Austin Pathology


Austin Hospital

Accreditation No.


Site No.


Date of Accreditation

20 Oct 1989


145 Studley Road
Heidelberg, VIC 3084


Ms Emma Mackay P: +61 (03) 94965991


Services available to external clients


GX (General)

Scope of Accreditation

Ambulatory Care Centre

ISO 15189 (2022)

Human Pathology

Medicare expiry date

16 Jul 2026

Last Activity Date

22 Aug 2024

Service Product Determinant
Haematology - Haemostasis related analysis (including special coagulation testing and platelet function tests) Blood International normalised ratio (INR)
Anatomical Pathology

ISO 15189 (2022)

Human Pathology

Medicare expiry date

16 Jul 2026

Last Activity Date

22 Aug 2024

Service Product Determinant
Anatomical pathology - Cytopathology - Cervical cytological investigation for abnormalities, precancerous or cancerous changes or conditions Cervical smear; Liquid based cytology specimens from cervix Cytological examination; Review and reporting of cervical cytological material
Anatomical pathology - Cytopathology - Gynaecological (non-cervical) cytological investigation for abnormalities, precancerous or cancerous changes or conditions Vaginal smears; Vaginal tissue; Vault smears; Vulval smears Cytological examination; Review and reporting of gynaecological (non-cervical tissue) cytological samples
Anatomical pathology - Cytopathology - Non-gynaecological cytological investigations of body fluids, exudates, washings and brushings from non-squamous mucosal sites for the detection of malignancy Other body fluids; Urine; Washings or brushings from other sites Cytological examination; Review and reporting of cytology samples
Anatomical pathology - Cytopathology - Non-gynaecological cytological investigations of nipple discharge or smears from squamous mucosal sites for the detection of cancerous or precancerous changes Nipple discharge Cytological examination; Review and reporting of cytology samples
Anatomical pathology - Cytopathology - Non-gynaecological cytological investigations on samples obtained via fine needle aspiration biopsyFNA Attendance Fine needle aspirates (FNA) Cytological examination; Rapid onsite evaluation (ROSE); Review and reporting of fine needle aspiration samples
Anatomical pathology - Tissue pathology - Examination of biopsy material Formalin-fixed tissue Review and reporting of biopsy material to identify or exclude morphological abnormalities
Formalin-fixed tissue; Fresh tissue Review and reporting of biopsy material to identify or exclude morphological abnormalities; Review and reporting of material to identify neurological diseases; Structured reporting
Anatomical pathology - Tissue pathology - Examination of biopsy material by electron microscopyReporting only Gluteraldehyde tissue Review and reporting of biopsy material to identify or exclude ultra-structural morphological abnormalities; Structured reporting
Anatomical pathology - Tissue pathology - Gene probes using paraffin in situ hybridisation techniques (chromogenic/silver) Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues Detection of nucleic acid targets - Various
Anatomical pathology - Tissue pathology - Immediate frozen section diagnosis Fresh tissue Intra-operative consultation and examination of biopsy material
Anatomical pathology - Tissue pathology - Immunohistochemical (immunofluorescence) investigation Fresh tissue; Frozen tissue Detection of antigenic targets - Various
Anatomical pathology - Tissue pathology - Immunohistochemical investigation Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues Detection of antigenic targets - Various
Detection of antigenic targets - Various
Anatomical pathology - Tissue pathology - Mortuary facilities Body; Body parts Assessment - Level 3 mortuary
Anatomical pathology - Tissue pathology - Non-coronial autopsy services Body; Body parts Autopsy service and reporting

ISO 15189 (2022)

