NATA portal
The NATA portal is the main communication channel between NATA, our members and technical assessors. Through the portal our members can manage their information, track job progress and submit documents. It also provides a platform for our AAC Committees and stakeholders to share and collaborate relevant information.
NATA Portal Login


Browser Compatibility
Please note the NATA Portal is not compatible with Internet Explorer (IE). For full portal functionality, we recommend the use of modern browsers including Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Safari and Firefox.
Portal Reference Guides
Our Portal Reference Guides will help you navigate the functions of the NATA portal. Download the relevant Portal Reference Guide from the links below:
- Authorised Representative Reference Guide
- Change-password-after-login
- Changing-2-step-verification-mobile-number-change
- Contact-NATA
- Dashboard
- Facilities-page-and-documents
- Getting-Started-setup-password
- Jobs-details-and-job-documents-upload
- password-2-step-verification-after-registration-link-expires
- Publications-and-Manage-Subscription
- Resources-and-forms
- Site-details-and-uploading-documents
- Switching-roles-in-case-you-have-multiple-roles
- viewing-editing-profile-information
- Viewing-outstanding-Invoices-details
- Technical Assessor Reference Guide
- Acknowledging-Continuing-Assessor-Competency
- Change-password-after-login
- Changing-2-step-verification-mobile-number-change
- Contact-NATA
- Dashboard
- Getting-Started-setup-password
- Jobs-details-and-job-documents-upload
- Marking-profile-as-up-to-date
- password-2-step-verification-after-registration-link-expires
- Publications-and-Manage-Subscription
- Switching-roles-in-case-you-have-multiple-roles
- Useful-resources
- View-edit-profile-information
Portal Registrations
As an Authorised Representative, you will be registered for the portal during the onboarding process. For all accredited facilities, portal access can be provided to additional users in your organisation.
Simply download and complete our Portal Registration Form and submit to Portal Support.