Vipac Engineers and Scientists Ltd


Victorian Laboratory

Gas Technology Services Victorian Laboratory

Accreditation No.


Site No.


Date of Accreditation

15 Dec 1969


Victorian Technology Centre, 275-283 Normanby Road
Port Melbourne, VIC 3207


Mr Benjamin Smith P: +61 (03) 96479700


Services available to external clients

Scope of Accreditation

Victorian Laboratory

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)


  • The uncertainty of measurement is reported as an expanded uncertainty having a level of confidence of 95% unless stated otherwise
Service Product Determinant Technique Procedure Limitations
Flow metrology - Flow measuring devices and systems Coriolis meters; Gas meters; Orifice meters Volume (and nominal flow rate) Volumetric transfer

Gaseous flow in the flow rate range of 2 mL/h to 3000 m³/h


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -

Gaseous flow in the flow rate range of 2 mL/h to 1000 m³/h

the greater of: 0.18% of flow rate or 2 mL/h, with a minimum test volume of 1 mL;

Gaseous flow In the flow rate range of 1000 m³/h to 2000 m³/h

0.21% of flow rate, with a minimum test volume of 10 L;

Gaseous flow in the flow rate range of 2000 m³/h to 3000 m³/h

0.26% of flow rate, with a minimum test volume of 10 L.

Flow computers Volume (and nominal flow rate) Comparison with a reference meter

in-house procedures WI-IN-008 and WI-IN-010


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -

0.12% of volume, with a minimum test volume of 2 L.

Gaseous volume proving systems; Oil and gas measurement systems Volume (and nominal flow rate) Volumetric transfer

2 L to 200 kL


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -

0.1% of volume, with a minimum test volume of 2 L

Sonic nozzles Flow rate Volumetric transfer

Gaseous flow in the flow rate range up to 500 m³/h


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -

the greater of: 0.18% of flow rate or 2 mL/h, with a minimum test volume of 1 mL.

Pressure metrology - Pressure and vacuum measuring equipment Barometers Absolute pressure Comparison with reference instrument

80 kPa to 105 kPa


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of-

7 Pa from 80 kPa to 105 kPa

Digital pressure gauges; Manometers; Mechanical pressure gauges; Pressure recorders; Pressure transducers; Vacuum gauges Absolute pressure; Gauge pressure Comparison with reference instrument AS 1349;


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -

Gauge pressure

0.01% or 1 Pa (whichever is greater) from -95 kPa to -1.7 kPa

0.5 Pa from -1.7 kPa to 1.7 kPa;

0.01% or 1 Pa (whichever is greater) from 1.7 kPa to 14 MPa

Absolute pressure
0.01% or 2 Pa (whichever is greater) from 5 kPa to 14 MPa

Speed and velocity - Speed measuring devices Vehicle with digital display Speed Direct measurement against a reference standard

Vipac Method LI8447


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -

in the range 30 to 110 km/h

0.5 km/h at speeds of 30 to 45 km/h;

0.7 km/h at speeds of 45 to 65 km/h;

0.9 km/h at speeds of 65 to 80 km/h;

1.2 km/h at speeds of 80 to 110 km/h;

Speed and velocity - Verification of fixed speed detector installations Inductive loop speed measurement systems; Piezoelectric speed measurement systems; Traffic signal phase systems Field measurement of AC resistance Direct electrical measurement


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -

at 1 kHz in the range 0.1 Ω to 200 Ω

0.05 Ω or 8.3% of reading, whichever is greater

Field measurement of insulation resistance Direct electrical measurement


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -

7.6% of reading in the range from 100 kΩ to 500 MΩ

Field measurement of voltage Direct electrical measurement


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -

Voltage measuring equipment (picoscope)
stored waveforms in the range 10 mV to 20 V

5 mV or 5 % of reading, whichever is greater

Field measurement of inductance Direct electrical measurement


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -

1 kHz in the range 10 μH to 2 mH

0.5 μH or 1.5% of reading, whichever is greater

Field measurement of DC resistance Direct electrical measurement


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -

0.05 Ω in the range from 0.1 Ω to 200 Ω

Field measurement of capacitance Direct electrical measurement


with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -

at 1 kHz in the range 0.5 nF to 1 μF

0.1 nF or 0.6% of reading, whichever is greater

Temperature metrology - Temperature measuring equipment Digital temperature measuring systems Temperature Measurement against reference standard


Integral thermometers in Flow Computers

with Calibration and Measurement Capability of -

0.5°C  in the range 10°C to 30°C

The only data displayed is that deemed relevant and necessary for the clear description of the activities and services covered by the scope of accreditation.

Grey text appearing in a SoA is additional freetext providing further refinement or information on the data in the preceding line entry.