Human Pathology

Medicare expiry date

16 Jul 2026

Last Activity Date

22 Aug 2024

Service Product Determinant
Chemical pathology - Analysis of calculus Calculi Ammonium; Ammonium hydrogen urate; Apatite; Bilirubin; Brushite; Calcium; Calcium oxalate dihydrate (weddelite); Calcium oxalate monohydrate; Calcium phosphate; Carbonate; Cholesterol; Cystine; Hydrated calcium oxalate (whewellite); Hydroxylapatite (hydroxyapatite); Magnesium; Magnesium ammonium phosphate - Struvite; Oxalate; Phosphate; Silicon; Sulfate; Triple phosphate - Struvite; Urate; Uric acid; Whitlockite; Xanthine
Chemical pathology - Analysis of drugs for toxicological (non-legal) purposes and ingested or absorbed toxic chemicals Plasma; Urine Alcohol
Urine 6-Acetylmorphine; Amphetamines; Benzodiazepines; Cannabis; Cocaine; Opiates
Ethylglucuronide (ETG)
6-Acetylmorphine; Ethanol
Chemical pathology - Detection and/or quantitation of drugs for therapeutic monitoring Serum Carbamazepine; Cyclosporin; Digoxin; Gentamicin (cidomycin, septopal, genticyn, garamycin); Lithium; Methotrexate; Paracetamol (acetaminophen); Phenytoin (dilantin); Salicylate; Tacrolimus; Valproate (valproic acid, epilim); Vancomycin
Chemical pathology - Detection and/or quantitation of tumour markers Serum CA125 antigen (CA125); CA15-3 antigen (CA15-3); CA19-9 antigen (CA19-9); Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA); Prostate specific antigen (PSA); Prostate specific antigen (PSA) fractions and derived index; Thyroglobulin; α-Fetoprotein (AFP)
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
β2-Microglobulin (B2M)
Chemical pathology - Detection of faecal occult blood Faeces Blood
Chemical pathology - Determination of hormones and hormone binding proteins (other than thyroid function tests) Plasma Renin
Plasma; Urine Aldosterone
Serum Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1, somatomedin C)
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH); C-peptide; Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS); Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH); Growth hormone; Insulin; Luteinising hormone (LH); Oestradiol; Procalcitonin; Progesterone; Prolactin; Sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG); Testosterone
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH); Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH); Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
Serum; Urine Cortisol
Chemical pathology - Diagnosis and management of diabetes mellitus Blood Glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c)
Chemical pathology - Further investigation of cardiac function Serum Troponin I
N-Terminal-pro b-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP)
Chemical pathology - Further investigation of lipid profiles for diagnosis of types III and IV hyperlipidaemia Serum Apolipoprotein A1; Apolipoprotein B; HDL - Quantitation; Lipoprotein subclasses
Chemical pathology - Further investigation of renal and/or hepatic function Serum Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) isoenzymes
Bile acids - Quantitative; Caeruloplasmin; Haptoglobins; α1-Antitrypsin
Chemical pathology - Haem related pigments and precursors (excluding porphyria) Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) Xanthochromia
Chemical pathology - Investigation and determination of hepatic, cardiac, bone, skeletal muscle and other profiles and metabolic studies Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) Glucose; Lactate; Protein - Total
Other body fluids; Urine pH
Plasma Ammonia; Glucose; Lactate
Serum Alanine aminotransferase; Albumin; Alkaline phosphatase; Amylase; Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE); Aspartate aminotransferase; Bicarbonate; Bilirubin - Any fractions; Bilirubin - Conjugated; Bilirubin - Total; C-reactive protein (CRP); Cholesterol - LDL; Cholesterol - Total; Creatine kinase; Lactate; Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH); Lipase; Triglycerides; γ-Glutamyltransferase
Serum; Urine Osmolality
Calcium - Total; Chloride; Creatinine; Glucose; Magnesium; Phosphate; Potassium; Protein - Total; Sodium; Urate; Urea
Urine Microalbumin
Chemical pathology - Investigation for folate deficiency Serum Folate
Chemical pathology - Iron studies Serum Ferritin
Iron; Transferrin
Chemical pathology - Markers of bone metabolism Serum Procollagen type 1 N-terminal propeptide (P1NP); β-Crosslaps (CTX)
Chemical pathology - Quantitation of blood gases and other measurements (performed on the same specimen) Blood Bilirubin - Total; Calcium; Carboxyhaemoglobin; Chloride; Deoxyhaemoglobin (HHb); Glucose; Haemoglobin (Hb); Lactate; Methaemoglobin (MetHb); Oxygen saturation (sO2); Oxyhaemoglobin; Partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2); Partial pressure of oxygen (PO2); Potassium; Sodium; pH
Chemical pathology - Quantitation of precursor and intermediary metabolites Plasma Homocysteine; β-Hydroxybutyrate
Chemical pathology - Quantitation of vitamins Serum 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D; Vitamin D
Cobalamin (vitamin B12)
Chemical pathology - Tests for thyroid function Serum Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH); Thyroxine (T4) - Free; Triiodothyronine (T3) - Free
Chemical pathology - Trace element analysis Serum Selenium; Zinc
Serum; Urine Copper
Immunopathology - Quantitation of complement proteins Serum Complement components C3 and C4
Immunopathology - Quantitative and/or qualitative investigation of proteins Faeces Calprotectin; Elastase
Infertility and pregnancy tests including assisted reproductive technology - Diagnosis or follow up of threatened abortion and/or diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy Serum Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) - Quantitative total
Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics

ISO 15189 (2022)

Human Pathology

Medicare expiry date

16 Jul 2026

Last Activity Date

22 Aug 2024

Service Product Determinant
Chemical pathology - Biogenic amines Plasma Adrenaline; Dopamine; Noradrenaline
Plasma; Urine 3-Methoxytyramine; Metanephrine; Normetanephrine
Chemical pathology - Detection and/or quantitation of drugs for therapeutic monitoring Plasma; Serum Clozapine; Mycophenolate
Emergency Department

