NDT Specific Accreditation Criteria Appendix G ready for public comment

Industry News November 14, 2023
NATA team

NATA has significantly amended Appendix G of the Specific Accreditation Criteria for facilities conducting NDT (Specific Accreditation Criteria: ISO/IEC 17025 Application Document, Infrastructure and Asset Integrity – Annex, Non‑destructive Testing). Formerly titled NDT work sites, the new Appendix G is renamed as Remote work locations.

Should you wish to take this opportunity to comment, please refer the zip file which includes a copy of the draft Appendix G, a background memo detailing the changes, instructions on how to provide feedback, and a feedback template. Please provide all feedback to Mr Nick Di Cresce at nick.dicresce@nata.com.au by COB 13th December 2023.

SAC NDT Appendix G public comment