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89 results
MSA 2023 conference
NATA is actively engaged in the upcoming Metrology Society of Australasia conference being held the 20-23rd of February in Wellington, New Zealand. The conference gives attendees the opportunity to gather face-to-face for the first time in…
January 19, 2023 -
NATA Young Scientist of the year award (NYSYA) 2020
REGISTRATIONS FOR THE NATA YOUNG SCIENTIST OF THE YEAR COMPETITION 2020 ARE NOW CLOSED Download Competition Eligibility and Guidelines PDF Download NYSYA 2020 Poster Registration – Closed Competition – closes Friday 25 September 2020 Competition Eligibility and Guidelines…
July 21, 2020 -
Metrology Society of Australasia (MSA) Conference 2020
The MSA’s biennial conference will be held from 3 – 5 March 2020 at the Angliss Conference Centre in Melbourne and is a must-attend for professional metrologists, engineers, scientists, technicians and measurement experts. NATA will have…
June 29, 2020 -
WF Media offer for NATA News subscribers
Accreditation Matters Media Sponsor WF Media is offering interested NATA News readers free registration to receive the latest industry news, best practices and case studies from WF Media. WF Media’s industry professional communities include: Lab +…
April 8, 2024 -
Young Scientist of the Year Award 2021 – Notification
We wish to inform you that NATA will not be continuing with its’ usual in-house Young Scientist Awards competition in 2021 and beyond. In lieu of our competition, we would like to encourage you to consider entering…
June 21, 2021 -
Over 200 Entries: NATA Young Scientist of the Year Award
Over 200 entries from over 50 schools across Australia have been submitted by primary school students as part of the NATA Young Scientist of the Year Competition 2020. This year’s challenge saw students develop projects that answer the question of why food testing…
October 14, 2020 -
Seeking input for an Australian Association for Civil Engineering Testing
The Civil Engineering Testing Association of New Zealand (CETANZ) improves the standard and visibility of civil testing, enhancing its local industry and promoting the benefits of high-quality testing to all members. They assist members in the…
November 9, 2023 -
FMG Engineering and NATA: Relationships that matter
Name: Jade Saunders NATA role: Accreditation Specialist As part of his NATA induction, Jade requested time at a laboratory to gain industry experience without the shadow of process or audit and where he could ask industry…
May 9, 2022 -
NATA Sector Insights: Materials, Assets and Products (MAP)
With over 1390 accredited facilities, MAP is an essential sector for NATA and indeed, for the safety of the Australian public. Divided into key activity areas, the sector includes the: 1. Integrity of equipment and structures…
May 9, 2022 -
MSA2023 conference
NATA will have a delegation of 5 attending the Metrology Society of Australasia’s first international event since March 2020. Metrology is the science of measurement and the MSA is an association of professional metrologists, engineers, scientists,…
December 13, 2022