ISO 15189 (2022)

Human Pathology

Medicare expiry date

16 Jul 2026

Last Activity Date

22 Aug 2024

Service Product Determinant
Chemical pathology - Quantitation of blood gases and other measurements (performed on the same specimen) Blood Calcium; Carboxyhaemoglobin; Chloride; Creatinine; Deoxyhaemoglobin (HHb); Glucose; Haemoglobin (Hb); Lactate; Methaemoglobin (MetHb); Oxygen saturation (sO2); Oxyhaemoglobin; Partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2); Partial pressure of oxygen (PO2); Potassium; Sodium; pH
Haematology - Haemostasis related analysis (including special coagulation testing and platelet function tests) Blood International normalised ratio (INR)
Microbiology - Molecular biology - Detection, characterisation and/or quantitation of microbial nucleic acids (viruses) Nasopharyngeal swabs; Throat swabs Influenza A virus; Influenza B virus; Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, COVID)

ISO 15189 (2022)

Human Pathology

Medicare expiry date

16 Jul 2026

Last Activity Date

22 Aug 2024

Service Product Determinant
Microbiology - Molecular biology - Detection, characterisation and/or quantitation of microbial nucleic acids (bacteria) Genital swabs; Urine Chlamydia trachomatis; Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Molecular genetics - Assay for defined mutation or polymorphism (including pharmacogenetic testing) - Targeted genes Blood Factor V Leiden; Prothrombin variant
Blood; Bone marrow Blood borne tumours
Qualitative calculation of p190 positive BCR::ABL1 transcripts; Quantitative calculation of p210 positive BCR::ABL1 transcripts
Blood borne tumours
MYD88 mutation analysis
Blood borne tumours; IgH gene rearrangement
Quantitative calculation of p210 positive BCR::ABL1 transcripts; Rare autosomal recessive single gene disorders
Blood; Bone marrow; Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues Blood borne tumours
Blood borne tumours; T-cell gene rearrangement
Molecular genetics - Assay for defined mutation or polymorphism (including pharmacogenetic testing) - Targeted genesReporting Only Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues Solid tumours
Molecular genetics - DNA extraction Blood; Bone marrow; Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues Viable DNA for sequencing
Molecular genetics - DNA sequencing Extracted DNA Sequenced DNA utilising massively parallel sequencing technologies
Molecular genetics - Genetic testing for chimerism and mosaic gene variants (cancer and somatic mosaicism) - Targeted genes Blood; Bone marrow JAK2 mutation analysis
Myeloproliferative disorders
Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues MLH1 promoter methylation analysis
Solid tumours
Molecular genetics - Genetic testing for chimerism and mosaic gene variants (cancer and somatic mosaicism) - Targeted panels for non-inherited (somatic) DNA/RNA changes Blood; Bone marrow Blood borne tumours
Molecular genetics - RNA extraction Tissues Viable RNA for sequencing
Molecular genetics - Screening for an unknown mutation - Targeted panels for non-inherited (somatic) DNA/RNA changes Blood; Bone marrow Blood borne tumours
Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues Solid tumours
Molecular genetics/Cytogenetics - Bioinformatic analysis VCF files Primary analysis - Conversion of instrument file to FASTQ or FASTA file; Secondary analysis - Alignment and variant calling; Tertiary analysis - Data annotation and interpretation

ISO 15189 (2022)

