APAC – Evaluating the evaluators

Industry News April 17, 2023
NATA team

Recently, NATA attended the APAC Lead Evaluator workshop in Singapore.  

Representatives included NATA CEO – Jennifer Evans; General Manager, Compliance and Governance – Tony Vandenberg; General Manager Technical and Operations – John Styzinsky; and Paul McMullen – Sector Manager, Calibration. 

As part of NATA’s obligations in the Mutual Recognition Arrangements (MRA), we provide evaluators and contribute to the process of evaluating other accreditation bodies who are also signatories to the MRA.  

This ensures the highest levels of accreditation are always maintained. 

The workshop was the first one held since the pandemic with the key purpose to share experiences and align Lead Evaluator thoughts and expectations.   

In addition to those that attended, NATA also has other senior staff who are evaluators and NATA’s experience and contributions are well regarded both by APAC and ILAC.