Member Advisory Forum (MAF)
The Member Advisory Forum (MAF) is a forward-thinking strategic initiative designed to provide insight and direction on trends, drivers and priorities relevant to NATA and its Members.
NATA is committed to engaging with its Members to continue to provide the gold standard in accreditation services.
The MAF role provides an engagement opportunity through the exchange of information on a variety of topics and initiatives relevant to Members, with the aim to better shape the delivery of services for the mutual benefit of NATA, Members and stakeholders.

MAF Members

Mr Anthony Wynn
Anthony is currently the Technology and Compliance Manager at Trescal AU and NZ, where he looks after Australian Calibrating Services and is part of the integration team bringing all companies under a single Trescal Management System.
He has 30-years of technical and managerial experience in manufacturing and calibration and is also familiar with running NATA 17025 and ISO: 9001, accreditation and certifications.

Ms Cathy Carolan
Cathy is the Pathology Regulatory and Information Services Manager at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre – a role that includes all aspects of the quality management system for the pathology service, including the Clinical Trials department.
This has led to a longstanding relationship with NATA and she is currently a NATA Technical Assessor.

Mr David Springer
David Springer is the National Commercial Manager for Envirolab, one of Australia’s largest privately-owned environmental laboratories.
David has a broad understanding of all environmental and hygiene operations and guidelines. He is also a NATA Technical Assessor in the field of Chemical Testing for Inorganics and Acid Sulphate Soils.

Dr Saman Buddhadasa
Dr Buddhadasa is the Officer in Charge of National Measurement Institute (NMI) Port Melbourne Laboratories. He has been a NATA Technical Assessor in food and environmental chemistry since November 1996, and most recently in medico-legal drug testing.
He first become involved with NATA back in 1985 as a Technical Officer at AGAL in the areas of pesticide, organic and environmental residues. Since then, he has undertaken approximately 70 assessments on behalf of NATA.

Mr Matthew Courtney
Matthew is the current Chief Executive Officer of Kiwa Group Ltd, which operates in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States.
He has worked on private and public major infrastructure projects in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the USA. He is a current NATA Technical Assessor and has previously been an Authorised Representative.
Mr Andrew Taylor
Andrew is currently the National Technical Service & Training Manager at Bullivants Pty. Ltd.
He is a Member of Standards Australia, a Member of NATA’s AAC and has been on the ISO 17020 Inspection Committee since 2015.
He brings 40 years’ experience in the lifting, rigging and height safety industry.
Mr Angelo Zaccari
Angelo is currently the Managing Director and Principal Technologist at Aben Technical Services in Melbourne and has seen the business expand nationally and internationally during his time.
He is currently Chairman of MT007, a Committee Member at Standards Australia and a member on the AINDT Certification Board.
Mr Graham Smith
Graham Smith is the Managing Director of Abstec Calibrations Australia Pty Ltd.
He has over 35 years of experience in the accredited calibration of measuring and testing equipment across various industries.
Graham is currently an active member of NATA’s technical processes, being a Calibration AAC member and a NATA Technical Assessor in the Calibration sector for several years.
Mr David McNeil
David McNeil, Customer Experience Manager for InfraBuild Steel, has 45 years’ experience in the manufacture, sale, and distribution of steel products in Australasia.
David’s work is focused on making it easier for people to do business by digitising InfraBuild’s products and services.
As Co-Chair of the National GS1 Traceability Advisory Group, he supports supply chain traceability & conformity to boost global competitiveness and sustainable growth through initiatives such as the United Nations Transparency Protocol (UNTP).