Human Pathology

Medicare expiry date

16 Jul 2026

Last Activity Date

22 Aug 2024

Service Product Determinant
Chemical pathology - Analysis of drugs for toxicological (non-legal) purposes and ingested or absorbed toxic chemicals Blood; Plasma Snake venom detection
Haematology - Bone marrow examination Bone marrow; Trephine Examination of aspirated material
Haematology - Diagnosis of thalassemia Blood Haemoglobin A2 (HbA2) - Quantitation; Haemoglobin F (HbF) - Quantitation
Haematology - Examination of blood films by special staining Blood Malaria
Haematology - Foetal haemoglobin in maternal circulation Blood Presence of foetal red blood cells
Feto-maternal haemorrhage (FMH) estimation
Haematology - Full blood examination Blood Differential number; Morphology
Differential number; Erythrocyte count (red blood cell count, RBCC); Haematocrit (packed cell volume, PCV); Haemoglobin (Hb); Leucocyte count (white blood cell count, WBCC); Mean platelet volume (MPV); Nucleated red blood cells (NRBC); Platelet count; Red blood cell distribution width (RDW); Red blood cell index or indices; Reticulocytes
Haematology - Haemostasis related analysis (including special coagulation testing and platelet function tests) Blood; Plasma Platelet aggregation
Heparin induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia (HITT)
Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT); Anti-Xa - Apixaban; Anti-Xa - Rivaroxaban; Anti-Xa activity - Clexane - Low molecular weight heparin; Anti-thrombin III; Circulating coagulation factor inhibitors; Clauss fibrinogen; D-dimer; Danaparoid sodium; Derived fibrinogen; Factor II; Factor IX; Factor V; Factor VII; Factor VIII; Factor VIII inhibitor; Factor X; Factor XI; Factor XII; Fibrinogen; International normalised ratio (INR); Lupus anticoagulant; Mixing studies - APTT; Polybrene; Protein C and protein S; Prothrombin time (PT); Von Willebrand factor (vWF) activity - Ristocetin co-factor assay; Von Willebrand factor (vWF) antigen - Quantitation
Collagen binding activity
Heparin induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) - Confirmatory
Haematology - Investigation of haemoglobinopathy (excluding thalassemia) Blood Haemoglobin fraction (S, C, D, E) - Quantitation; Other abnormal haemoglobins
Haemoglobin fraction (S, C, D, E) - Quantitation; Other abnormal haemoglobins
Haemoglobin fraction (S, C, D, E) - Quantitation; Other abnormal haemoglobins
Haematology - Investigation of haemolysis Blood Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria (PNH) screen
Urine Haemosiderin
Haematology - Limited blood examination Blood; Plasma Erythrocyte (RBC) sedimentation rate (ESR)
Immunopathology - Characterisation of leucocyte surface antigens (including immunophenotyping) Blood; Bone marrow; Fluids; Fresh tissue Assessment of lymphoid cell populations; Assessment of myeloid cell populations; CD10; CD103; CD117; CD11b; CD11c; CD123; CD13; CD138; CD14; CD15; CD16; CD19; CD1a; CD2; CD20; CD22; CD23; CD25; CD27; CD3; CD33; CD34; CD38; CD4; CD45; CD5; CD56; CD57; CD64; CD68; CD7; CD71; CD79a; CD8; CD9; FMC7; HLA-DR antigen; Immunoglobulin G1a (IgG1a); Kappa light chains; Lambda light chains; Myeloperoxidase; T-cell receptor aβ (TCRab); T-cell receptor γδ (TCRgd); Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT)
Immunopathology - Single HLA antigen typing Blood HLA-B27
Immunopathology - Tests of cellular immunity - Lymphocyte function tests Blood; Bone marrow; Other body fluids; Tissues T-cell subsets; T-lymphocyte, B-lymphocyte and natural killer (TBNK)
Microbiology - Parasitology - Detection of ova, cysts and parasites Blood Malaria
Microbiology - Serology of infection - Microbial antibody and/or antigen detection and/or quantitation Blood; Plasma Infectious mononucleosis

ISO 15189 (2022)

