512.7 - 1986 A mod and J mod

Protective helmets for horse riding and horse-related activities Dynamic stability; Horizontal peripheral vision clearance; Impact energy attenuation; Static stability; Strength of helmet retention system - Static Not applicable

AS/NZS 3838

Protective helmets for motor cycles and vehicle users Oblique impact appraisal Not applicable

BS 6658 clause 6.42

Thickness Not applicable

Crashlab Procedure TCL-WI-530021

Helmet stability; Impact energy attenuation; Internal projections; Penetration resistance; Peripheral vision; Strength of helmet retention system - Static Not applicable

AS/NZS 1698

Road safety barrier systems Safety performance of permanent and temporary highway features Not applicable

AS/NZS 3845 Section 4;  EN 1317-1; EN 12767; NCHRP Report 350 Level 1 to 4; Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware - MASH (AASHTO)

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