Woodside Energy Ltd., the largest independent operator of oil and gas production in Australia, has recently transferred part of its accredited activities.
Since 1987, Woodside Energy Ltd has operated a Gas Metering Station holding NATA accreditation for meter inspection using ISO/IEC 17025 – for both in-house calibrations and assessment/inspection of meter performance in the field.
A recent ISO/IEC 17025 assessment, however, highlighted that the inspection of meter performance in the field didn’t involve tests or calibrations, but rather relied upon results from prior calibrations. As a result, it became clear that Inspection and the ISO/IEC 17020 Standard was a better fit with the task and outcomes.
Following discussions with NATA and the WA energy regulator, the scope of the accreditation was transferred from ISO/IEC 17025 to ISO/IEC 17020 – while the in-house calibration activities remained in-house and remained accredited using ISO/IEC 17025.
An appropriately competent assessment team was assembled and the assessment proceeded as usual. This time, however, findings relating to the periodic (re)calibration of the metering equipment (performed in-house) were identified against ISO/IEC 17025, while findings relating to the installation, use and context of the metering were identified against ISO/IEC 17020.
NATA can assess that the inspectors of metering installations and their supporting inspection bodies are competent. This shows that the public assurance gained from using an accredited laboratory can also be achieved for field inspection activities where “Inspection” involves the formal evaluation of a product or process against specifications using experience and professional judgement.
NATA’s inspection accreditation program is conducted against the requirements of ISO/IEC 17020 Conformity assessment – Requirements for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection.
For more information visit ISO/17020 page.