Human Pathology

Medicare expiry date

16 Jul 2026

Last Activity Date

22 Aug 2024

Service Product Determinant
Chemical pathology - Further investigation of renal and/or hepatic function Serum Tryptase
Immunopathology - Detection and/or quantitation and/or characterisation of autoantibodies Serum Anti-EJ antibodies; Anti-Jo-1 antibodies; Anti-Ku antibodies; Anti-Mi-2 antibodies; Anti-NXP2 antibodies; Anti-OJ antibodies; Anti-PL-12 antibodies; Anti-PL-7 antibodies; Anti-Pm/Scl-100 antibodies; Anti-Pm/Scl-75 antibodies; Anti-Ro-52 antibodies; Anti-SAE1 antibodies; Anti-melanoma differentiation associated gene 5 antibodies (MDA5); Anti-signal recognition particle antibodies (SRP); Anti-transcription intermediary factor antibodies (TIF1)
Anti-liver-kidney microsomes antibodies (LKM); Anti-mitochondrial antibodies (AMA, AMA M1 and/or AMA M2); Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies - ANCA IIF; Anti-nuclear antibodies (ANA); Anti-smooth muscle antibodies (SMA)
Anti-extractable nuclear antigen antibodies (ENA)
Anti-gastric parietal cell antibodies (GPC/PCA); Anti-intrinsic factor antibodies (IF)
Rheumatoid factor
Anti-thyroglobulin antibodies (Tg); Anti-thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPO); Anti-thyroid stimulating hormone receptor antibodies (TSHRAb); Anti-thyrotropin receptor antibodies (TSHR)
Anti-cardiolipin antibodies (ACA); Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies (CCP); Anti-gliadin antibodies (AGA); Anti-glomerular basement membrane antibodies (anti-GBM); Anti-myeloperoxidase antibodies (MPO); Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA); Anti-proteinase 3 antibodies (PR3); Anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies (tTG); Anti-β2-glycoprotein-I antibodies
Anti-double stranded DNA antibodies (dsDNA)
Immunopathology - Detection of immunoglobulin E specific antibodies (to potential component testing [purified native and/or recombinant allergens]) Serum Casein - Milk; Galactose-α-1,3-galactose thyroglobulin - Bovine; Omega-5-gliadin - Wheat; α-Lactalbumin - Milk; β-Lactoglobulin - Milk
Immunopathology - Detection of immunoglobulin E specific antibodies (to potential drug allergens) Serum Amoxicilloyl group; Ampicilloyl group; Cefaclor; Chlorhexidine; Gelatin - Bovine; Insulin - Human; Morphine; Penicilloyl G; Penicilloyl V; Pholcodine; Suxamethonium (succinylcholine)
Immunopathology - Detection of immunoglobulin E specific antibodies (to potential epidermal and animal protein allergens) Serum Animal mix; Cat dander; Cat epithelium; Chicken feathers; Dog dander; Dog epithelium; Duck feathers; Feather mix; Goose feathers; Guinea pig epithelium; Horse dander; Mouse epithelium; Mouse serum proteins; Mouse urine proteins; Pigeon feathers; Rabbit epithelium; Rat epithelium; Rat serum proteins; Rat urine proteins; Turkey feathers
Immunopathology - Detection of immunoglobulin E specific antibodies (to potential food [egg and fowl] allergens) Serum Chicken; Egg; Egg white; Egg yolk; Turkey meat
Immunopathology - Detection of immunoglobulin E specific antibodies (to potential food [fish, shellfish and molluscs] allergens) Serum Anchovy; Blue mussel; Codfish; Crab; Crayfish; Fish mix; Herring; Lobster; Mackerel; Octopus; Oyster; Plaice; Salmon; Sardine (pilchard); Scallop; Seafood mix; Shrimp; Squid; Trout; Tuna
Immunopathology - Detection of immunoglobulin E specific antibodies (to potential food [fruit and vegetable] allergens) Serum Apple; Apricot; Aubergine (eggplant); Avocado; Banana; Blackberry; Blueberry; Carrot; Cherry; Fig; Fruit mix; Garlic; Grape; Grapefruit; Kiwi; Lemon citrus; Lettuce; Mandarin (tangerine, clementine, satsumas) citrus; Mango; Melon; Onion; Orange citrus; Passion fruit; Peach; Pear; Pineapple; Potato; Raspberry; Strawberry; Tomato; Watermelon
Immunopathology - Detection of immunoglobulin E specific antibodies (to potential food [meat] allergens) Serum Beef; Meat mix; Mutton; Pork
Immunopathology - Detection of immunoglobulin E specific antibodies (to potential food [milk] allergens) Serum Cheese - Cheddar type; Cheese - Mould type; Goat milk; Milk; Sheep milk
Immunopathology - Detection of immunoglobulin E specific antibodies (to potential food [miscellaneous] allergens) Serum Cacao; Cocoa; Coffee; Honey; Mushroom; Staple food mix; Yeasts
Immunopathology - Detection of immunoglobulin E specific antibodies (to potential food [seeds, legumes and nuts] allergens) Serum Almond; Barley; Brazil nut; Buck wheat; Cashew nut; Cereal mix; Chick pea; Coconut; Corn; Gluten; Hazelnut; Lentil; Macadamia nut; Maize; Nut panel; Oat; Pea; Peanut; Pecan nut; Pinenut; Pistachio; Quinoa; Red kidney bean; Rice; Rye; Sesame seed; Soy bean; Walnut; Wheat
Immunopathology - Detection of immunoglobulin E specific antibodies (to potential food [spices] allergens) Serum Anise; Basil; Caraway; Cardamon; Chilli pepper; Clove; Coriander (cilantro); Fennel seed; Ginger; Lovage; Mace; Marjoram; Mint; Paprika (sweet pepper); Spice mix; Tarragon; Thyme; Vanilla
Immunopathology - Detection of immunoglobulin E specific antibodies (to potential grass pollen allergens) Serum Bahia grass; Bermuda grass; Cultivated oat; Grass mix; Johnson grass; Meadow grass; Regional grass; Rye grass; Timothy grass
Immunopathology - Detection of immunoglobulin E specific antibodies (to potential insect allergens) Serum Cockroach; Fire ant; Mosquito
Immunopathology - Detection of immunoglobulin E specific antibodies (to potential microorganism allergens) Serum Alternaria alternata; Anisakis; Aspergillus fumigatus; Candida albicans; Cladosporium herbarum; Malassezia spp.; Penicillium chrysogenum (formerly Penicillium notatum); Staphylococcus enterotoxins; Mould mix
Immunopathology - Detection of immunoglobulin E specific antibodies (to potential mite allergens) Serum Dermatophagoides farinae house dust mite; Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus house dust mite; House dust - Greer; House dust - Hollister-Stier; House dust mite mix
Immunopathology - Detection of immunoglobulin E specific antibodies (to potential occupational allergens) Serum Formaldehyde/formalin; Latex; Oxirane (ethyleneoxide)
Immunopathology - Detection of immunoglobulin E specific antibodies (to potential tree pollen allergens) Serum Acacia; Australian pine; Cypress; Elm; Eucalyptus; London plane; Maple leaf sycamore; Melaleuca; Olive; Pine; Recombinant birch; Recombinant birch profilin; Silver birch; Tree mix; White pine; Willow salix
Immunopathology - Detection of immunoglobulin E specific antibodies (to potential venom allergens) Serum Common wasp (yellow jacket) venom; European paper wasp venom; Honey bee venom; Paper wasp venom
Immunopathology - Detection of immunoglobulin E specific antibodies (to potential weed pollen allergens) Serum Common ragweed; Goosefoot; Lamb’s quarters; Mugwort; Plantain - English; Russian thistle; Saltwort (prickly); Weed mix
Immunopathology - Quantitation of complement proteins Serum Complement components C3 and C4
Immunopathology - Quantitative and/or qualitative investigation of proteins Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF); Serum Oligoclonal bands
Other body fluids Transferrin isoforms
Plasma; Serum Detection and quantitation of free kappa and free lambda light chains
Serum α1-Antitrypsin phenotype
Monoclonal proteins
Serum; Urine Detection of Bence Jones proteins; Monoclonal proteins
Detection and quantitation of free kappa and free lambda light chains
Immunopathology - Quantitative investigations of immunoglobulins and immunoglobulins subclasses Serum Immunoglobulin subclasses
Total immunoglobulin A; Total immunoglobulin G; Total immunoglobulin M
Total immunoglobulin E
Intensive Care Unit

