NATA Board changes
Following the NATA Board meeting held on December 4, David Turner has stepped down from the position of NATA Chair. Dr. Sanmarié Schlebusch has been elected Chair with Mr Turner elected Vice-chair.
These changes support the Board’s strategy around succession planning and will ensure NATA is well-prepared for future challenges.

Explore keynotes, panels, and workshops on accreditation in action, AI, automation, health, personal development, laboratory advancements and more.
Network with industry peers and join us at the NATA Celebration Dinner, featuring the announcement of the NATA Excellence Award winner.
Limited sponsorships and exhibitor packages are also available.
Accredited workplace drug testing: Saving careers and lives
There’s a fine line between getting workplace drug testing results right and getting them wrong – and when wrong, the implications can be disastrous for employees.
It’s twins! The increasing potential of this transformative technology
Digital twin implementations are on the rise. This remarkable technology is infiltrating multiple industries, and you should know about it.
Summer is here. Watch why sun safety matters
NATA is already innovating and developing AI functionality for implementation, such as leveraging generative AI to support a reduction of operational costs and time.
GLOBAC is coming
The global union between ILAC and IAF is officially underway. So what will this mean for accreditation, NATA and its Members?
Why NATA’s Volunteers matter
Our world doesn’t operate well without dedicated and committed volunteers and NATA has some of the best in the business.
Educating generations
For 35 years NATA and Western Sydney University have been harnessing the minds of Australia’s scientists & laboratory technicians.
Key Insights & Updates on Asbestos Testing, Standards and Accreditation
Neil Shepherd, NATA Sector Manager, Life Sciences, Richard Wilkinson, Tetra Tech Coffey and Carl Strautins, Safe Environments, discuss asbestos testing, accreditation, and laboratory protocols. This key webinar covers insights on AS 5370 sampling and qualitative identification of asbestos, highlighting critical differences from AS 4964 (2004).
Are your staff really competent?
How do you know your staff really are competent and how do you upskill them the right way?
Are all techies introverts?
It’s no secret most of our readers are ‘techy’ in nature. But does that make you an introvert and does it matter?

Barnson – taking soil and concrete testing to a new level
Barnson, a multi-disciplinary engineering consultancy in regional NSW, has achieved a remarkable 30 years of NATA accreditation for testing soils and concrete. From Dubbo, Orange, and Bathurst, Barnson believes accreditation has played a critical role in their journey, enabling them to provide reputable, high-quality and recognised services across regional NSW
Welcome to our new Members
Discover who our newest Members are and what they do.
Milestones that matter
Members celebrating significant accreditation milestones..
Volunteer to become an Accreditation Advisory Committee (AAC) member
Forensic Science
Become a
People Officer
Did you know NATA Education can deliver all its courses to you ‘in-house’ at your location or ours?
We can also customise our courses to suit your organisation’s specific context, needs and requirements, ensuring your team gets the most relevant and impactful learning experience.
Even better, we offer Member and group booking discounts.
Why wait? Get your in-house training on track for 2025.
A warm and sincere thank you to all our staff, Members, Technical Assessors, Committee Members and stakeholders for your support over 2024.
NATA will be closed from Monday, 23rd December 2024 and we will re-open on Thursday, January 2nd, 2025. We wish you all a safe and enjoyable break.