What was it all about?
To bring the importance of accreditation to a wider audience, NATA’s thought-provoking Why Accreditation Matters webinar shone the spotlight on the world of accreditation and how it impacts every person, every day.
While you may not realise it, accreditation provides daily benefits to your life allowing you to trust the quality of products and services such as:
- The clean water coming out of your taps
- The results of your blood test
- That you are getting a litre of fuel when you fill up
- The quality of our cheese, wine and other foods we love
- That your toilet flushes with the appropriate force
- The materials used in roads and building construction are fit for purpose
- The food we eat is free of pesticides and harmful bacteria
This assurance gives all Australian’s confidence in these areas and many, many more.
Because accreditation does matter.
Watch the full webinar here
Watch the individual sessions here

Not all Heroes Wear Capes
Jennifer Evans – NATA CEO
Jennifer is the Chief Executive Officer of the National Association of Testing Authorities, a position she has held since May 2011.
She is currently Chair of the ILAC Arrangement Management Committee, a member of the ILAC Executive Committee, Vice-Chair and Chair elect of APAC, and a member of APAC’s Executive Committee and MRA Management Committee. She is also a Lead Evaluator for ILAC/APAC evaluations of accreditation bodies for signatory status in Mutual Recognition Arrangements.

How Testing is Eliminating Cervical Cancer
Professor Marion Saville
Marion Saville is Executive Director of the Australian Centre for the Prevention of Cervical Cancer (ACPCC). She has served on cervical screening advisory committees in Australia, New Zealand and Ontario. She currently chairs the working group to review Australia’s Guidelines for the management of screen-detected abnormalities in the National Cervical Screening Program
Marion was appointed as a member (AM) of the Order of Australia on Australia Day 2020 for her significant service to women’s health through cervical screening initiatives.

How Testing is Eliminating Cervical Cancer
Professor Karen Canfell
Karen Canfell is the inaugural Director of the Daffodil Centre, a flagship centre of the University of Sydney and a joint venture with Cancer Council NSW, Australia. She is also Professor & NHMRC Leadership Fellow, Faculty of Medicine and Health, the University of Sydney.
She is also active in global health and leads key aspects of the World Health Organisation (WHO) impact and investment case for cervical cancer elimination.

Banking on accreditation
Tim Esposito – NAB Head of Cyber Forensic Investigation
Tim Esposito has over 15 years’ experience in digital forensics and electronic investigations. He started his career in law enforcement working on high profile criminal matters before moving to the private industry to work on cyber security incidents.
He currently heads up the Cyber Forensic Investigation team at National Australia Bank and volunteers his spare time as a NATA Technical Assessor. He has completed numerous technical assessments over the last 7 years.

How Standards and Accreditation are Supporting Emerging Technologies
Professor Lyria Bennett Moses
Lyria is Director of the Allens Hub for Technology, Law and Innovation and a Professor and Associate Dean (Research) in the Faculty of Law and Justice at UNSW Sydney. She is also co-lead of the Law and Policy theme in the Cyber Security Cooperative Research Centre and Faculty Lead in the UNSW Institute for Cyber Security.

How Standards and Accreditation are Supporting Emerging Technologies
Adam Beck
Adam is Director at Centre for Urban Innovation Pty Ltd, Owner of Urbanism Live and until recently, Founding Executive Director of Smart Cities Council Australia New Zealand.
Adam contributes to the development of national and international standards on Smart Cities and Digital Twin through his participation on several Standards Australia’s committees as well as on the Smart Cities Advisory Group.

How Standards and Accreditation are Supporting Emerging Technologies
Dr Mark Staples
Mark is a Senior Principal Researcher in CSIRO’s Data61 and the Chief Technology Officer at the Digital Finance CRC. His research is in software engineering, software architecture, and blockchain.
He represents Australia on the international standardisation committee for blockchain and distributed ledger technology under Standard Australia’s leadership of the committee.

How Standards and Accreditation are Supporting Emerging Technologies
Jesse Riddell
Jesse Riddell is the Senior International Partnerships Manager and Acting Manager of International Strategic Initiatives at Standards Australia. He is also on the Board of Directors of the Australian Services Roundtable, Australia’s only dedicated whole-of-services industry organisation.
As Acting Manager of International Strategic Initiatives, he oversees the delivery of critical and emerging technology initiatives. Jesse’s work focuses on quantum, 5G, Smart Cities and Artificial Intelligence (AI), among other key technologies.