ISO 15189 (2022)

Human Pathology

Medicare expiry date

16 Jul 2026

Last Activity Date

22 Aug 2024

Service Product Determinant
Chemical pathology - Quantitation of blood gases and other measurements (performed on the same specimen) Blood Calcium; Carboxyhaemoglobin; Chloride; Creatinine; Deoxyhaemoglobin (HHb); Glucose; Haemoglobin (Hb); Lactate; Methaemoglobin (MetHb); Oxygen saturation (sO2); Oxyhaemoglobin; Partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2); Partial pressure of oxygen (PO2); Potassium; Sodium; pH

ISO 15189 (2022)

  • This facility complies with the relevant National Pathology Accreditation Advisory Council (NPAAC) requirements.

Human Pathology

Medicare expiry date

16 Jul 2026

Last Activity Date

22 Aug 2024

Service Product Determinant
Microbiology - Bacteriology - Detection and identification of crystalline material Synovial fluid Crystal detection and identification
Microbiology - Bacteriology - Detection of pathogenic bacteria Aspirates; Bacterial isolates; Blood; Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF); Ear swabs; Eye swabs; Fluids; General swabs; Genital swabs; Infusates; Isolates; Nasal swabs; Nasopharyngeal aspirate; Nasopharyngeal swabs; Plasma; Pus; Respiratory specimens; Sputum; Superficial sites; Synovial fluid; Throat swabs; Urine; Wound swabs Bacteria; Pathogenic microorganisms
Aspirates; Blood; Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF); Ear swabs; Eye swabs; Fluids; General swabs; Genital swabs; Glass slide; Infusates; Isolates; Nasal swabs; Nasopharyngeal aspirate; Nasopharyngeal swabs; Operative specimens; Respiratory specimens; Skin; Sputum; Stem cells; Superficial sites; Synovial fluid; Throat swabs; Tissues; Urine; Wound swabs Bacteria; Cultured pathogens identification; Pathogenic microorganisms
Aspirates; Blood; Fluids Bacteria; Pathogenic microorganisms
Bacterial isolates Pathogenic identification and antibiotic susceptibility
Blood Staphylococcus aureus
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF); Fluids Bacteria; Pathogenic microorganisms
Bacteria; Erythrocytes (red blood cells, RBC); Leucocytes (white blood cells, WBC); Pathogenic microorganisms
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF); Urine Streptococcus pneumoniae antigen
Genital swabs; Rectal swabs; Vaginal swabs Streptococcus group B screening
Human breast milk Cultured pathogens identification; Quantification of pathogens in breast milk before and after pasteurisation
Urine Bacteria; Pathogenic microorganisms
Bacteria; Casts; Crystals; Epithelial cells; Erythrocytes (red blood cells, RBC); Leucocytes (white blood cells, WBC); Pathogenic microorganisms
Bilirubin; Glucose; Ketones; Leucocyte esterase; Nitrite; Proteins; Specific gravity; Urobilinogen; pH
Casts; Crystals; Epithelial cells; Erythrocytes (red blood cells, RBC); Leucocytes (white blood cells, WBC)
Microbiology - Bacteriology - Detection of pathogenic bacteria for epidemiological infection control surveillance Bacterial isolates; Infection control swabs Carbapenem resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE); Extended spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL); Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA); Vancomycin resistant Enterococci (VRE)
Carbapenem resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE); Extended spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL); Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA); Vancomycin resistant Enterococci (VRE)
Microbiology - Environmental investigations and/or infection control (Clinical non-human testing) Air Bacterial growth - Sterility
Air; Dialysis waters; Environmental swabs; Gastrointestinal endoscopes; Spore strips Bacterial growth - Sterility
Bacterial growth - Sterility
Environmental swabs Bacterial organism identification - Carbapenem resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE); Bacterial organism identification - Extended spectrum β-lactamases (ESBL); Bacterial organism identification - Metallo-β-lactamase (MBL) carbapenemase; Bacterial organism identification - Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA); Bacterial organism identification - Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE)
Bacterial organism identification - Carbapenem resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE); Bacterial organism identification - Extended spectrum β-lactamases (ESBL); Bacterial organism identification - Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA); Bacterial organism identification - Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE)
Infection control swabs Yeast organism identification - Candida auris
Yeast organism identification - Candida auris
Microbiology - Molecular biology - Detection, characterisation and/or quantitation of microbial nucleic acids (bacteria) Aspirates; Bronchial washings; Bronchoalveolar lavage; Nasopharyngeal aspirate; Nasopharyngeal swabs; Sputum Bordetella bronchiseptica; Bordetella holmesii; Bordetella parapertussis; Bordetella pertussis; Chlamydophila pneumoniae; Chlamydophila psittaci; Legionella longbeachae; Legionella pneumophila; Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Bacterial isolates Vancomycin resistant Enterococci (VRE)
Blood Staphylococcus aureus
Faeces Campylobacter coli; Campylobacter jejuni; Campylobacter spp.; Clostridioides difficile; Escherichia coli - Enteroinvasive (EIEC); Salmonella spp.; Shigella spp.; Shiga toxin
Genital swabs; Urine Chlamydia trachomatis; Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Chlamydia trachomatis; Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Microbiology - Molecular biology - Detection, characterisation and/or quantitation of microbial nucleic acids (fungi) Bronchial washings; Nasopharyngeal aspirate; Respiratory swabs Pneumocystis jirovecii
Microbiology - Molecular biology - Detection, characterisation and/or quantitation of microbial nucleic acids (mycobacteria) Bronchial washings; Bronchoalveolar lavage; Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF); Nasopharyngeal aspirate; Respiratory specimens; Sputum Mycobacterium tuberculosis; Mycobacterium rifampicin resistance rpoB
Mycobacterium rifampicin resistance rpoB
Microbiology - Molecular biology - Detection, characterisation and/or quantitation of microbial nucleic acids (protozoan parasites) Faeces Cryptosporidium hominis; Cryptosporidium parvum; Entamoeba histolytica; Giardia lamblia
Microbiology - Molecular biology - Detection, characterisation and/or quantitation of microbial nucleic acids (viruses) Aspirates; Bronchial washings; Bronchoalveolar lavage; Dry swabs; Nasopharyngeal aspirate; Nasopharyngeal swabs; Sputum; Throat swabs Adenovirus; Enterovirus; Human metapneumovirus; Influenza A virus; Influenza B virus; Parainfluenza virus type 1/2/3/4; Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) A/B; Rhinovirus
Blood Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
Blood; Bronchoalveolar lavage; Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF); Faeces; Nasopharyngeal swabs; Saliva; Throat swabs; Tissues; Urine Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) Enterovirus; Epstein-Barr virus​​​​; Herpes simplex virus (HSV); Varicella zoster virus (VZV)
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF); Dry swabs; Eye swabs; Faeces; Fluids Enterovirus
Dry swabs; Eye swabs; Genital swabs Herpes simplex virus (HSV); Varicella zoster virus (VZV)
Faeces Adenovirus; Astrovirus; Norovirus; Rotavirus; Sapovirus
Liquid based cytology specimens Human papilloma virus (HPV)
Nasopharyngeal swabs; Saliva; Throat swabs Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, COVID)
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, COVID)
Nasopharyngeal swabs; Throat swabs Influenza A virus; Influenza B virus; Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, COVID)
Influenza A virus; Influenza B virus; Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
Influenza A virus; Influenza B virus; Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV); Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, COVID)
Plasma Hepatitis B virus (HBV) viral load; Hepatitis C virus (HCV) viral load
Microbiology - Molecular biology - Microbial DNA and/or RNA extraction Isolates Purified PCR product
Microbiology - Molecular biology - Quantitation of microbial nucleic acids Plasma Hepatitis C virus (HCV) viral load
Microbiology - Mycobacteriology - Detection and identification of mycobacteria Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF); Isolates; Other body fluids; Respiratory specimens; Sputum; Tissues; Urine Mycobacteria detection
Microbiology - Mycobacteriology - Tests for antigen lymphocyte stimulation Blood Mycobacterial antigen lymphocyte stimulation
Microbiology - Mycology - Detection, isolation and/or identification of yeasts and/or fungal elements Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF); Serum Cryptococcus antigen
General swabs; Hair; Nails; Skin; Skin scrapings; Tissues Fungi identification; Fungi susceptibility; Yeast detection; Yeast susceptibility
Isolates Fungi identification; Fungi susceptibility; Yeast susceptibility; Yeasts identification
Microbiology - Parasitology - Detection of ova, cysts and parasites Faeces Cysts; Ova; Parasites
Skin scrapings Scabies
Microbiology - Serology of infection - Microbial antibody and/or antigen detection and/or quantitation Serum Hepatitis C virus (HCV)
Cytomegalovirus (CMV); Epstein-Barr virus IgG antibody; Epstein-Barr virus IgM antibody; Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen; Epstein-Barr virus viral capsid antigen; Hepatitis A virus antibody (anti-HAV) - IgG; Hepatitis A virus antibody (anti-HAV) - IgM; Hepatitis B virus core antibody (anti-HBc) - IgG; Hepatitis B virus core antibody (anti-HBc) - IgM; Hepatitis B virus surface antibody (anti-HBs); Hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBs Ag); Hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBs Ag) - Confirmatory; Hepatitis C virus (HCV); Hepatitis C virus antibody (anti-HCV) - IgG; Herpes simplex virus (HSV); Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV); Measles virus; Mumps virus; Mycoplasma spp.; Parvovirus; Rubella IgG antibody; Syphilis Treponema pallidum antibody; Toxoplasma; Varicella zoster virus (VZV)
Dengue virus​​​​
Operating Theatre

ISO 15189 (2022)

Human Pathology

Medicare expiry date

16 Jul 2026

Last Activity Date

22 Aug 2024

Service Product Determinant
Chemical pathology - Quantitation of blood gases and other measurements (performed on the same specimen) Blood Calcium; Carboxyhaemoglobin; Chloride; Deoxyhaemoglobin (HHb); Glucose; Haemoglobin (Hb); Lactate; Methaemoglobin (MetHb); Oxygen saturation (sO2); Oxyhaemoglobin; Partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2); Partial pressure of oxygen (PO2); Potassium; Sodium; pH
Stem Cell Transplantation

ISO 15189 (2022)

Human Pathology

Medicare expiry date

16 Jul 2026

Last Activity Date

22 Aug 2024

Service Product Determinant
Immunopathology - Procedures related to the collection, processing, storage and issue of human haemopoietic progenitor cellsAllogeneic collection and/or processing; Autologous collection and/or processing; Products received from AN 17354 SN 19104; Donor lymphocytes; Haemopoietic progenitor cells Processing; Storage (includes freezing/thawing)

ISO 15189 (2022)

Human Pathology

Medicare expiry date

16 Jul 2026

Last Activity Date

22 Aug 2024

Service Product Determinant
Haematology - Investigation of haemolysis Blood Cold agglutinins
Immunohaematology - Blood grouping Blood ABO; RhD
Immunohaematology - Determination of compatibility of blood donor units Blood Electronic crossmatch; Group checks of patient and donor; Immediate spin crossmatch; Indirect antiglobulin test (IAT)
Immunohaematology - Identification and quantitation of blood group antibodies Blood Antibody titration
Antibody elution
Direct antiglobulin test (DAT, direct Coombs test); Other blood group antibodies; Red blood cell phenotyping; Rh
Immunohaematology - Investigation of blood transfusion reactions Blood; Blood products Antibodies; Contamination - Microbiological
Immunohaematology - Issue and release of blood and blood product for transfusion Blood; Cryoprecipitate; Fresh frozen plasma (FFP); Platelets Issue and release of blood and blood products for transfusion
Immunohaematology - Storage and distribution of blood and blood components Blood products Issue and release of blood and blood products for transfusion

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